
Defensive Tactics Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"Furious resilience should really never be taken off, it is very, very strong."
"He also has a counter as well which is a great option against aggressive players."
"Combining dodges with anticipation adds realism and depth to defensive gameplay."
"That is a huge hack guys, if you ever oed by purple you can just do this and it can't get you."
"Tyranitar sure you don't lose most of your weaknesses but you also don't lose the special defense boost."
"Anything that you think this is a cool photo, probably is a cool photo."
"If you have good awareness of where people are and know the state of your lanes, you should be able to respond to backdooring."
"Garrison defense will literally change your life and punish your enemies in a way that they will not see coming."
"Mesmer skin is probably the single best tanking ability in the game."
"Finally time to buff up our army even more, let's go defensive first I think, no quality after deing some provinces here."
"He talked about countering from the pocket, hitting and not getting hit."
"Kuribo defended Yugi's life points, had hidden abilities, and symbolized the importance of smart dueling."
"You know what they say, the best defense is a good offense!"
"Fernandinho's athleticism and ability to shield a defense are remarkable."
"Our plan here: consolidate near northern Italy, hold important structures, and push back."
"I will never die at this point... a significant defensive cooldown... just mashing damage and ignoring any incoming danger for a few seconds."
"They take the wall off people, they strangle you, they keep you locked in your own final third."
"Near Tanden, Near 10, Near 10 is unbelievably stupid. But what she is, is she's just willing to be the human shield, like she's willing to go to the mattresses for these awful people."
"Your defensive decision making will set up your offense."
"Playing an idol on yourself or your ally is about the most basic defensive move you can get."
"Manchester United absolutely categorically have to get that defensive line higher."
"Steel is the single best defensive type in the entire game and it's not even close."
"I like that broke as like active defense in the set."
"They managed to just absolutely cut their way through the defensive hold."
"A good defense can totally undo an opponent's offense."
"Trying to defend against AI without employing AI itself is an invitation to disaster."
"Creatures don't fight to the death unless they, unless you back them into a corner."
"The best way to defend is to propose an alternative."
"You need cornerbacks in today's NFL with all these high-flying passing attacks."
"Jordan Davis can just eat up blocks and give those linebackers an opportunity to make plays behind them."
"It's an attacking 3-4 and if you're gonna Blitz as much as the Giants want to you need Corners that can play press man coverage and Stevenson is that."
"Pelican... large bill as a weapon... delivering painful strikes... during breeding season."
"Shields get a bit of a rough time, but in role-playing games and video games, shields are pretty popular."
"Let's get as many people behind the ball as we can to make it difficult to score against, then let's hit teams on the break with pace and try and win set pieces."
"It really throws the attackers off because they're not used to seeing that and they want to know where the roamers are before they try and breach up there." - Get Flanked
"Era Musha players everywhere hate me because of this: just block."
"The tactic of gaining a mission kill by depleting defensive missile magazines is termed winning the salvo exchange."
"The vulnerabilities mostly come from this high line that we've talked about..."
"It's so great to be able to stay keep your distance from enemies."
"You've got to be disruptive on the defensive end... his versatility offensively as a rookie is super impressive."
"The most important thing is keeping the ball out of the back of the net."
"The field of thorns as we're calling it is going to stop enemies in their tracks."
"His ability to just flip a switch and lock down an entire court is like nothing I've ever seen."
"Fuck it. Do it. Give 'em everything we got, contact Joint Base Williams and have them put birds up in the air just in case."
"Caustic's gas traps are insane at keeping enemies off of you, and the gas grenade is still good at getting the drop on enemies."
"Wasteland Defense allows you to build your own fort and defend it against raids, inspiring features in future games."
"Defensive, kind of want to do what Mayweather did to Conor McGregor."
"Panic stuns enemies for a couple seconds and it's very, very strong. Don't underrate it."
"It's like once we break those walls, it gets really hard for them to hold it down."
"This is probably the most fun defense to watch in the NFL."
"If you specifically remove that implication, it's gone. They can't use that."
