
Corporate Decisions Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"I'm sure that Apple has its reasons, but it's kind of an [expletive] move to fire Siri in the middle of a pandemic." - Narrator
"I think it's great to just hear from you guys on really why you guys are making decisions and the stuff that goes behind it."
"Netflix's decision to fire Spacey wasn't unsurprising."
"Microsoft had fired their entire AI ethics team, removing the brakes on AI development."
"Twitter Executives did ban Trump, even though key staffers said Trump had not incited violence."
"The decision is being driven from the top, woke executives or venture capitalists pushing ESG policies."
"Review bombing is a consequence of the decisions made by the companies. People have a right to express their opinions, whether positive or negative."
"I hope they do that, that the company made fortune on Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse decide to go all in and have non-binary Mouse and see their share price plummet even further."
"I don't think capitalism is bad and I don't think it's bad for wizards of the coast to be a business and to make business decisions."
"NME has announced the closure of both Colonial Hills and Laurelwood hospitals."
"Nintendo just abruptly shut down Smash World Tour, a massive competitive Smash circuit."
"The purpose of casting him out wasn't to settle a lawsuit, it was because they really didn't like what he was saying."
"Just tell me that you're not going to ship a charger in the box because you don't [ __ ] want to."
"The Vibes and music are immaculate, shame that Epic has decided to more or less abandon their own history."
"If people want to make changes and companies decide to make changes, that should be a positive thing."
"It wouldn't shock me if this was something they were going to implement."
"But since it's such a big part of the DNA, I get why they didn't."
"My entire team is gone. I am beyond heartbroken. They deserve better."
"The biggest reasons why we could see Tesla accept Cardano."
"If we just get an announcement that Tesla's accepting Cardano, we would see Cardano explode."
"It's bad because this is a clear indication that riot games is conceding."
"Rockstar's attempt at riding a wrong in this case, a money glitch that was accidentally pushed into the game, was to delete people's accounts and massively ban them."
"Money talks and BS walks. Zion's bank, why did they pull out? Because money talks and they looked at it and said the amount we're sponsoring this for and the amount we're going to lose over this is not worth it."
"They know that people don't like this but they're choosing to do it anyway, and that's what's so depressing."
"Sometimes Blizzard does the thing that's not necessarily popular but is ultimately the good decision."
"Overwatch 2 feels like a massive mistake by Blizzard."
"The rear wheel drive long-range version of the Model Y has officially been canceled."
"There's no one thing that determined it. I think a lot of it just came down to where they could cut costs the most."
"When these companies just decide at some point it's time to pull the cord, what happens is that the unemployment rate in America historically it tends to shoot up very very fast."
"So there is the i told you so moment for a lot of people that have been critical of tesla's purchase of bitcoin for environmental reasons."
"Sony quietly pulled the plug on the drowning Incognito in 2009."
"A lot of these companies' decisions are based on monetary things."
"This sounds like an easy reason for them to get her out."
"Was wondering what you guys think of Kellogg's firing all the strikers after they rejected their latest offer. Pretty disgusting."
"This update and decision dice and EA have taken in my opinion is not going to work."
"it's disappointing that sony's letting a lot of this talent go and not finding some way or at least offering a relocation package of some kind to work at another sony team or department"
"It's hard to see why they absolutely needed to cut that many non-development staff."
"But the best part of NBC firing Ron McDaniel... is that the network will most likely have to pay her the entire sum of her $600,000 contract."
"I still play this game, or even really care much about the game closing down, but because of the way they're going about this."
"Good on them for realizing this isn't the guy. He's not the one. We're losing money in stock, we're losing this."
"Blizzard's trend-chasing leads to the abrupt end of Heroes of the Storm's esports league."
"Valve absolutely has the money and resources to fix Team Fortress 2; they're just choosing not to."
"If 5 million [__] stop using Instagram right now they'll reconsider that decision guaranteed."
"Tesla last year dissolved their PR department."
"It's like the company hates themselves or something. They are actively going out of their way to rip out stuff that their fans love that gave their product its identity in favor of being generic."
"The worst day in the history of ESPN: Disney once again laying people off, this time folks on TV on ESPN. The anchors getting the ax. 20 plus people laid off."
"I think if someone does swoop them at a value... the board would vote to not sell it for less than a lead asset value."
"Low sales numbers initially turn Square Enix off of the idea but after a while positive Fan reception is what gradually opened them up to making a sequel."
"They flat-out removed touch IDs, the thing that was super fast accurate reliable."
"Kathleen Kennedy gets a promotion every time. Literally every single time."
"For now, Tesla is canceling his orders and this is likely them showing that they can and will do something about this."
"This whole situation honestly smacks of an executive coming along and realigning a feature set to artificially create value in one product by killing it in another."
