
Employment Law Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Employees must have the capacity to act collectively in order to match their employer's clout in setting terms and conditions of employment."
"Election Day isn't a national holiday but people are required to be let off of work for a certain amount of time."
"We must restore the dignity of work by banning non-compete agreements. Workers deserve to be paid what they're worth."
"All those officers should be terminated after an incident like that."
"I think one thing you need to do in this case is talk to a labor lawyer because I think you have a really good case of constructive dismissal."
"As long as there's no undue financial hardship, the religious needs of the worker must be accommodated. That's now the law of the land for all Employers in the United States, government and private."
"The idea that an employer is supposed to tell the government why they're firing an employee - you want to gum up the labor market."
"We actually had to fire him because he's getting paid too much because of the law."
"Our country has a strong historical commitment to free and open debate."
"Judge tells New York City to rehire workers fired for refusing vaccination."
"Personally, I hope they find justice for getting fired just for being pregnant because that's just not fair, and I'm pretty sure that's illegal."
"Right to work is actually right to fire. Right to work is actually no rights for unions."
"Smart legal contracts have the ability to empower employment contracts... it shifts the balance of power that sits unfairly with corporates at the moment."
"MS o Shannon was wrongfully dismissed and her articles were wrongfully terminated."
"Wells Fargo terminated Mr. Vyas' employment in substantial part because of his reporting of retaliation for taking protected medical leave and his decision to internally blow the whistle on Wells Fargo's fraud victim unit account closure scheme."
"It is patently unlawful to consider racial ethnic and sex based characteristics in hiring training promotion and compensation."
"Let's generally normalize writers suing and shame companies violating employment law, not the other way around."
"Employers get used to feeling like they can do whatever they want but they can't."
"Title seven's prohibition of sex discrimination in employment is a major piece of federal civil rights legislation."
"It's not legal in the US to have an employment contract where your fundamental pay and your hours are changed at the whim of the company."
"I think it is a wonderful thing for companies to say... we value families here... It is wrong for a government to come in and say you must do this as a condition of employment."
"Here is the key in employment law for the determination of W-2 employee or 1099: control."
"My manager tried to fire me for bogus reasons until I pointed out exactly how he was breaking the law."
"Bischoff was an at-will employee of WWE, which is different from a contractor."
"Your employer does not have a right to reduce your pay in a significant way. If they do, that's constructive dismissal."
"If an employee is miscategorized as a contractor, you could be subject to big fines and penalty fees."
"An employer is not allowed to change significant terms of employment."
"You cannot be let go because of off-duty conduct; it had no impact on the job."
"Racism, racial discrimination, and employment has been outlawed since the 1960s."
"California passed a law that said you can't enforce a non-compete clauses in employment contracts."
"Benefit sanctions must be liberally and broadly construed for the benefit of unemployed workers."
"We have passed a law called the family leave law which says you can't be fired if you take a little time off when a baby's born or a parent's sick."
"At-will employment is the real cancel culture."
"Your employer can't penalize you for not working if your doctor says you cannot work."
"She's been terminated, she is absolutely owed severance."
"The employer must not, without reasonable and proper cause, conduct itself in a manner calculated and likely to destroy or seriously damage the relationship of trust and confidence between employer and employee."
"To establish a constructive discharge claim, an employee must prove that the employer either intentionally created or knowingly permitted working conditions that were so intolerable or aggravated."
"An employer cannot fire you for engaging in a protected activity."
"The company cannot fire you for a discriminatory reason such as your race, religion, gender, age, or some other characteristic that is protected by state or federal law."
"Acts within the scope of employment include those taken with the intent to further the employee's interest."
"The ADA protects individuals with mental and physical disabilities with respect to all aspects of employment."
"The Wagner Act... workers had the right to join unions and they could not be fired for joining a union."