"Aurora Veil gives me an opportunity to set up, and it gives me another fairy, a fast offensive fairy."
"Sure, it does have a weakness of a lower plate against equal tier tanks or those that are firing gold, but it's composers on top of the vehicle do struggle."
"Watson is kind of geared around camping and positioning but in high competitive play she is so valuable."
"A clean sheet is essential, I'd rather have a convincing 2-0 than a 5-2."
"Just don't make it easy, mix up your coverages, mix up your rushes, make pressures harder to read."
"You cannot give him a clearer picture of your defense. You have to muddy the waters and make him hold it."
"Real Madrid bodies up the pitch and just need to be careful not to leave it open at the back."
"Whenever we used to play the Colts, quarterbacks wouldn't sleep at night, offensive line wouldn't sleep at night because they knew 98, 93 are coming and coming and coming."
"It nullifies grab attacks and can block entire attack sequences."
"It's a really really good special for edge guarding."
"Sometimes the best defense is making sure nothing survives before it hits you."
"Their movements were commendable; with a few days' practice, they could handle being surrounded by four to five Golems."
"This is the best defense in the game right now, especially because it's so easy to block eight. I absolutely love this defense."
"Richter and Simon, the best camping characters."
"The helmet loreley Splendor automatically creates a sunspot for you whenever you break your Shield."
"A4: Creating the classic Bastion, preventing white from setting up pawns on B3 and A4."
"We're gonna bring in a backline that carries us to victories because defense wins championships."
"The defense of Brünn is considered one of the epic stands of the Imperial army."
"Your point batteries in this game, they will shoot the enemy if they don't have any projectiles to shoot down."
"If we have the best defensive line in the game, who's stopping us?"
"We feel our weapon is a shield until it needs to be a weapon."
"My front line is so incredibly tanky from the shadow locket, I cannot praise it enough."
"The best thing that the square can do when it's being initially charged by the cavalry is actually to hold their fire."
"If you have golden Towers, you're... hard to lose."
"When they're doing any or all of the covert aggressive tactics."
"Greatly raising attack and defense for one turn is gonna, you know, increase your defense by 50 percent and then on top of that, you're lowering attack, so it's like a double whammy effect of survivability for you."
"If you time it right, it is almost impossible to tackle somebody."
"Any defender with this zone out ability is gonna jump routes a lot more aggressively."
"He excelled as a defensive general, able to pick his ground and force the enemy to attack him."
"Prioritize outside facing walls, hatches, and objective walls."
"The down B breaks the shield if it lands on the center, and it's just 63%."
"It's a back door to your base with a handy force field that lets your team through and keeps the enemy team out."
"I fully expect Cypher and Killjoy to become the new defensive synergy."
"That piece of attacking is definitely has definitely improved defending, yeah."
"Liverpool go into every game and the defense is on the other team, thinking how do we stop them?"
"Evolving Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu into the ultimate offensive and defensive style."
"Plays Zato if you want incredible oki, incredible mix-ups, great neutral, and an obnoxious defense tool..."
"Turnovers don't matter when you don't let teams get first downs."
"When you have a lineman that make you have to go through them to get to the quarterback."
"Martinez and Varan played off each other perfectly, perfect foils for each other and it was cracking."
"Shield can be used as a reaction to increase your armor class by five."
"He might travel with Tyreek, but he knows he has help over the top."
"It's not a big blitzing defense but Robert Salah, he will bring it at times and when he brings it they're usually pretty effective."
"Tower base... zombies cannot get to your elevation... supports become the Target."
"Defensive badges like Pickpocket and Intimidator are essential for disrupting opponents' plays."
"They're using guerrilla-style tactics, dug trenches in places like Irpin, inside people's houses, behind trees, positioned, camouflaged, and ready."
"Crouch canceling is something you do have to work around, and I think the way to think about it is like it's better than shielding."
"Druids have wild shape. You can turn into a bear, roar at enemies, make sure that they attack you and not your teammates."
"The best side to defend for hostage by far is theater."
