
Officiating Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Big 12 officials were like, 'Yeah, we missed that call.'"
"My big issue this season is the inconsistency of the officiating," Goldbridge highlights a persistent concern.
"I don't even think it's a yellow. Oh, you don't? No, no, no, because if I kick you in the head, it's a red card. If someone's grabbing my foot, it's gonna hurt."
"It's really tough for me as an athlete to just accept that as a loss. To me, I lost the ref, not tested."
"That's got to be a penalty, it is a penalty."
"The assistant referee got it right, so I'm checking it."
"This is absurd stop this is an official this is not."
"I'm sick and tired of people p, started to notice against the that's a foul a foul ref."
"These throws to the end zones, the officiating crews have let them battle it out."
"They're just checking it, but the goal does not stand."
"The referee this evening Jana Adam cover from the Czech Republic."
"This thing of maybe trying to find more angles, look at different ways almost to try and prove your point why it wasn't a penalty, it's a huge mistake."
"Michael Oliver is on VAR. That is disgusting."
"The standard of officiating, particularly around VAR, has been spot on in this tournament."
"The game of baseball revolves around the integrity of an umpire." - Dan Greiter
"The referee was absolutely rubbish, it was not a red card."
"That's a disgrace! That is a disgrace! If he gives that, I'm sorry, the game's gone. I love Messi, I've got nothing against Messi, but that is a joke."
"Refs need to do post-match interviews." - Jackie
"These refs need to be replaced by AI, it's unbiased."
"The game does not get officiated at the stadium, it gets officiated somewhere else, so that's why I don't celebrate goals, mate, I wait for somebody down the road to tell me what the decision is."
"That's good officiating, understanding that and letting it play out so that replay can change it if necessary."
"Games are not refereed in the stadium anymore."
"That was really unfortunate that the ref decided that was the time to flex his reffing powers."
"Swallow your whistle, that took heart, that's the player of the game, they should have, they should they should inter, talk about about standing, that's right, that's right, that's right, nobody stood up to the [expletive] than the zebra."
"Are you ready to be married and being captain of a ship? I could, in fact, perform a marriage right now."
"But I think this is really interesting in a serious way because you've got to laugh, you've got to have a bit of banter about it. I'm sure Michael Oliver is laughing about it as well, but the point is, I mean, look, this is meant to be about the betterment of football."
"Anytime a ref would blow a call so [ __ ] bad that it really cost you the game."
"I'm actually a pastor. I marry people."
"They're gonna let that play count."
"Everyone thinks it's a quick stop. Big John McCarthy is calling out the ref saying he thought it was a quick stop."
"Officiating is always a topic that's talked about. I feel like we need to invest in some younger officials coming along and learning the game."
"So many decisions where if there was just a linesman or woman, it would have made their referee's life so much easier."
"Officiating is a hard job, right? That's a pretty good call by Jim Slade and the line judge. It's a really hard job."
"We need better refs if we're confusing the refs, then what are we doing? This is the biggest league on earth."
"What I'm tellin' you, is if you don't start callin' these close pitches, sorry. 'We're gonna be out here for three and a half hours'."
"We've had bad refereeing in the Premier League, but we've had some shocking officiating. It's not exclusive to the Premier League."
"There's a progressive pylon cam showing to the end of that slant and go but an obvious pass interference in the right call."
"It's very easy to not notice him doing his job because that's the thing about referee you're not supposed to steal the spotlight you're supposed to be there to make sure don't gets hurt too badly and no one fouls too much."
"There is a very good reason why we ought to be contemplating a world without an abundance of referees."
"Maybe that would make fans happy. I don't think there's a way to make fans happy with officiating in sports."
"...viewers are starting to become sick and tired of watching the refs decide the outcome of games as it probably happens at least two or three times every single week..."
"You have to [ __ ] call that, how is that not fair catch interference?"
"After years of officiating hundreds of weddings I've developed a kind of three-part hack for myself."
"When it's time for the groom to put the ring on the bride's finger, this is where the wedding officiant again has traditionally said who has the Rings."
"I think when you have a sport where an official can literally take a star player out of the game by giving them two quick ones in the first quarter, that's an incredible amount of power."
"December 16, 2001, marks a day that the NFL wants you to forget. It was a complete and utter catastrophe, a day where NFL officiating was a total disaster and showed how scary and disgraceful an angry mass of sports fans can be."
"Yeah, I just saw Lexi Duncan, the line judge there, pull out the blue flag with her head held low. She was not happy."
"He's hit it twice, controlled it, it did go. Get some more VARs in!"
"That's what the referee's job is up there."
"By the authority vested in me I pronounce you're married."
"The one thing that comes down to it is, is a ref's call. Um, yeah, don't know, I don't know what else they can do there really. What happened to benefit of the doubt that went, yeah, the other thing should be brought back in because I mean it's quite conclusive, you know?"
"So they threw the wrong flag was supposed to be a major apparently penalty on Rev Oh swing point for New York extreme that ties it up no time left we go right into overtime throw-in five more minutes on the clock."
"Be as technically brilliant as you can to remove any difference of opinion of a referee."
"It's like they are blowing penalties and six against for everything they just looking for excuses to slow the game down and blow penalties even if it's not six against it is penalties that are stopping the game."
"I love the double standards of origin, where they officiate differently and there's more leniency on decisions."
"The NFL doesn't want that, we don't want it, the officials don't want it, but we can't be making judgment calls that can, you know, sway an entire game."
"A well-officiated game is a game where you don't even notice the officials are in it."
"Very well handled by the officials, very clear."
"When a team is up 25 points, the referees change their way of officiating and a team that's down is going to get the benefit of all the calls."
"She pointed to the assault as one of the reasons it's difficult to get sports officials to work children's games."
"The business of officiating: the professional pursuit of perfection."
"It's actually quite an emotional roller coaster."
"The individual accolades for officials will come, but the bigger goal is to create a crew environment by which we officiate and put a product on the field that is at a high level and an elite level as the players are."
"They are not perfect, and officiating never will be."
"There's only one thing absolutely nobody wants to affect the outcome of a game: referees."
"The greatest moments in NFL history can only take place as a result of sound calls made by the officials."
"I normally feel bad for referees... I think they actually have a very hard job."
"Let's have some respect and appreciation for just how hard that job is to be an official."
"Zebras, almost in every big sport, the guys in the black and white stripes that actually officiate and ref the game."
"NFL needs to fire the entire officiating crew from last night's Lions game."
"That's a great call by the officials."
"I think the officials are doing a fine job, Keith. I never thought I'd say that, but they're doing a good job."
"There is less pressure to make on-the-spot decisions."
"Side out officials are here for long hours, many many days in a row. We appreciate them."
"The idea of VAR for the officials is to try and make the decisions more correct more often than not."
"I did this in 2013, a week in the life of an officiating crew... it was such a great education because everything I was seeing was brand new."
"Nobody wants to be a ref, so those that sign up to do it, we appreciate you."
"We want to see a good game, not bad officiating."
"If an umpire has a high strike zone or a low strike zone... as long as the umpire is consistent on that through the course of the game."