
Substitution Quotes

There are 256 quotes

"We may not want to replace one thing with another, even if the new thing is of greater value."
"If we find God to be sold dull or insignificant, that we must substitute other things that truly satisfy us more than he does, we offend him and destroy ourselves."
"There isn't a single real-world use for gold where you can substitute Bitcoin."
"I started doing improv... It replaced my love of drugs and that high."
"He's not just a poacher, Cavani comes off the bench and gets a contribution."
"That's just the epitome of it, we lose two to injury and Salah comes on."
"I thought the Greelish substitution on 65 minutes was a really clever move."
"Torchlight 2 became Diablo 3 for me and my friends."
"We are Barabbas in the story. Jesus took our place."
"Fake tree instead of the bamboo, that's a great idea."
"I remember running to the gym... I was just feeding my addiction with something else."
"He was a substitute for justice and judgment."
"I guess the point is... you're substituting one innocent person for another."
"He substituted the thinkers with right-wing media people."
"If you are replacing it with nuts, seeds, fatty fish if you eat seafood or whole grains, then you are going to be lowering your risk of heart disease."
"But the biggest tip I can give you is to replace it with something that's just as delicious but way healthier."
"There is no substitution for immaturity."
"Replace the coffee with sea moss."
"Given the benefits of the stuff, I was using it as a substitute for drinking water."
"...it works well as a zero carb noodle replacement."
"You understood that He was dying in your place, that your sins were imputed to Him, so that His righteousness could be imputed to you."
"I think perhaps the way to look at electric bikes is not as a bike replacement; they're a car replacement."
"You can replace it with zucchini, you can do asparagus, you can do anything, be creative."
"Papa Cap is injured but uh, you might uh pinch hit a little bit."
"...some of the swaps that I'm making are things that maybe aren't necessarily essential but that if we're being honest a lot of us are purchasing especially in a family kitchen."
"...if you are looking for something to swap out that is still going to give you that sweetness and that crunchiness might I recommend these they're the stoer animal cookies."
"If your product only gives a 10 second delay, you put a table or a chair next to the door, it's exactly the same."
"The point is, we want to make associations and apply the law of substitution as well."
"WWE were in a bind and bringing in Batista as a substitute at least meant they were replacing the bionic redneck with someone else who had legitimate star power."
"Jesus died as our substitute. The righteous one takes the sins of the unrighteous."
"Therapy is unfortunately, I think a lot of our people substitute church for therapy and they're two very different things."
"This isn't my ideal milk; it has sugar in it, but I didn't feel like making my own this week, so I just got one carton to kind of bulk up our oatmeal."
"Honestly, you guys, I was at the grocery store, like grocery shopping when we first got here and they didn't have like bottled iced coffee or like cold brew, so I had to get instant coffee."
"No lake trout, but we'll take brown bass all day."
"...the Buckeyes the defending national champions and now it is not Krenzel it's Scott McMullen coming out to run the show."
"Embrace the gift of Jesus as your substitute to enjoy peace with God."
"The replacements I have for them are keeping me from buying what I used to buy."
"Ruby Soho beat Alexia Nicole and apparently Alexia took Brit Baker's place because she was sick."
"I think we're going to start buying marshmallows instead of that old chicken."
"For example, over here we can sub out the tomato sauce base for barbecue sauce or peri-peri sauce."
"Sin separates us from God. How could he do it? The only way he could do it was through substitution."
"In lieu of anchovies, I'll be using capers, it adds that briny kind of salty flavor."
"I think I put the same amount of space because I was going to get more but they didn't have it in stock."
"Mark is keen to give Archie a chance to cut his teeth in defense, knowing that Joe Cook can't play against his parent club, Chesterfield, at the weekend. He needs some extra bites in midfield, hence the introduction of Alfie Egan."
"Liberty was more adaptable than people think. He could interchange players. He lost Horning and Taylor and he came up with Grabowski and Anderson."
"He didn't replace Himself with a person."
"So what you've done is trade one addiction for another."
"And as Jesus died he took my place and he put me in his place."
"I'm dating this guy in lieu of Lou."