"Remedies are in the form of contracts, contracts are weapons."
"Deflect missiles... turns the tables of combat really well."
"Natural massive high of sneaky tactics, sneaky tactics involve, of course, having a massive wall of spears."
"Shields overall are very powerful defensive items in this game."
"Being able to take these light machine guns and find spots to quickly place them and quickly defend against counter attacks would be pretty imperative."
"You have the pass rush, you have Derwin James, who is a very similar sort of player. You add Isaiah Simmons and all of a sudden, the flexibility, the amount of things you can do defensively as a defensive coordinator, it just goes through the roof."
"The frustration of facing ultra-defensive opponents, despite it being within the rules."
"LeBron James has been practicing completely mailing in the defensive end of the floor for two weeks."
"The battle begins! The Pale King with his regal bearing adopts a defensive stance, observing the Knight's every move with piercing eyes."
"He's got a passive heal, passive fears as well, and a chance to drop defense and stun on an A1. Great, great champion."
"The Thunderbolt is always effective in frontier defense."
"You're getting rewarded for being defensive because as you block more attacks, the Shield will power up."
"Who needs to block when you can just dodge everything?"
"Take advantage of coverages, take advantage of leverage of defensive backs even linebackers and really make some nice throws to where the defense can't do much about it."
"Burn up seems to be fairly powerful not offensively but defensively and strategically."
"Flicker lets you blink a short distance and gives you extra defense for a moment. This is a flexible spell for offensive and defensive situations and most Heroes will find a use for it."
"Let's go ahead and start with the defensive line."
"Once you know what people are doing to you and you can recognize the tactics that are being used against you, you can say no this far no further."
"The fire wall is intended to prevent the enemy’s reserves from conducting a successful counterattack."
"For Boo's facing the opponent, he should cover his face like they normally do in the game, disappear to avoid the attack, and then unleash a powerful counterattack to the opponent."
"That's very smart, rating from the water is always going to be harder than from land."
"Glyph of fade reduces all damage taken by 10%."
"You can come in a land vehicle and you can set up a tank or a ballister and just, like, pick people out of the sky, defend that area, turn it into a fortress."
"Scorched earth tactics allow you to force your enemy into bad fights."
"Blinding nades are the strongest thing a person could ask for inside master content in this game enemies melt you quick and what better way to keep them from doing that than just taking away their ability to melt."
"If you fire missiles at an enemy ship, a smart crew is going to suddenly turn all the laser turrets and the sensor operators and trying to stop those missiles leaving your ship alone."
"Countercharge: charge off-turn, very powerful ability."
"There's one called the wall that you're probably going to want to pick up Tower Shield it dramatically increases your ability to block."
"Deny, deny, deny, and then accuse the accuser of what you're doing, right? It's a typical tactic."
"We want to see electro dragons come out of the clan castle on defense - unfortunately you're not gonna see that today."
"This build has very good defenses, very good sustain, so while it's not a fast bosser unless the boss requires you to have high dps to make it significantly easier, like Maven or something like that."
"I think Tammy is going to be a really difficult problem for Chad's defense."
"Forms employing time maneuvers comprised of delicate evasions and effective parries to provide maximum defensive protection while minimizing exposure to ranged attacks."
"Adaptability two ways... can he find a way to create the offense like he did in the fourth and fifth rounds without being offensively countered all the time by Gustafson"
"The defense has to figure out a way to engage on you, and that's the number one rule."
"The Miner placements were on point, the Snowballs on defense were perfect."
"...somewhere on the order of eight out of ten defensive pistol situations call for the Weaver stance."
"We're gonna run the ball when we need to, and we're gonna stop you from running when we need to."
"To borrow a baseball analogy, the first video examined the fastball of the package when the defense brought five and enforced the issue with clogging up inside lanes with pressure on the quarterback."
"I will show you how to neutralize White's initiative and how to grab all of the pawns that white offers and to get away with it in style."
"The classic pike phalanx could stop any cavalry charge in its tracks."
"Especially defensively, you gotta play with emotion."