
Divine Oversight Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"God is in his heavens, we are on the earth which is his footstool. He sees us, there's nothing that is happening that he's missing or that he's not aware of."
"Even if your challenges seem insurmountable, even if things don't always go as planned, I am your God overseeing every aspect of your life."
"He's in charge, and so we don't have to be afraid."
"God has not only everything under control... He certainly is not causing all the evil that we see..."
"Trust the god that is in control of the end times."
"I declare and decree Deuteronomy 28:6 over my life, I will be blessed in my coming in and blessed in my going out because the lion of the tribe of Judah watches over me."
"Jesus is watching out for you, even if you can't see it."
"The day slave's words hint at the hidden corners where the gods' gaze does not fall, where some dream of reforming the world and taking control of their own fate."
"God knows where you're at. God cares about what you're enduring."
"Don't ever give up, all beings are under the watchful eye of the Divine."
"You can fool me, you can fool your friends and family, but you cannot fool God."
"What need I to fear? Such a man only fears the eyes of men and knoweth not that the eyes of the Lord are considering."
"For the true child of God, everything is under control."
"We have much peace, knowing God is watching over us."
"Those who fear not because God's got this under control."
"God is always present with us, watching all that we do, looking over us in a benevolent way."
"There is nothing that you will experience in your life that has not first been vetted by God."
"There is a higher power in the universe that watches these skirmishes between races and its great creation."
"When I pull back and realize that the God of the Bible is overseeing all these things, I have comfort."
"We're trusting in God that he wasn't distracted the day Chloe Chandler died. He saw her, he loved her, he created her, he had a passion for her individual life, and he allowed it to end. And that's okay."
"God is not blind and he's not going to let this slide."
"God sees all, the eyes of the Lord are on the good and the evil."
"Just because he ain't striking you down with a lightning strike every time you step wrong, you think God's stupid?"
"Trust that God sees what is happening in the world today and it is uniting families."
"They feel that this is a connection of healing, intense healing, and that it's watched over by the divine."
"I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eye."
"God is watching. Everything we do should be wrapped up in him."
"God's hand is upon them, He doesn't want you to worry."
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."
"God sees you. He's always faithful in completing the work that he has begun in you."
"The eye of God is on you; He knows your pain."
"There's nobody in the sky watching over us, not God and not Homelander."
"God never takes His eye off of you; He sees everything."
"The day they were gossiping about you, God was listening."
"God will never overlook our character."
"Whether he against whom witness is born be rich or poor, Allah is more regardful of them both than you are."
"God's not done; God sees everything."
"I thank God that He looked beyond my fault and saw my need."
"I cannot fail, God's got His eyes on me."
"I cannot lose, God's got His eyes on me."
"There's a watch over you, there's a hero listens to you, and everything you do is registered in the book of God."
"Every man's way is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts."
"The great Edmund, the god of war, is watching us."
"Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and yet not one of them is forgotten before God?"
"And do not forget kindness among yourselves; surely Allah is all seeing of what you do."
"Believe in the word of God always remember that God's hand is over your life."
"God sees your heart and hears your cry; trust that he is working all things together for your good."
"God has got you; you need to be reminded that God sees what you cannot see."