
Tone Setting Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"When you're the ordinary now you're the one who sets the tone and provides the vision."
"The hero section sets the tone for your portfolio."
"The final song of the season, 'I'll Be Watching You' by The Police, perfectly underscores the ominous tone."
"The Blade Itself tells you a lot and certainly matches the tone of the story you're about to read."
"The first line of a new book sets the entire tone."
"Caps in the mid lane really set the tone for the rest of the game."
"The opening cinematic sets the tone and establishes the setting right off the bat."
"I'm going to be going for a much lighter and sillier tone around here."
"Ben Affleck brought a gritty darkness to the role."
"That's just harry's doing such a great job and what I love about what he's doing right now is the tone that he's taken."
"I wanted to make it as dark and serious-minded as possible."
"Saints Row embraced a more fun and absurd tone compared to GTA."
"X gonna give it to you plain right now, that's the only way to set this tone."
"That's a great great idea it's a crazy and you put it early in the album too you set a tone."
"It lets me set a tone for the books I want to read throughout the year."
"The darker, more serious tone helps lend a little believability."
"Do not be afraid to set the tone for yourself as well."
"The crushing feeling I had after that set the tone for the rest of my life."
"I just loved it. Darker tone, not but not too dark, not grim dark, true adult fantasy."
"That's just a tone-setting moment right there."
"One that doesn't feature black outfits and a grounded tone..."
"I think what really sets the tone for this movie is the quote they show right before the opening credits."
"Nobody's bigger than the culture and bigger than music. Yeah, so I think I just think that it sets the tone and it puts a different energy out there like, you know what I mean, yes."
"Loki dies pretty early on in Infinity War. Sets a very brutal tone."
"Setting the pace and setting the tone are two very important things."
"The strength of his leadership Gibbs set the tone"
"Overall a great reintroduction to this world that expertly sets up the tone for the remainder of season two."
"That's how you know a movie starts freaking amazing and sets up a tone."
"The way they set the tone for these movies in like the first 10 minutes is incredible. They do such a great job of sucking you in and feeling what is at stake. You're worried already."
"Dan Campbell setting the tone already for this season, anything goes."
"It's such a great way to set the tone for this movie."
"It's the perfect tone setter for the OVA series, celestial beauty mixing with demonic hideousness."
"He's the man to definitely set a new tone."
"It just really sets the tone for my day."
"The tone of your wedding is determined by you and your partner."
"Just an opener? You set the tone for the entire..."
"When you see a guy like Reggie coming who's the number two overall pick and he starts like setting that tone, yeah I mean you it's instantly he's going to gravitate towards you."
"The cold open was amazing, obviously set the tone."
"Imagine it like a mission when you go into a store; the beginning sets the tone for the whole interaction."
"A perfect way to open this film, the effect was used to set the tone, a leaf floating on the wind."
"Concerning Hobbits really sets the tone of okay, these are different."
"The answer to that question set the tone for the entire rest of the technical interview."
"Flotsam and Jetsam with 'Blood in the water' in 2021. A truly epic tone-setting opener. Perfection."
"It might be juvenile, but it perfectly sets the tone of the record."
"Here at the beginning of the season to set the tone for the year."
"...the first single that we got heartless that perfectly set the tone."
"Immediately, you know sets the tone, doesn't it?"
"I think it's gonna really set the tone for the rest of this month."
"It's a wonderful tone setter for the start of the album, I feel like."
"It was a freaking proper good way to start the movie. I feel like it set the tone."
"You have to be introducing a character in an exciting way, revealing the world, the tone, the genre."
"From the moment you open your eyes in the morning, that sets the tone for your entire day."
"When you are the first fight out, the one thing you want to do is set the tone, set the stage."
"This may be one of my most relistened albums of the year and man did it set the tone."
"The first thing you do, that sets the tone for the day."
"Film composers definitely gravitate strongly towards modes as a way to set the tone."
"Truthfully, administrators really set the tone for their school."
"Usually the first battle of the night sets the tone."
"James Mangold fought really hard to be allowed to make the movie R-rated not because he wanted tons of violence but because he wanted the movie not to be targeted towards kids and have a darker tone."
"The entry for this property really sets the tone for the rest of the house."
"This is a mysterious intro that does a good job in setting up the tone for what's to come."
"What I like about this book is that it sets the tone pretty much for the rest of the series."
"I think it's a great way to set the season apart from what has happened in the past and set like a new tone."
"It's the most important because it sets the tone and establishes the character."
"These first 10 minutes perfectly established the cozy tone."
"Moonshield is a wonderful way to set the tone for those classic folk-infused In Flames riffs that are just so deeply ingrained in their DNA."
"It's stunning, opening track, better than you, really sets the tone."
"It's always nice to get the first one out of the way; when it goes nice, it usually sets the tone for the rest of the day."
"Evil Dead 2 set the tone for what the greater Evil Dead franchise would become synonymous with."
"It just kind of sets the tone for your day."
"The value of references is to help us understand, generally speaking, something about the level and the tone of the tracks that we're working on."
"I think there's something magical about a first day of returning to set on a show and kind of setting the tone."
"It's so good when instruments aren't just used to make melodies; they're all setting a tone here."
"This really sets the tone for the year."
"For me, that's the foundation, that is where the tone is."
"Then I'm going to show you how to set up your clean tone on your amps."
"Bringing the ambience down can create a bit more of a moody tone."
"I'm excited about this season, I already was, but really the premiere is that kind of like it's the tone setter."
"It wasn't a perfect instrument by any means, but it really did set the tone."
"It sets the tone for how people are going to consume your services."
"You have to set the tone, you have to let us know that this is important."
"Backgrounds provide this consistent noise that sets the tone for the location."
"I like to have a quick catch up like oh right, it sets the tone."
"How you start your day sets the tone, the direction, and the context for the rest of the day."
"Sony's Edge is a great tone setter for Love, Death & Robots."
"The first sip of your coffee in the morning is very important; it sets the whole tone for the day."
"It's aspirational and it sets the tone."
"The EQS SUV might just be one of my favorite EVs I've reviewed so far because it sets the tone."