
Speculative Analysis Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"We're definitely going to experience the consequences of this whether we make the right decision like Argentina has potentially made I don't know."
"Reparation proposals are incoherent because they rest on the speculative notion that descendants of slaves are in a worse place today than they otherwise would have been if their ancestors were never enslaved."
"I feel like they did the incest math... it's fine more things have happened."
"Are any of these things huge gaping holes that absolutely guarantee that the raid on Onigashima is going to fail? No."
"What would society actually look like without these people intentionally ruining it for us?"
"In my opinion, no. But it could come really really close. It's really mimicking 2017."
"Let's hope that possibility doesn't come true, but will Russia's continued loss of tanks be a defining factor in the outcome of the Russian-Ukraine war?"
"Pre-season gossip around car performances is just noise."
"The problem with predictions... they assume you know a whole bunch of stuff that you really don't."
"So what made him snap and suddenly decide to shoot people instead of Buffalo and donkeys and things?"
"They want the audience to interact with it, theorize, and be left questioning things."
"Experts like Azasha believe that UFO events like this crash, as well as the 1948 Russian Roswell crash, caused a Pandora's Box to open over Kapustin Yar."
"Asha doesn't seem to me like the kind of girl who's just gonna be like 'let's go on an adventure tonight and see where where the road takes us.' She had to have had a destination in mind."
"Why would Russia have to Scuttle Nordstrom unless it's because it's about to Annex part of Ukraine and go completely crazy and start dropping thermobarics on civilian targets?"
"Regardless of how authentic the datamine is, the colored button layout on a next-gen switch makes a lot of sense."
"The result of the Squid Game Death Games existing in Death Note would actually be a really interesting dissection."
"It very much reminds me of her, and so it would make the most sense that if a singular person were controlling Doctor Strange, that it's Wanda who's doing it."
"It's a fascinating what-if scenario that came really came that close to actually happening."
"This is clearly the outlier...but it's maybe a glimpse at what Intel could do."
"Well, I have so many thoughts about this but my Rob stus, I will put on my Rob stradamus hat and I would say that it makes sense to me that this the Fantastic Four come from an alternate the world of the future today."
"But also that there’s more going on with Sans than meets the eye."
"Could the same force 30 years apart have driven both aircraft into the side of a mountain?"
"But here's the kicker. I bet if he tried hard enough, Neo would be able to do so so much more in the real world with his powers."
"Could you imagine him fighting in the defensive grind of the Overland Campaign?"
"With everything we've taken a look at today, there are so many unanswered questions about evil Morty and his plans."
"Would Star Wars be as big of a phenomenon today if Empire and Return of the Jedi hadn't come out? No, it wouldn't be as big, but we would still be talking about that first Star Wars movie."
"Are Harry and Draco truly the perfect match made in whatever obscure afterlife this is supposed to be?"
"Calling it now, 1:59 is where that figure will reveal Ray's origins."
"Aaron's State of Mind is probably crazier than we might even be imagining."
"I just really wanted to throw this idea out there: Does not appear to be armament haki to me."
"But at the moment, I think we'd have to say it probably is."
"Elon being out of the picture completely... changes the trajectory of Tesla."
"Sure some of this is speculation but hopefully the evidence provided will serve as a thought-provoking look into the world of Central Bank digital currencies..."
"if blank were to be the case what would the world look like"
"Some of these changes would have made Fallout 3 into an even better game."
"Not sure why they'd be tuning a weapon that isn't used, but hopefully this also hints at some plans to add it in the future."
"I'm gonna go with hammer Loki, just because I'm most intrigued by him. And I wonder if his hammer is a version of Mjolnir from his timeline."
"Was the war with Germany truly over or had it simply completed the opening phase of a much larger covert operation?"
"How do we know that a quicker establishment of natural immunity wouldn't have provided the virus with less pathways of transmission?"
"While the evidence to support the possibility of the Kakora Dons being a Raven Guard successor chapter appears to be overwhelming..."
"Some of the more interesting what-ifs in gaming and a great case of wasted potential."
"Wouldn't it be great if we could actually quantify the power levels in One Piece?"
"What would be the next GTA update? Based on the patterns we've seen for the past couple years."
"Yo wait what yo, no strength mochi from the purest Donuts. Now Luffy is going for the Rhino Schneider but cada Curry's hand appears to be multi, maybe it's actually or I'm not too sure."
"So what do you make of this bizarre sighting, technical glitch, or genuine time traveler?"
"There's definitely something interesting going on here. It will be very interesting if Netflix and PlayStation do end up partnering."
"Could it be the very same pistol we saw at the end of Predator 2? If so, will the backstory of the 1718 comic be retconned? Or, is a pistol just a pistol?"
"I'm interested to see how this wrecks New York's economy."
"And I don't know if it was just me, but I'm pretty sure Aiden was stronger and faster and more agile."
"Describing Jon as having black ice armor could be a sneaky way for George to foreshadow Jon getting Valyrian steel armor."