
Speculative Thinking Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Imagine how technology will be more advanced in 300-500 years if you think about it."
"Maybe we are both just a little bit crazy or maybe there are some things that are out there that we just don't understand."
"Until then, remember it's all just a theory, a game theory."
"Speculation is just creativity, speculation is the beginning of hypothesis."
"Speculation actually has value... it helps open our minds to what's possible."
"Was it mirror ingenuity or descended knowledge left by a far more superior entirely different and far larger race of people?"
"He never had to drop off, they didn't trade Ryan, and he kept playing well, you know who knows what would have happened." - Speculating on alternative outcomes and what-ifs.
"What if the internet never existed? In this alternate timeline, we imagined a world without the World Wide Web."
"Some of them feel like they could be real at least half of the time."
"What if the aliens already have us and planet Earth is a human farm like we have ant farms?"
"But we might also be in heaven, okay? We might be in heaven."
"It's fun as hell to imagine what could have been."
"There's smoke there's fire and I am telling you right now what happened yesterday made me believe for the first time since I have done the show that."
"Science fiction allows you to see possibilities that may have been invisible to you before."
"The problem is so big that our brains can't handle it. Maybe that's happening. Don't know."
"Imagine where I could be if I began to add to my winning trades."
"Do I imagine that bacon tastes good? I imagine so, people love it."
"Why be so afraid of the fact that there may be more to our past and our history than we've even begun to suspect?"
"Maybe that's what we've always been doing. What if aliens created life on Earth, basically planting the seeds of a human slave population?"
"There are thousands of people out there right now speculating and digging away at these questions."
"Could it be possible perhaps that it would manifest in that way?"
"The galaxy appears the way they want it to appear. And so if you want to think about things in a big sense... If they want to have videos of the dinosaurs stored in their database, they do."
"Have you ever thought about aliens? I mean, have you ever thought about the possibility that we aren't alone? What if Earth is just one of many planets in the universe, and intelligent life is out there somewhere?"
"This drama will make you think that maybe just maybe there really could be another world out there."
"Evolutions, that's one of the most exciting things."
"People start asking, 'What if?' right? Of course, especially since I came to this company."
"It's fascinating to think about the possibilities of what this Arceus form could have been."
"But my brain is telling me that there is some kind of element of truth behind this."
"Think missile intercept. Think aircraft outside of standard deviation. Do people travel to islands to fish? How many billionaires owned islands? How many billionaires live on islands? Geo-tracking clandestine. Q."
"It's all about short-term risk, long-term when Lambo."
"It's worth considering and it's just another... thing in the bullish thesis of potential outcomes."
"So many questions and so many fun possibilities arise from this one little piece of information."
"Looking at the realistic versus the crazy prediction."
"Certainty is a will-o'-the-wisp; don't be swayed by 'what ifs.'"
"Perhaps it's just some sort of weird human phenomena that lacks an explanation, but maybe it's a sign or a signal that somewhere perhaps in another universe a similar situation already happened to the other you."
"What if there's another species that's already been on this planet far longer than we have have existed think about that put that in your pipe and smoke it tonight."
"You're almost playing with the future, like you have the power to control all these different variables."
"These lights, the big question is: Are they connected to one large craft?"
"I speculate about a couple of things in the DMT book."
"So what do you think we're dealing with here?"
"If this mysterious complex wasn't just a place of rituals... what if it's more than that?"
"Trump did make wild and outlandish speculative guesses about what was going to happen in the future."
"Anything is possible. I mean, like, know, um, I think that he has a choice to do choos who he wants soon it's up to him."
"That makes me think it's possible that it was just some type of like a super deep cover alien interaction."
"Maybe time plays out the exact same when he dies, right? He doesn't, maybe him picking up that's time."
"Thanks for everything, but hey, that's just a theory."
"This reeks of mystery and immediately my mind begins to race with a bevy of questions and theories."
"A conspiracy theory is a theory about the speculation that somebody, some nefarious group of people, are working together on some kind of evil plan."
"What if... something different happened at some point in the past that affected the future?"
"Just on the other side of our apportioned field of vision of what we're allowed to see, there's this infrastructure."
"Where would we be without wishful thinking?"