
Project Challenges Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"It's very hard to win in live service if your team does not love the thing that they're making."
"This project was honestly so difficult for me, but I think I'm finally gonna build up this Little Pond area and just reflect on my journey."
"Crysis was a lesson in ambition. You can reach for the stars, but they very well might burn you on the way."
"Regardless of Peter's lies, project Milo really utilized state-of-the-art technology."
"It's a shame that the greater problems led to what will always feel to me like a bit of a fumble in giving that Trilogy closure."
"What a disaster right but there's a couple of things that you need to realize when you think about the original sin to this is 120 our game that was made in two years time so that is I think quite an achievement of the team."
"Arc is just in this situation where it's almost impossible for anything else they do to be too little too late."
"This is just not good news overall for the initiative."
"You can see how long it took me just to build this part."
"Having too much budget can also be a problem because you end up with this everything and the kitchen sink build."
"It was like oh hell yeah yeah gigabyte easy yeah and then yeah it never happened we had to we had to pay 12 K and then wait like what like wait like two months to have contractors come out dig oh yeah."
"If you're looking for like a hard reason why it never got completed, me too."
"It required new technologies and techniques and construction to do it."
"Technical mishaps, internal conflicts, indecisiveness, arguments, and politics within both the Montreal and Edmonton branches of Bioware continued to plague Andromeda's development for years."
"This ended up being a massive challenge with lots of hurdles along the way."
"This rebuild is proving to be a proper grind but the progress is steady."
"My mission is to win the presidency and at the same time it's to take down Donald Trump because of what he's done to my party and what he's done to our country."
"When things don't go according to plan, you have, what we call in PM lingo, an 'issue'."
"Shoo for the skies, even if I worry that they're going to be able to pull off everything."
"I love buying new tools. I like it when a project challenges me in a way that I have to learn how to use a new tool."
"You can't have a new project coming on the scene already like that."
"Failures are expected... it's a launch failure, it's not a test failure."
"I greatly underestimated the amount of effort and time it would take me to make this video."
"My neighbor 9 is on a thing 2.2 so you can say crowdfunding socks or doesn't work but rather a cautionary tale that simply states learn from our mistakes coz damn we made a lot of them."
"The critical role after failing to win over the critics again with Foxfire."
"We know a lot about Dragon Age 4, it's coming out, but then we realize that the division that happened early on in the development cycle of Dragon Age left a lot of core materials that Bioware and EA are not just going to waste."
"The whole thing was definitely a big black hole of resources and it was quite a relief that it ended up making any kind of impression because I was just scared that it was it wasn't going to."
"I think they've done a wonderful job. I'm glad that they did it and I didn't have to do it because it's impossible to meet the weight of expectations after 10 years."
"I fiddled around for a little while and although I like this, I can't make anything big enough for it to be motivated. I have thought of something but it's kind of scary but it makes a ton of sense and I think it would look really good."
"My cover artist worked extremely hard on it, including when I called him in August and was like 'I'm really sorry, we need to scrap this entire original concept and we need to do a different thing.'"
"It's not just as simple as here's a building, take it. There's work that has to be done." - Pritzker
"If what you love about art is the complete creative freedom to depict a subject however you want, working on a project with strict parameters... is going to be a thoroughly joyless experience for you."
"Development hell has its upside... they do provide the world with very useful stories of just how mismanaged games can get."
"I genuinely wish the Theta project good luck because it is going to be very, very hard."
"I wish I could have gone a little bit more in depth with all the issues we ran into."
"For all my editing efforts, my very own miniature Donald Sutherland. I don't know what we do with it there, yeah something broke."
"I do think back to a specific moment in the Lionhead video diaries though when they're complaining about having the worst month for unresolved bugs in the development cycle."
"With us working our butts off, we can get it done in a month or two months but it's... a big cost for time, for money, for ourselves."
"Things happen and you go through issues that come across on projects and I want to get this right."
"I really wonder what happened the last time when it just didn't work right."
"Honestly, the hardest part of this project was figuring out how to make a mold for the resin pour."
"You can't make something good when the chemistry goes bad."
"It's always a challenge, I mean every project is a completely new experience."
"There's hardly ever going to be a project that you just start and get to the finish of without running into some truly inexplicable things that you have to spend some time puzzling over."
"Every time we start a new project all hell breaks loose."
"I think I deserve a pat on the back because all three of those projects had something crazy going on with them."
"Building a time machine is a love-hate relationship, mostly hate."