"Well then, we're going to have to find a replacement for Psycho."
"Do you have something that could substitute or be an alternative? My answer is yes."
"No luck on the propane tank, but we did get two bags of fertilizer for our toilet."
"I made sure that I cut those out. So instead of using Crisco for shortening, I switched out instead to organic coconut oil."
"Instead of drinking more or eating more, I picked up yoga."
"We should ensure that all children behave consistently so we can substitute any of the children in the classes that use them to still be correct."
"Every time we score today, we replace the defender with a superior already-claimed video."
"The major key is somehow finding what your favorite thing is that triggers you and then you realize that you don't need the real thing you need something that hits that same spot."
"Begrudgingly, they opted for the replacement camera operator."
"...so if you feeling yourself like I said too you can substitute it now look look at the ingredients it's simple contains coconut oil and sea salt that's it yeah it's alternative man."
"Salmon patties, if you can trade out hamburger for salmon patties, your brain will be amazed and so happy."
"Drugs are being replaced with hard work. Hard work is being replaced by drugs."
"He lays down his life for us in our place, in our stead."
"Through the sin-bearing substitutionary death of Jesus Christ upon the cross, he alone has appeased the righteous anger of God toward us."
"He took my place and ran a course I could not start."
"But Jesus ushers the sinner into Your presence by taking the sinner's place."
"Recovery is not just about eliminating something, you have to put something in its place."
"Vincent Smith back in as the running back."
"Powdered milk is an excellent substitute for fresh milk."
"Now, don't worry if you don't have powdered sugar. If you have regular sugar and a blender, you can just whirl the regular sugar in your blender, and it'll turn into powdered sugar."
"In an emergency situation without Refrigeration, you may not have butter. If you don't have canned butter you could try butter powder instead of the fresh butter or you could just leave out the butter and it would just be a little bit less Rich."
"He's the second of the two so logically speaking when the first is not there the second must come and stand in his place."
"They just swapped him with Brock, I guess it makes sense though she's the water person right like she's the water type gym leader."
"I absolutely love using the tofu like the turkey here. It works out so well."
"These soy curls are an awesome replacement for vegan beef."
"Find an alcohol-free beer that scratches the itch for you."
"If you're looking to swap out alcohol, it's a healthy alternative."
"So he's always substituting War for love it's the opposite."
"Christ died as my substitute in my place and in my stead."
"...basically, they've knocked on my door and asked for cocaine, and I've given them a little bag of marijuana."
"The goal isn't to quit weed to trade it for another addiction."
"If you're trying to get off drugs, just keep pushing and find some other [__] to fill in the gaps."
"He would have been a top five ho ho ho Sant to the day off today so you sub in for Santa bro in a video is this sing a slay or something."
"Instead of just trying to battle the problem, you have to replace it with something good."
"If you can't find pork shoulder, buy pork butt because it comes from the same part of the pig."
"Bring on Ronaldo as a substitute of like 10 minutes to go. Ronaldo refuses."
"The sum and substance of the gospel lies in the word substitution, Christ standing in the place of man."
"Who needs buckets of milk when you've got buckets of aelott?"
"The war was just a mode of substitution, a means to substitute the anguish produced by 9/11 for something that could be readily understood."
"The recipe calls for 60% cacao. I can only find the 56%, so we're going with that."
"you don't have to like throw everything out and try everything new we also want to make people realize you've spent money on something just start experimenting with another product that substitutes for that that might be fine"
"Jesus stood in for us, took the blame, took the rap, took the punishment. He became proxy for us."
"God treated Jesus like we deserve to be treated, so he could treat us like Jesus deserves to be treated."
"I reject your reality and I substitute my own."
"Sorry North, no tubes for you, but how about some cones?"
"I'm out and I died in the lead, a brother Markieff Morris type situation where he got way too hurt the first round then they just subbed in one of his brother's hands it on his head."
"I replaced like Gideon was in my position when I went out and he tried to pick up the ball at the start of the match."
"Switches. You can substitute it with a push-button switch as long as the push-button switch meets your needs."
"The deepest truest love that you could ever know or experience is substitutionary love."
"He said I don't drink coffee, I just have my Panera lemonade."
