
Scientific Impact Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Our understanding of comets is already and forever changed."
"This is the single one of the single most impactful and influential scientific papers in history."
"But when you think about how web was able to do in minutes what took Hubble days that what we're going to get out of these surveys should be just as iconic and as memorable as what we saw with the Hubble Deep Field."
"It is difficult to overstate the significance of this discovery."
"Henrietta’s cells live on and continue to provide us with immeasurable value in the fight to cure and eradicate disease."
"Sir Isaac Newton is regarded as one of the greatest scientists who ever lived."
"His breakthrough idea about motion influenced every area of physics, allowing other great thinkers to stand on his shoulders."
"Archimedes was the ancient Greek inventor and mathematician who is remembered for being one of the greatest minds in all of human history."
"The birth of radio astronomy changed the way we look at the universe."
"And make and put it on Broad scale that's what I think the scientist is at his best."
"Being the father of the atomic bomb has proven to be a double-edged sword."
"The legacy of Nikola Tesla reverberates through the corridors of science Innovation and popular culture."
"The implications of pole shifts, both at geographical and magnetic, are profound."
"Oppenheimer is one of the most important figures that has ever lived."
"The general theory of relativity forever changed how scientists understood the universe and shaped modern physics."
"Quantum mechanics has shaped our lives significantly."
"But the true impact of Penrose’s singularity theorem is much deeper."
"The Magnificent Hubble Space Telescope has transformed our understanding of cosmology."
"The universe would be a completely different place if any of these numbers were just a little bit different."
"If not for the fear impact and the massive amounts of debris it brought with it, our world may not have been able to accrue that crucial final 10 percent of the mass we see today."
"It's so potentially Paradigm Shifting, the story is could restructure the way we see ourselves in our place in the universe if it's really true."
"Every time they turn CERN on it does indeed affect the magnetosphere of the Earth."
"The discovery of icelandia opens up a completely new view of our geological understanding of the world."
"The significance of the tongue child cannot be overstated; this extraordinary fossil provided compelling evidence for the theory of human evolution and shattered long-held misconceptions."
"People started calling it the Carrington Event."
"Any time a scientific study fails, it plants seeds of doubt into the minds of the general population."
"Nolan draws a parallel between Oppenheimer and Einstein as two men whose work changed the world forever..."
"The discovery of phosphorus mineral China booed by the success of its chongi 5 Mission recently revealed an astounding lunar breakthrough."
"Hubble may well be the most important space mission to date, expanding our horizons and providing data that will be utilized for many years to come."
"A formidable force in the darkened sky of scientific inquiry."
"The Scientific Revolution has bent our ego over a barrel, and good riddance anyhow."
"Nikola Tesla has impacted your life in one way or another."
"If West's theories prove to be correct, the implications are staggering."
"The true value of science is to change our picture of our place in the cosmos." - Unnamed speaker
"Discoveries would lead to new inventions that changed the world and others that were more controversial."
"The Human Genome Project has had a major impact on the field of genetics."
"The discovery and analysis of King Richard's remains are a fascinating example of the power of science... and car parks."
"You reduce the suffering of the world by it, so for instance, a single scientific discovery now feeds about half of the world's population."
"It is very rare that a book can single-handedly change humanity’s understanding of the world."
"Some fossil discoveries change the way we can look at things forever."
"The thing that would most profoundly affect people would be to recode genetics."
"Hamilton was Darwin's greatest successor in the second half of the 20th century."
"It's probably one of the most important missions of the last few decades, way more important than anything we've ever sent to Mars, Venus, or other objects."
"Science has made the world a much better place, people live much happier lives, healthier lives on the whole and much longer because of science."
"Maxwell's equations have had a greater impact on human history than any 10 presidents."
"The various detonations conducted as part of Plowshare led to the underground explosions known as Storax Sedan. Sedan was detonated from a depth of 636 ft below the Nevada Test Site on July 6th, 1962."
"Nothing has affected world consciousness and the development of world science more than what Africans did in Egypt."
"The greatest scientific contribution ever made in a doctoral thesis."
"We think that this is kind of an exciting and transformational thing that will change our relationship to structure and biology."
"On the Origin of Species by means of natural selection."
"The power of science... really made the difference in this pandemic."
"If his experiments and researches had never been made, the mechanism of our modern life might have been entirely different."
"Isaac Newton has made a bigger impact on science and physics than just about anybody and will go down in history as the guy who pretty much came up with the theory of gravity."
"It's topology that's saved the day."
"He's had a profound impact in uncovering the secrets of the universe."
"CRISPR Cas9 has really captured not only the research community but also the broader community as well."
"With life and defying all odds, the discovery of an intricate underground river system teeming with shrimp-like creatures and colossal subterranean caves sent shockwaves through the scientific community."
"It completely revolutionized chemistry."
"The scientific power of consciousness to change matter and the world."
"Our scientists to be enabled to pursue ideas that are likely to make a big impact."
"Despite the bad blood between the two, their impact on paleontology was profound."
"Before Isaac Newton wrote this equation down, the world was a world of buzzing confusion, and after he wrote it down, the world became orderly, comprehensible, and predictable."
"Most of the seismic shifts that have occurred over the last 10 years were started in the scientific community."
"The fruit fly has led to six Nobel Prizes in the last hundred years, so it's an incredibly important scientific tool."
"Chandra's elegant applications of the laws of physics to astronomy transformed our view of the universe."
"You do not need to be scared of thug life; be scared of scientists."
"Mary Curry could never have imagined how her discoveries would take the human race down so many paths, some good, some bad."