
Transformative Potential Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"We have to tell the story of the crossroads where our nation is coming apart, and it will continue to come apart, or we can use this moment as an opportunity to transform. But there is no going back to where we were."
"NFTs: The biggest scam of our century or will they transform the world as we know it?"
"I think it is really important to hang tight to and lean into the transformative aspect of fandoms."
"These things that seem so radical right now are actually radically redemptive of the entire soul of the nation."
"With challenges, this oil discovery indeed has the potential to change everything."
"Crypto needs that one killer app to show people whoa this does really change my life."
"Get me 25 people for five days, I will transform the world within three to five years."
"How incredible that would be. Well, that's what this device will do."
"I just feel like we are much closer to something really transformative than the public has quite realized."
"Inside of me is enough power to turn the world upside down."
"Everyone has enough... If everyone contributed, the world would be changed."
"If we can change the programming, then heaven on earth is available to anyone."
"Strike them down and you'll become more powerful than you could ever imagine."
"If I used it, I would definitely ascend directly." - Recognizing the transformative power of purification.
"Money may not be able to buy happiness, but this rakes to Rich's Story shows how it can fuel an automotive passion strong enough to truly change the world."
"Texas is our chance to change what's politically possible in this country."
"Gene editing has the potential to transform life on Earth."
"If they can pull this off, it'll quite literally change the industry forever."
"What if it could produce a tone that could transform a human being?"
"The potential for change of the world is locked in the ability for transformation of observers."
"Teaching is a performative act, it is that aspect of our work that offers the space for change."
"I'm a firm believer that anybody can change."
"We will be able to change the system within a very short period."
"Only love is real. Peace comes from remembering that."
"Think about what you can use that to do, how you can use that to transform the world for the better."
"It's true. It's totally true. It's transforming industries."
"Bitcoin is now a better investment right now thirty two thousand dollars than it was at a thousand dollars."
"It's either going to change the world or it's going to zero."
"Physical silver, Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin will act as a silver bullet against all the things that are wrong with this world."
"Bitcoin is the e equals mc squared of money."
"You're not being led here because you're some toxic person, you're being led here because you're the one who can do it, you're the one who can change."
"Stronger than a thousand armies is an idea whose time has come."
"I knew that in that seed there was enough of God to radically change the rest of my life."
"Believe in the ability to really create formative changes."
"This could be a game changer for the whole industry."
"You have been programmed to be a particular actor in your life right and that's because of the script that you were taught as a child but the amazing thing is that you have the ability to change the script."
"Bitcoin has the potential to fix the most amount of things."
"Every little thing you do could change your life."
"If we can get back to that kind of language, we can change this entire country."
"If this works out, it's gonna change everything."
"Actual life-changing transformative use case of crypto tech outweighs speculation."
"Do I think that this technology will change the world? And for me, the answer is absolutely yes."
"You need to believe and know that you're one decision, one relationship, one meeting, one book, one thought, one something away from a completely different life."
"If I put intense focus on myself, a lot can change in a short amount of time."
"This could treat a sick civilization and if enough people had access to this, we could repair our relationship to the natural world."
"It has the potential to completely transform the way we think about human health care."
"Start thinking about AI as a fundamental technology, like electricity or the internet."
"There's a lot of hype around AI, there's some sense that artificial intelligence is going to change everything."
"I genuinely think it could change your life."