
Emergency Care Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Women in pain wait longer in emergency departments and are less likely to be given effective painkillers."
"You gotta slow down the bleeding so you can make it into surgery, and you can't just treat the symptom, you gotta treat the disease."
"Well, there's your pulse back. And then it repowered this one."
"Two-thirds of all people entering into an emergency room with a heart attack have either pre-diabetes or diabetes."
"Abortion is health care plain and simple, and oftentimes it's needed to save lives."
"Stroke requires emergency treatment like a heart attack."
"I plan on going out there and actually being able to not spend five hours in an ER."
"Patients that need intensive care have to wait... most of them have died already."
"So I got to her house took her to the emergency room but she had like a fever of like 102 the night before she couldn't keep food down she was throwing up it was really bad and she looked like a ghost like her face was like super pale."
"Aggressive fluid resuscitation is controversial and linked to worsening bleeding due to dilution."
"The cluesive dressings BAM just with those two three man you were raising mortality rates by 80% brother 80% on a battlefield right."
"Stay away from hospital emergency rooms unless your life is truly threatened."
"You don't just get the therapy in the emergency situation that's just putting out the fires that's just the band-aid and then you take it off and that there's you have to go deep to the wounding."
"You for the others, they've all returned to St. Mary's Hospital in Salt Lake City."
"If you have an emergency, you'll get the treatment, whatever it costs. No one asks you who are you, where are you from."
"Because of high potential for deterioration, management of convulsive status epilepticus happens in an ICU setting and requires continuous EEG monitoring."
"We don't want to give oral glucose to patients who are unconscious or patients who do not have an intact gag reflex."
"When you're in the emergency department, everyone's the same. You can be the CEO, you can be the custodian, you can be a famous sports player. I don't care. Like, we're all on the same page. I'm going to be your doctor and I'm going to take care of you."
"Type O blood's special characteristics make it the basis of emergency care and surgeries, crucial in today's medical practices."
"BLS focuses mainly on basic life-saving techniques such as CPR and the use of AED, while ACLS involves more advanced interventions like medication administration and advanced airway management."
"If there's emergencies happening or critical things going on with your patient in the moment, all this gets pushed to the side, and you spend your time in the room with the patient trying to maintain their life."
"The primary assessment findings are those that are crucial to saving your patient's life, not the secondary assessment."
"The pre-hospital side of things gives me that extra buzz in terms of really getting to patients who are desperately unwell and being able to deliver that life-saving care."
"Talking about something that I think is an underrated problem in Internal Medicine certainly in gastroenterology, and I hope to shed some light on why pancreatitis in general should be considered a medical emergency."
"This is what increases survivability. This is what's going to make the biggest difference in the first one to three minutes."
"What we can do as beekeepers is supply emergency feed in the form of sugar patties or sugar bricks."
"Every year it's estimated over a million people are admitted to A&E for mental health problems."
"An ambulance is expected to reach 75% of emergencies that pose an immediate threat to life in eight minutes."
"Think about the three good things you did that made people's stay in the ER a little bit better."
"When approaching burn patients we do use the principles of advanced trauma life support or ATLS."
"If I'm unconscious and my illness is so serious it's life-threatening, how far do I want the emergency services or the doctor to go before I say that's enough?"
"If I break my ankle, I go to the ER and I get it fixed. If I break something in my brain, no one seems to know how to help."
"No one who comes to an emergency room in need of urgent treatment should be denied necessary stabilizing care."
"If you have an emergency medical condition and you go to an ER in this country, they have to stabilize you."
"The hospital must provide stabilizing care to people experiencing emergency medical conditions."
"When you get to hospital, do you ask for Christian blood when you are dying or do you ask for a Muslim surgeon when you need emergency care?"
"Adherence to the ATLS protocol during evaluation of the injured patient in the emergency room improves the patient outcome."
"Every ambulance someday will have a hyperbaric oxygen chamber in the ambulance because as an example, a stroke patient can completely recover from all effects of a stroke if they get into a chamber within the hour."
"Place sterile normal saline gauze over the eviscerated area... you don't want their gut that's not being exposed to air to dry out."
"We have twin 17-year-old boys, and we call one of them the frequent flyer at the emergency room."
"The first goal of ESI triage is to identify which patients should be seen first."
"In the emergency room, they spend 80 percent of their time not fixing the wound but cleaning it."
"As a St. John Ambulance volunteer, I'm continually developing my knowledge of first-aid and emergency care."
"Skip the ER, we can get you right into x-rays... and you get treated right away by an orthopedic surgeon."
"The mother and baby will essentially take care of things on their own; the EMT is there to simply assist or intervene if a problem does arise."
"In patients with chest pain, it is very valuable to have a 12-lead ECG tracing from the earliest possible after the onset of chest pain."
"This is a very, very, very important topic, especially if you are working in the ED or if you are working in the trauma bay."
"You always want to make sure that you're taking care of the ABCs: airway, breathing, and circulation."
"IV dextrose is critical; it's a lifesaver, and you will never go wrong giving IV dextrose to any infant or newborn with suspected metabolic disorders."
"Nobody ever wants to be in a situation needing to be airlifted to a specialty Trauma Center or cardiac center, but if you are in this need, Jody is exactly the person that you want to be by your side."
"It would be a privilege to gain the skills as an emergency physician to provide acute life-saving care."
"Life-threatening problems should be treated immediately."
"Triage simply means to sort patients based on the severity of their injuries."
"I'm so relieved that the ER was able to save Molly's life."
"BLS is non-invasive emergency life-saving care that is used to treat medical conditions."
"You are well-rounded when there's an accident on the road, where do they go? The emergency room."
"The basic principle of emergency care is to do no further harm."
"Airway, airway, airway. We don't care about anything else if that patient can't breathe."
"The legal doctrine of implied consent creates a presumption that the patient, or that patient’s guardian, would want the EMT to provide the care and treatment necessary to help the person with their medical emergency."
"The golden hour, now commonly being referred to as the golden period, is the duration of time from the occurrence of a serious injury to the receipt of definitive care."
"For unconscious patients, we need to make sure we open the airway using the proper technique and take several seconds to evaluate their breathing."
"If we had ambulances specially equipped to deal with cardiac trauma, we could use the crucial time on the way to the hospital to make a real difference."
"By drawing on local GPs nationwide to work alongside paramedics, Basics is giving all accident victims the best possible chance of survival."
"He was alive and talkative when he got to us."
"Just know your indications for hemodialysis: AEIOU - Acidosis, Electrolytes, Intoxication, Fluid overload, Uremia."
"If you treat a stroke patient who has had a stroke as a result of a clot within the first two to three hours with TPA, you can reduce or eliminate many of the common side effects of stroke."