
Freedom Advocacy Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The only way to oppose this is to demand individual freedom, community freedom, and democracy."
"The only way this thing turns around is if good people fight for freedom."
"We believe in economic freedom, political freedom, we believe in universal human rights."
"If you like freedom then at a certain point we should probably stand up for it."
"You're the voice of American exceptionalism. We should be proud of that. The world needs VOA's clarion call for freedom now more than ever."
"People should be free, the government's too big, dropping bombs on poor people in other countries is bad."
"Freedom prevails, freedom is on an upward trajectory."
"We are the last hope for freedom in the world. If freedom dies here, it won't reappear somewhere else."
"Those of us that love freedom, opportunity, and self-determination and Jesus Christ."
"Freedom is a hard sell, the friends of freedom have always been rare."
"We're fighting for our basic freedoms here in crypto land."
"Freedom means the supremacy of Human Rights everywhere."
"We owe it to the children and future generations... to stand up for freedom."
"George Carlin is not advocating for systemic oppression, he's a freedom-based guy."
"We will not cave to the desires of the far left. We will push back. America will remain free, and we will prevail."
"It was a thing of beauty: what message did you mostly hear? What were they actually chanting? For freedom."
"In any good society, you would have a deep antagonism between the institutions, forces, and political goals which push for people's freedoms against managerial bureaucratic practices."
"Some words of advice to my successor, whoever he or she may be: number one, stay close to the Americans; stick up for the Ukrainians; stick up for freedom and democracy everywhere. Hasta la vista, baby."
"You don't save capitalism by rejecting capitalism. You don't say freedom by rejecting freedom. You don't say free speech by rejecting free speech."
"It's great to see people standing up for their freedoms."
"Her courage stunning, she was speaking in May 2020: 'My life purpose is to see everybody in this country enjoys freedom.'"
"The United States will be unabashed in promoting our vision of a free, open, secure, and prosperous world."
"We fight for We the People for all the people we're fighting to build a stronger democracy for equality for freedom."
"Any president who actually values constitutional protections should free Julian."
"There is no dead end to truth. There is no dead end to freedom. Your movement is going nowhere unless you do something about it and not just talk about it."
"Canadian truckers are heroes, they are patriots, and they are marching for your freedom and for my freedom."
"You want those people to enjoy freedom, and anyone restricting that is on the wrong side of history."
"I want the world to be more free and more fair."
"Until next time on behalf of all of us here at Rebel World Headquarters, goodbye and keep fighting for freedom."
"Give people back their goddamn freedom" — Elon Musk's outcry.
"I would like to see uh something come out that basically limits uh sort of the concepts of government overreach in the space right."
"Freedom over tyranny, human rights over human rights abuses."
"If we don't fight for our freedom, we're going to keep losing it."
"Should we fight for what's right and should we stand up for Freedom? Yes, yes."
"Freedom maximalism is the way we achieve the greatest happiness, the greatest wealth, and the most satisfaction of human wants in the world." - Robert Breedlove
"A victory for the medical freedom of Americans."
"It doesn't take our rocket scientist to figure that they don't belong here they don't belong in a small enclosure like this they need to be free they need to be swimming on the open and the open ocean."
"Zelensky is a once in a lifetime leader. May he live long and the people have the freedom they do rightly reserve."
"If your goal is to give people more freedom, that's what America is all about."
"We must assert our freedom in conversation, on the web, and in the courts."
"Freedom is priceless. It's worth fighting for as long as it takes." - President Biden
"This is one of the examples of a sequel better than the original."
"Liberals seek truth over falsehood, light over darkness, and freedom over oppression."
"This is a moment to come together, to unify as a country, and to take a stance in favor of freedom and democracy."
"We are the party of optimism and happiness. Yeah, we're a movement of free people and free enterprise."
"We have to demand our freedoms; we have to demand to get the government out of our way."
"Spread the message... liberty is a much greater tool than tyranny."
"I think we need a grand strategy for China that has as its long-term goal... helping the Chinese people migrate towards freedom."
"I wouldn't wish jail on nobody, bro. Free the world, bro."
"Communicate, be a beacon of light, be a representative for freedom."
"These were folks behind the curtain fighting for every American's freedom"
"We're fighting for the cause of freedom, individual liberty, and the Constitution."
"I am a constitutional conservative... believing in the most freedom for the most number of people."
"Proclaim freedom for the prisoners and preach goodness to the poor."
"Capitalism is love, force is fear, and those are the opposites."
"No dictatorship can have any other aim but that of self-perpetuation, and it can beget only slavery in the people tolerating it; freedom can be created only by freedom."