
Audio Design Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The car sounds both in and out of the car for the three vehicles I drove the most were phenomenal."
"There's awesome sequences, really great sound design."
"The sound guys at Platinum absolutely nailed this part of the game."
"Horror games live and die by their soundscape."
"Audio is one of those things where if it's done right you almost don't notice it at all but it's hugely integral to conveying the stories experiences and immersion that drive the game."
"One of the strongest aspects of the machines' design is their sound design."
"One thing that I absolutely adored about Smash Bros. 64 is the sound direction."
"Audio team has made several crucial improvements to weapon sounds."
"The thing that I noticed right away is the extraordinary treatment of sound."
"His sound pack absolutely breathes life into this old classic."
"It's got that slight weird frustration as you're listening to it."
"The sound design was emphasized to carry more brutality in the story."
"Sound is supposed to be a third eye to make you feel like you're power incarnate."
"It's that beautiful audio based attention to detail that made Dead Space one a true game changer."
"The sound design is also great, with strange chanting, rotating gears and ticking clocks."
"Multi-mode filter with resonance, drive, and ADSR envelope."
"The audio in horror games has a huge part to play in immersing you into the tone of that world."
"Audio plays such an important part. It's what drew me in initially to Dead Space and really kept me intrigued. The dynamic fog in decontamination adds to the immersive experience."
"Sound is a big player in building the game's tone of supernatural horror."
"The gunshot sounds, everything about this game is top-notch."
"The music is actually programmed to get louder or more complex the closer you get to solving the puzzle."
"I'm not an expert in any of this, I'm not knowledgeable in speaker design or amp design. I'm just a guy that loves to hear great music reproduced in a way that brings magic and life."
"...they've decided to set themselves apart with a striking front panel display unlike anything the audio industry has seen before and boy did they hit this one out of the park."
"They attack you with sound but in a pleasurable way."
"I'm creating this ball of audio that's warm, that's round, that's gritty, that's aggressive yet pleasing."
"I wanted to allow for a sense of clarity... so when someone performs with the reverb, you hear the person, you hear the original sound."
"We need to achieve that echo density quickly; if you don't, you get these prominent echoes."
"My reverb goes from a room that is 4 inches by 4 inches to 400 feet by 300 feet."
"This is an excellent concept and excellent execution; this is one of the best audio products to come out in years."
"We don't want it echoing out, but we want to give the atmospheric impression that it's in a space."
"If we can limit vertical directivity and reduce those floor and ceiling reflections but maintain good horizontal dispersion, what you get is a speaker that will sound really spacious in the room."
"It's kind of got a bit of a computer sound to it now, which is exactly what I was looking for."
"Each speaker has a 7 magnet design and an independent amplifier."
"The speaker designer Andrew Jones really delivered a gift to the surround sound connoisseur on a budget."
"Everything in speaker design, one thing affects the other. That's why I love it so much."
"KEF has designed a speaker that's perfect for music and perfect for movies."
"Matching the sound effects to the picture is a fascinating process of trial and error."
"It usually results in a big, airy presentation that makes your sound stage feel bigger."
"Realism does not have a sweet spot; it sounds real regardless if you stand behind it, in front of it, hover above it, or dig a hole below it."
"Being able to move speakers around and adjust them according to the layout of your room is a feature that nothing else out there has right now."
"The Soundbar combines custom arrays and transducers with the spatial Tech to give an extra layer of realism."
"Is it possible to have your cake and eat it, have all the benefits of a horn design without any of the drawbacks? Well, the 4309 comes much closer to that ideal than I thought was possible at this price."
"Max is this kind of programming language that lets you build musical tools, audio effects, instruments, media effects."
"We're going to look at how to build a basic synthesizer voice in the traditional subtractive sense."
"So that's just like one way, but the sky's the limit."
"Coherent audio has this dual concentric design that really has that magic going for it."
"That's just so genius for an audio cue, way to tell what is going on."
"The alligator noise is very interesting as you could see here, it creates some cool effects."
"I wish more brands made true LCRs like this because it really is the way to go for home theater, in my opinion."
"The sound actually emits directly from beneath the keyboard."
"Special iconic sounds sound design here... it's more bass-intensive, I think it sounds way better than normal iconic sound."