"I didn't get a divorce and I didn't get a doughnut, so I guess I did get a coffee."
"I think you should be able to substitute that song."
"I sort of substituted one addiction for another."
"It means it works perfectly as a substitution and because of the nature of dominant chord being inherently dissonant and unstable adding those non-diatonic chord tones back in only enhances that dissonance instability and therefore works perfectly."
"Humans can substitute for nature."
"Couldn't get a hold of our usual corn sausages."
"I always have people in my meal in a jar group who are asking about a substitute for a sauce mix."
"Thing I'd ble my boyfriend for was if they were watching corn. I have to say corn cuz I don't think I'm actually allowed to say the word."
"Jesus took my place so I could take His."
"If you're a soda drinker and you like carbonated beverages, replacing soda with kombucha in moderation is a healthy substitution."
"He stands in your shoes. He takes the sin, the hell, the degradation, all that we have coming." - He stands in your shoes.
"So an innocent man is substituted for a guilty man."
"I will give other men in your place and other people in exchange for your life."
"He is a saving servant because he substituted."
"Yousef's eager to get back on the pitch. He's playing well with his debut and Coach Henrique is just yanking him back."
"Guardiola replaced Sergio Aguero's goals by turning all of his attackers into dual threats."
"If you want to replace P with H plus B plus C, so you can also use this formula."
"So, X equals 2K, double both sides. And then I'm going to substitute 2K in for X."
"She would become the number one hero in his place."
"Whoever you choose or whatever you choose against Christ is your Barabbas."
"I've actually replaced my morning coffee with ag1 and it gives me such better sustainable energy."
"Obviously, Benji and I gutted that the dining plan is not currently running. We instead got dining credit."
"...so if you can't do level four, then just stack some level three plus. No, don't do that, just get a level four plate, you'll be fine."
"This temporary substitution is what's known as a virtual noble phantasm."
"I don't have to remind you that I'm only standing in for Deirdre. If you're trying to provoke me to walk out of this shop and never come back, you're going the right way about it, Mr. Scott."
"Van Heex, should I replace with Braun Fight or a double game rep player?"
"You took their place, you who are sweeter than all pleasure."
"A substitute is something that people can buy if, for some reason, your product or service is not desirable."
"We can use benzyne's to do nucleophilic aromatic substitution."
"I didn't use salt, I used capers. It overpowers the chicken."
"Now, I don't have a chloride or bromide leaving group anymore. I now have a carboxylate leaving group."
"If you want to make this mix right now and you don't have cream of tartar in your pantry, you can use baking powder."
"Here's why I'm doing that: if I have V squared plus 1 and I can make this look like V squared plus 1 by the factor not a negative, maybe a substitution will work when we integrate."
"He took your curse, he took your place, he became everything he didn't want you to become for you."
"Disclaimer: I'm not really drinking Pepto Bismol, I'm about to put strawberry milk in place of this."
"Anything you would use ground beef, you can sub out pulled pork."
"Intimacy achieved through screens isn't a substitute for real connections."
"It is no longer a question of imitation, nor duplication, or even parody; it is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real."
"Applesauce is a really awesome egg replacer because apples have pectin."
"I am AJ Hawk sitting in for Pat McAfee on the Pat McAfee Show."
"We're all about like subbing in healthier things into less healthy foods so that we can still enjoy life."
"I'm using my bike primarily to replace a car."
"I love how this lychee red tea takes the place of that watermelon fragrance beautifully."
"One thing that I've learned over the years of cooking is that usually you can substitute without a whole lot of issues."
"Don't be afraid to substitute if you need to; you might find something that even tastes or works better."
"I look at my bead addiction as a replacement for that other more expensive girl stuff that I don't do."
"The substitution principle is that when we face a difficult question, quite often System One associatively has an answer to an easier question, not quite the same but related, and it substitutes the answer to the easy question for the harder one."
"He made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf."
"What a good substitution Perry Groves has been."
"I have to be careful not to just replace it with something else that's bad for me."
"Sergio Aguero has come on for his fellow Argentine Carlos Tevez, who left the pitch with a big smile on his face, waving to the crowd."
