
Irrational Behavior Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"That's psychotic, that's dumb, that's actually dumb."
"Stocks can be irrationally underpriced... they can also be irrationally overpriced."
"Money makes people crazy. Money makes people do stupid ass things."
"There is nothing logical about him making the grimwalkers. It is entirely irrational and motivated by his emotions."
"The crazier he got, the more sane and logical the people who began to follow him were."
"These people have lost their damn minds and we've lost our minds by not checking them."
"Excessive responses: superstition, threats, violence."
"People do crazy things sometimes, especially for love."
"It has to be difficult or painful to get rid of you."
"You gotta fight fire with water... even if they're irrational."
"We are conditioned to do things that don't make sense for reasons that nobody can explain simply because we're told to do them."
"Whoever was behind the wheel of this thing absolutely threw all rational thinking out the window and floored this car sending it flying dozens if not hundreds of feet."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
"How dumb are you to smack the inside of your car, not the outside?"
"Wow, um, this Panic is really stupid, this doesn't make sense... but no, I can't say I didn't see this one coming."
"You can't say to them just stop doing what even you know is stupid to do."
"Can you explain to me the phenomenon of why people wear sandals on a mine site?"
"The problem is they're masking their infants, doing crazy [__], and becoming clinically insane."
"The markets can stay irrational longer than any logical man can stay solvent."
"Panic can produce irrational behaviors, particularly when information is scarce or inaccurate."
"Domestic violence is just absolutely irrational and not necessary."
"Fear-based marketing taps into our reptile brain, making us act irrationally."
"Love makes us crazy and we will turn a blind eye to all sorts of stuff."
"The mob eats reason and fucking shits out stupidity."
"Putin is operating according to a set of criteria totally detached from those which you or I would consider to be reasonable or rational."
"Woman injures two after allegedly driving into traffic as a test of faith."
"People do things against their own best interest because they think they're special."
"People like that can't be reasoned with, they would sooner throw you into the fire than give up their belief. They're gone, they're lost people, they're brain dead."
"They are irrational, lacking in compassion, and lacking in humanity."
"That's the real pandemic, otherwise intelligent people losing their minds."
"Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
"People sometimes make decisions that seem irrational and not in their own best interest."
"The fool is a rejection of the pressure to be serious and rational."
"Fear is going to make people rational people do irrational things and there's no stopping it."
"Money pushes a narrative, money creates villains and heroes, money makes rational people act irrational."
"Fear robs us of reason, out of fear we commit terrible atrocities and call them acts of self-preservation."
"Logic doesn't come into the mind of an addict because logically you would never do it."
"That's right these are purely emotional irrational people I call them brainlets because that's exactly what they are."
"The definition of insanity is doing something and expecting a different result."
"It's totally irrational, but they do, and that's a real phenomenon outside of the media."
"There is something in you which isn't rational, logical, or reasonable, but you just have a much more adverse set of feelings."
"I'm proud of it I want the world to know rationale does not stop the crazies."
"The Western powers have... taken leave of their senses."
"It was irrational, I wasn't thinking. Everybody thinks the guys are different."
"Love will make you do crazy stuff."
"You can't rationalize with irrational people."