
Geopolitical Strategies Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Break up those alliance structures and suddenly everyone is paying a lot more to achieve the same results."
"China is exploiting our weaknesses, notably capitalism."
"The CCP will no longer abide by the rules set by the United States."
"It's taken for granted across the board that it's legitimate for the United States to impede China's economic development."
"Egypt will really only be left with two available options if this day ever comes: sit back and do nothing... or lash out against Ethiopia."
"Russia is pretty consistent in their capability and intent to cause disruption."
"This is the first time the Russians understand that their Israeli presence can actually stand in their way."
"It's not just the CIA doing regime change Wars that's one part of a global agenda."
"The European Union gets around 40 percent of its gas from Russia but as the war in Ukraine rages on the blocks that it aims to slash two-thirds of its purchases by the end of the year to help cover this shortfall."
"Sanctions have choked Russia's economy, their stock market has lost 40%."
"The French provided the Biafrans with weapons, imparting them through the Ivory Coast."
"It's preventive care to keep a war from starting."
"Putin is orchestrating this to keep these two powerful forces at each other's throats."
"The Chinese are not just gonna throw the Russians under the bus."
"Regime change is about destabilization, not the success of a country after intervention."
"The Chinese Communist Party seems to have anticipated that as its crackdown on Hong Kong ended Hong Kong's autonomy, it was setting up Hainan to play that exact same role."
"The pandemic is prompting countries around the world to rethink their relationship with Communist China."
"What China is doing is a new form of colonialism."
"He called the bluff on this thing where even today we saw on one of the news channels where NATO is now pulling away from helping Ukraine."
"China is really good at infiltrating and placing people in high up positions."
"I will revoke China's Most Favored Nations trade status."
"China is trying to play both sides against the middle."
"The Russians can't leverage Crimea into an attack base which they would want to do."
"The U.S sanctions war is now starting to enable the Russians and behind the Russians the Chinese to press forward more vigorously."
"Washington got its way alright, but the reason why they did this, and the reason Seymour Hersh is pointing out this fact, is because this is a very old strategy as geopolitics said here, nothing new under the sun."
"We will continue working with our international partners to safeguard Ukraine's territorial integrity and prevent further Russian aggression."
"Very interesting arguments about the time for the West somehow to find the mechanism."
"Clearly the Kremlin is looking for a way out... It's anxious to stop the war as it is because it keeps losing lands."
"We must continue to work on ourselves. You have to have a great amount of love that exceeds our people's self-hatred."
"Britain and Germany could truly stand as an unstoppable force on the global scene and monopolize geopolitics as two halves of a whole superpower."
"The messages that countries send to each other is through certain actions like this."
"According to U.S intelligence, Russia is now buying millions of rounds of artillery ammunition from North Korea."
"We will not allow that to go forward and allow there to be a lifeline to Russia from these economic sanctions from any country anywhere in the world."
"There's been a very interesting article in the Financial Times acknowledging that the West is losing the economic war."
"It would be a lot easier for small countries to agree to China’s demands than to try to hold out until they can get the technology they need from other countries."
"The enormous, colossal, gigantic importance of each and every one of the Western weapons."
"Dictators cannot afford to isolate their power base. This war has done that."
"The critical steps taken to reshape the world order."
"I think it's a multipolarity... everyone's competing now."
"It's an effort for the Russians to learn about Ukraine about their air defense systems their industrial and Military facilities and their energy infrastructure..."
"What do you do when you can't control what Putin's going to do? You can control what you do."
"The world should be prepared for Russia staging a pretext and then launching a potential military action."
"Once more the Chinese-Russian strategic partnership in operation."
"The invasion of Iran... a classic example of regime change."
"I think a large part of that answer is obviously with that but I think one part of that answer is also with the West."
"It makes more sense to have Russia as a strong Ally rather than a weak one."
"Japan’s leaders now saw war with the West as their best option."
"It crosses the line from a non-state actor targeted by the U.S. to a state actor."
"Can you really come in and change a country like that and then leave it, and everything be okay?"
"The US could push back against China by supporting open monetary networks."
"From isolationism to rivalry with Moscow, it seems there is a broad consensus about the United States."
"The only hope that the Kremlin has is for the West to lose interest or to get tired or to get distracted by something else."
"We destabilize your country, install our own puppet government, and then take over your industrial base."
"Anytime we hear about regime change for Russia...more propaganda...to keep the war going on."
"Nuclear weapons provided the ultimate insurance policy."
"Walls work 100%. Whether it's El Paso or Israel, they're 99.9% effective. It's very simple."
"I'm not saying let's blow up the world with chaos, but we have adversarial nations who are not going to have those qualms."
"Russia will always find ways to get around these sanctions."
"We kick you out of the dollar payment system, your economy's going to die."
"Trump is a deal maker. If the Palestinians won't make a deal, he will bypass them and make deals with others in the Middle East."
"So if you hit Russia or any other country with these terrible economic warfare, the rich people there will offload the costs and the burden onto those at the bottom." - Richard Wolff
"After World War II, the United States engaged in a monstrous twilight conflict if you will that it calls the Cold War. It's probably a pretty apt term."
"The Putin false flag is a part of the Russian playbook."
"The United States attempted a major push against them at the beginning of this year." - Dmitry Medvedev
"If Russia uses nuclear weapons, then NATO will equally use its Battlefield nuclear weapons. Now, if a nuclear power will not allow itself to lose a conventional war, it sure as heck cannot allow itself to lose a nuclear war."
"We too have nuclear weapons. Let's remind them that we can even put nuclear weapons in our ally countries like Belarus."
"If you're going to solve any of these geopolitical problems... you have to end the coup first."