"Unfortunately for them, that little company they turned down was called Google."
"Long supply chains are not a mystery... they're a direct result of the private decisions of American corporations to make more profits."
"This is basically a giant [ __ ] you to the entire user base that talks about politics."
"If it were up to CD Projekt Red, they would still keep the game up on the PlayStation store, but Sony has probably told them we need the game in a better state before we can get the game back up."
"Maybe the smartest move they've taken in years."
"Square Enix made all of the wrong decisions and here we are at The Logical destination."
"If Ripple literally turned down a settlement last year, everything makes sense now."
"Classic Warner Brothers, doing what's best for talent instead of the brand. They just gave James Gunn a huge kiss today."
"PlayStation boss Jim Ryan: Starfield Xbox exclusivity is not anti-competitive."
"Every decision that's ever made in a boardroom you can fake like it's about money alone but it's not just about money alone it's about control."
"It's hard to say exactly what each company should do."
"Our dream was to become the mascot now Sony never even when they bought it they never like officially they're like oh it's not a mascot we don't have a mascot like whatever but like everyone assumed it was a mascot."
"Why does Ubisoft make Just Dance a part of their conference every year but refuse to admit they made Uno?"
"This really is a continuation of the Kaby Lake CPUs, but it has to be said, compounding the issue is Intel's crazy decision to remove backwards compatibility."
"I think management is looking to unlock shareholder value through the business split."
"Why would a massive business mess with their core fan base?"
"People made enough of a stink about it that they could not handle the bad PR and scrapped it."
"Sony obviously isn't a rock and a hard place but they have no problem shipping the game on Xbox if that means they get to make it and they get to collect the paycheck from all the copies that they sell."
"Call of Duty took away Nick's skin... we are focused on celebrating Pride."
"Square Enix just, to me, is such a failure that I'm happy that they're selling off and giving it to a company that's not going to make these games exclusive."
"No wired headphones fine but no charger seriously where do they think the iPhones to be plugged in that's nonsense."
"Amazon abandons its warehouse plan because San Diego is considering a worker protection law."
"Amazon rightfully ticked off a lot of people."
"Although Tumblr had been pretty much built by queer and Femme users, the company had no problem making a decision that would negatively impact the loyal people who had stayed on the site for years and created communities."
"Thousands of employees will lose their jobs."
"Nickelodeon passed on Adventure Time multiple times."
"It's gonna shake creative confidence and being like, well, anyone with any power is going to go, well, I could make it with Warner Brothers, but there's a chance that they will just can it."
"Instagram has completely screwed over the photography community."
"...McKinsey's fingerprints were on that as well..."
"Disney willingly changed how the force worked at its core to appease China, a country that doesn't really like Star Wars."
"The Wall Street Journal reports that Vince McMahon has agreed to an out-of-court settlement with former referee Rita ChatOn."
"Disney doesn't even want you to watch this movie, so that tells you how good it is."
"Without Halo, the Xbox project very likely would have been quietly abandoned by Microsoft."
"Disney's firing of Gina Carano was the first shot fired."
"It's a free market, but a whole hell of a lot of people are calling them out on really bad decisions."
"Square Enix cancels Final Fantasy 15 DLC and Hajime Tabata resigns... had been cancelled... fans were pretty sure he was edged out by management." - Rich, WhatCulture Gaming
"It feels like a curious decision, you know? Saying 'yeah, we're going to temporarily take this away from you at the time you want to watch it the most.'"
"I could not be happier with their choice to get rid of him."
"Honestly, all I see this as is another news piece. If Tesla does sell all of its bitcoin, how does that change bitcoin? It doesn't change bitcoin."
"Kathleen Kennedy had been fired, she was going to be allowed to quote-unquote step down, she's gonna leave with dignity and grace, but believe me if Solo was a smash hit she'd still be there today."
"Blizzard have made these decisions; they are not separate entities. These ideas are Blizzard's ideas."
"You're not gonna let a guy that good just walk out of the company."
"The CHR began development back in 2012 but it never actually saw the light of day after Toyota decided to get rid of Scion."
"We've already started releasing the Blue Chip assets."
"Elon Musk fires the overwhelming majority of employees at Twitter and it's a good thing."
"I couldn't help but notice a scoop I mentioned in yesterday's video has been making the rounds about Xbox turning down the KOTOR remake exclusivity."
"It's a bit dodgy using their profits to explore abandoned underground mines."
"If you're an institution like a company or division of a company, you have to make a decision about how to invest your resources."
"Can you imagine the meeting where they had to decide whether to keep Crunchyroll or Funimation? It's very good."
"Under CEO David Zaslav's direction, there have been a series of controversial decisions."
"Perhaps its success can have a positive impact on Warner Brothers' decisions going forward."