
Practical Experience Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The best way to learn data science is by doing data science."
"We decided you know what we're just going to have to put some miles on our boots, do it like we're deer hunting."
"The path to leadership should not be through MBA business school situation; it should be work your way up, do useful things." - Elon Musk
"Learning something in a practical way has always been the best way I've found."
"There's miles of difference between theory and experience."
"Experience is always better than an educated guess."
"The best way to learn is not to sit with a tutorial by yourself. It's when someone tells you, 'Hey, can you model this thing?'"
"Resumes, internships... go for substance over resume."
"Boot camps are really a great way to get hands-on experience."
"Sometimes these science guys need to step out of their theory and into the trenches."
"You can learn more in the War Room about the real world in a year than you would ever learn in four years of college."
"Field experience will always Trump classroom experience."
"For those intellectuals in the room, it's one thing to study war and another thing to live on borders."
"You can't read about pushups. You have to do 'em."
"And there I was a criminology student working with a lawyer because that was the path."
"It's not some awful strategic concept decided by some folks that ain't never fought no wars."
"It's awesome Hands-On is always the best way to learn."
"If you're walking into a gym there isn't a textbook on this planet that can teach you intensity."
"There's nothing that will teach you more about code than doing just that."
"Meet in the middle like I try to work with really cool professionals archaeologists on digs."
"Don't dismiss self-tattooing, it can be beneficial to your learning process."
"There's a big difference between thinking about this stuff and actually experiencing it."
"Gaining experience is much more important than the actual degree itself."
"Good to practice those skills as well, not just doing whatever you want."
"Start practicing with your own animals because it will massively expand your experience."
"Always enjoy Brandon's real-world experience."
"The best way to learn how to make a film is to make a film."
"We actually took the opportunity to get in the water, pop the life raft, see if we can get in it, see if we could flip it, you know, see how that really works."
"It's the kind of thing that you're like it seems like a good idea, until you try it."
"You want to get work experience. You can get the knowledge all day, but your biggest Achilles heel right now is experience."
"I've learned that it's way better to shoot slightly early than slightly late."
"This is exactly the kind of real-world testing students experience at s Tech."
"Hands-on practice is insanely valuable."
"Getting out there and actually putting the things that you're prepping and you're practicing into a real-life situation is just going to be beneficial for you all the way around."
"Unlike the internships, the work studies would have the students doing real hero work."
"You're never gonna learn how to be a nurse until you're out there doing the nursing job."
"A lot of people don't teach that way. They just give you the machine, you join the company, and now they say, 'Go ahead, open Active Directory.' So you miss so much."
"Research will provide you with real experience that goes beyond what you're likely to learn in the scope of your high school science curriculum."
"It's a moment we've been looking forward to for a very long time. It puts into real life things that you've just been studying in the classroom."
"It's that practical experience that I know will serve me well in whatever I decide to do after graduation."
"...learn both at the same time because you learn a lot by actually doing... it's also a lot more fun to learn both at the same time..."
"Our students not only get their theory in the classroom but they also can get the hands-on training part here on location."
"You're never going to learn how to be a nurse until you're out there doing the nursing job."
"The best way of learning any database is by getting your hands dirty by pretty much learning the raw commands behind everything you do."
"The best way to learn is hands-on."
"I'm just telling you real world experience; I don't care what things are on paper."
"Without any tutor, this is basically learning by doing."
"We don't just factor the science in, we also factor in our experience."
"By building projects, you not only reinforce your Python skills but also gain practical experience solving problems and working on real-world applications."
"Reviewers are a dime a dozen, and I'd much prefer to listen to someone who actually uses the product."
"Study is a precious opportunity to provide them with practical experience."
"That's why I like doing this with students, actually taking cars like this out racing."
"You really understand something when you try to build something."
"I've learned so much in doing this startup at Instagram that I never learned at school."
"I like to drive a truck before I form an opinion about it."
"Only when you actually sit down and make the actual thing in the actual way that it has to work do you really know what is required to make that thing work properly."
"Working as a Hostess was a good job for a college student."
"You'll have the opportunity to work with realistic synthetic datasets to gain practical experience."
"Florida Tech, and hands-on experience, go hand in hand."
"The only way you actually get better is getting out there and learning on the fly."
"The proof of the pudding is in the eating, isn't it?"
"That'll give you a little bit more experience on actually building something real."
"If you do real stuff, it will really impress them because most people don't have that. It's a huge edge."
"Practical experience is so much more useful than some of the information that is freely available."
"It helps students to gain practical work experience in their relevant field of study."
"Nothing beats hands-on experience."
"The key dividing line is if a group is only doing simulation and all their people are only skilled at simulation, the chances that their results will translate into the real world smoothly are less good than if there are people who've gone that route and have experience."
"You can become a mechanic by going to college five years... but you can [become] a good mechanic in one year working in a garage."
"I'm a real world kind of guy... I'm speaking from The Real World from somebody who's actually done it."
"We get to work on live briefs, so we work with real clients on ongoing briefs, and that is an experience in itself."
"The best way to learn QBO is by actually doing it."
"If you want to get an interview down the road at these big companies, build something."