"Substitutions don't get much better than that."
"The good news is that Jesus Christ took our place for all of our wrongdoings or sins."
"So today, I'm going to be making a recipe that takes potatoes and transforms them into a maple syrup substitute."
"Could it completely replace your gym membership? 100%."
"You're doing an admirable job filling in."
"Once there was no Batman in the city, Batwoman took the suit and decided that she would try to save the day."
"We are lost if Jesus is not our substitute."
"When you recognize that there may be a negative craving here, you can substitute it with positive craving like positive dopamine releasing foods, positive dopamine releasing activities."
"I got the Hoisin duck wrap because I wanted the roasted vegetable and pesto one."
"As Abraham obeyed, an angel intervened, providing a ram as a substitute."
"I love butternut squash; you may even be able to substitute this for pumpkin if you love pumpkin too."
"Christ died as a substitute, that means Christ actually died in our place."
"...the major mythologies constructed in the west since the early 19th century are not only attempts to fill the emptiness left by the decay of christian theology...they are themselves a kind of substitute theology."
"Technically, hiragana characters could also be used to substitute kanji characters that you don't know how to write."
"It totally acts as a meal replacement."
"You can't substitute quantity for quality."
"The marginal rate of substitution is the ratio of the marginal utility of the x-axis good to the marginal utility of the y-axis good."
"I added cinnamon because it didn't say to add cinnamon, it said to use nutmeg, and I thought, 'Well, that just ain't right.'"
"When we swap in olive oil for butter, it's not just a flavor change."
"Every time they sacrificed an animal, it was a reminder somebody's got to stand in for me, somebody has to be my substitute."
"I am your host for today, filling in for the remarkable Joe Guerrero."
"Sometimes recipes call for all-purpose flour, but cornstarch really helps to break that down and make it a little more familiar as to cake flour."
"Sometimes they threaten you with something... you can't stand up to, can't even think about. And then you say, 'Do it to somebody else, do it to so-and-so.'"
"God was going to save the human race by providing a substitute for sinners."
"Metonymy is a word that is used as a substitute for a closely related word."
"Thank you so much to Dr. Evie Jagoda for filling in, they did a great job, fantastic."
"He was dying as a substitute for us; to Him was imputed the guilt of our sins."
"Two goals for Hosu off the bench, Ancel does it again. This is why Ancel is Ancel, bro."
"Aromaticity is a huge driving force in these electrophilic aromatic substitutions."
"From the start, I would be the substitute; I just didn't know it would be this much fun."
"Diminishing marginal rate of substitution tells us that the more of good X we have, the less willing we are to give up units of Y for it."
"Considering our use of oatmeal instead of regular milk, tapioca instead of an egg, and raspberries instead of blueberries, considering all those things, these are delicious."
"I ordered a white peach ginger bubbly flavor but they didn't have it, so they substituted for the mango passion fruit bubbly bounce."
"All the subtypes must be substitutable of the base type."
"He took the place of Barabbas, but Barabbas only represented us."
"There was meant to be a reviewer at the show, but he'd double booked himself, so he sent his dad along instead."
"It was child's play for Kakashi to replace himself with Naruto instead at the last moment."
"A quarter cup of seltzer water replaces one egg, so we're going to try it with a plain brownie mix."
"We know that two tablespoons of buttermilk equals one egg in a recipe."
"Jesus died as a substitute to satisfy divine justice."
"Jesus Christ is the substitute for all things, but nothing can substitute for Jesus Christ."
"Not bad," thought Naruto and substituted himself with a nearby log.
"He was a late replacement for this team, but what a replacement."
"He stands in our place, enhances us, and we become more glorious than ever."
"When you substitute ortho and para, Y is either gonna make that carbocation great or it's gonna make that carbocation really suck."
"He carried our sin to the cross. He carried our sickness to the cross. He carried our griefs to the cross, and He died as our substitute."
"99% of restaurants in the US actually use regular horseradish instead of wasabi."
"Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son."
"Knowing that X is 8, we now do is we need to put X equals 8 into one of the initial equations."
"He is our satisfaction; he is our substitute."