
Medical Urgency Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"If the fetal scalp pH is less than 7.2, you're delivering that baby right away, c-section."
"Every hour sepsis is delayed, literally every hour sepsis is delayed, the probability of death increases."
"Cancer is a heartbreaking, life-shattering disease that needs a cure."
"Emergency services save lives, it's what they do."
"Breathing rate is now right up on this... she's in trouble."
"If their gfr is getting so low to the point where they are at stage four stage five and they're very anuric or severely oligarch and they're barely making any urine you may have to progress to dialysis."
"If that child's body temperature wasn't what it was, we would never have been able to save her."
"Becky was diagnosed with anorexia... almost hospitalized because she was that underweight."
"Doctors often talk about the golden hour where if a trauma victim can be on a surgical table within an hour that person's life can likely be saved."
"By the grace of God, he was able to get medical attention right away."
"This is really important. RSV is a horrible disease."
"Stroke is a brain attack, requires immediate treatment."
"Stroke requires emergency treatment like a heart attack."
"Always report any new rash or skin peeling immediately."
"It became evident that everyone was fighting against the clock to keep him alive."
"We're their last hope, generally by the time they get to us they're in extreme pain."
"A fast increase in the number of lesions, if they're growing by 50% here of the 48 hours."
"It got so bad... if I didn't do something... I was on the verge of hospitalization."
"Getting it right could be a matter of life and death for them and their patients."
"Once we have the vaccine fully approved, they will start the process and they will get it out very very quickly all over the country and maybe beyond if it works as we think it probably will."
"Look if it's you or someone you love who's on that operating table and it's life or death."
"People are dying from simple things that we could easily treat."
"She was rushing around that morning because her husband had recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and she needed to get him to a clinic across town by 8:30 a.m for his first round of radiation."
"The stakes are high because untreated damage is permanent."
"This was an infection that needed to be treated with great care." - Dr. George Weaver
"The doctor came in and I go hey this is escalating real and I'm still can't breathe I go am I gonna make it and he goes we'll know in two days"
"For every minute we delay defibrillation, survival goes down by 3 to 4 percent."
"Bleeding is the number one cause of preventable death."
"It's actually a big deal because the difference between a two and a three is actually go away and come back in a year versus we better get you into the clinic next week." - Jeff Dean
"The only way to save one person who will have already shown the first symptoms will be through this."
"Had they waited any longer, Mark probably wouldn't have survived."
"We should get out of the car then, we should get them to the medical center as fast as possible. You got it, chief!"
"It's absolutely critical that we recognize sepsis, we diagnose it, and we start treatment within the first hour."
"I knew how rare my case was and I just wanted this massive tumor out of me."
"There's such an urgency to develop more time and resources into treating and researching this disease."
"Acute pancreatitis can be associated with severe morbidity and mortality. Prompt recognition and triage is the key."
"Fast recognition and rapid treatment are the keys to patients doing well."
"Please, I beg, if you do not give IV medications to these patients, you will lower the blood pressure too quickly and risk causing harm."
"Giant cell arteritis... if it is not recognized it can be potentially vision threatening and even lethal."
"In the first 24 hours, it's extremely important, and we want to save as much penumbra as we can."
"The chance of living drops 10% for every minute that you're not breathing."
"While many of your patients will have a benign cause for their abdominal pain, some will present with serious causes that will require quick surgical intervention which could be life-saving."
"Every single second matters with Strokes just like it does with heart attacks; time is brain."
"...if retinal detachment is not treated as soon as possible, it can lead to blindness."
"Fluid and electrolytes will kill a patient much quicker than being malnourished, much quicker than worrying about your body image, much quicker than self-care deficit."
"Without the surgery, she may not make it through this year. It really is going to be a lifesaver for her."
"Sepsis is a medical emergency and we need to respond as such."
"Cancer doesn't wait, so we have to be careful that we treat appropriately, we treat for curative intent if that's the case."
"The sooner we can get a patient ready for surgery and safe for surgery, that surgery should be done as quickly as possible."
"Early recognition is the key to survival... think of sepsis, particularly septic shock, as a code event."
"For every minute of brain ischemia, 1.9 million neurons are lost."
"We should always assume status epilepticus at five minutes of seizure activity or longer."
"Save a life, minutes between life and death for your patient, and also life and anoxic brain injury."
"Physical examination is one of the most crucial parts, and this is a stroke patient, so physical exam becomes even more crucial."
"As soon as we identify a dissection, this is the one time we treat that blood pressure immediately."
"If anybody's saying chest pain and they pick one of those two words, tearing or ripping, we want to really quickly be evaluating those patients."
"Hypoglycemia requires urgent treatment."
"If you have acute severe mitral regurgitation due to a damage in the mitral valve apparatus and it's causing severe heart failure, you go in and operate."
"Epinephrine must be administered immediately if these symptoms are present."
"Jackson would need a transplant, or he wouldn't reach his 19th birthday."
"It's very important to pick it up early and to treat aggressively."
"Come on Team, let's get on top of it; this man did not win an Olympic medal to breathe his last on my table."
"I want a chest x-ray; we need to establish any potential damage to the aorta before any surgery."
"Time lost is brain lost in acute stroke."
"The likelihood of surviving without a liver transplant is less than 50%."