
Expectation Vs Reality Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Nothing the storytellers spin could prepare you for the reality of things."
"You wanted Michael A. Jordan, but you got Michael B. Jordan."
"Your idolized perceptions of influencers are usually not going to be accurate."
"Love really is not like the movies... it would be a psychological Thriller horror movie directed by Ari Aster."
"The single biggest complaint I have about this game is the fear factor. It's just bad. It isn't scary in the slightest and it tries far too hard to be an action shooter free from any horror that the previous installment instilled within you."
"Like a mannequin, you see clothes on; you're like, 'Damn, that looks good.' You put it on; it sucks."
"It's a scorcher, no you think that you're like freezing at home and you're like oh it'll be so nice to get the hot temperatures then you get here and you're like okay I'm sweating."
"Expecting every Burger to look like it does in the ads is setting unrealistic standards."
"The launch was so disastrous, the reviews so mediocre."
"We always knew we wanted a lot of light, but until the building started going up, I don't think any of us really had an idea of how magnificent it was gonna be."
"Just 'cause you have the right ingredients doesn't mean that you actually make a delicious cake."
"Imagine you send out thousands of brave men thinking that they'll come home with honor and glory and gold coin but they come back dead every one of them."
"Just when you think you finally got it all figured out, someone changes the rules and hands you a banana instead of a trophy."
"Ultimately, it didn't matter what I considered or what I thought out there because we didn't find the treasure."
"I wake up thinking I'm going to have a good day, but it always turns out to be a bad day."
"Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way expecting a different outcome."
"All these people who had been like, 'This album's gonna be terrible,' like literally people writing, 'I'm eating crow.'"
"Trial keys do not currently have any functionality. Well, that was anti-climatic."
"Be careful what you wish for because the reality can be so much harder than what you think your dream scenario is going to be."
"It was supposed to look like this is what they delivered. Yeah, that definitely couldn't have been a mix-up. They genuinely didn't even try."
"Just think, it's four shots that he got in the span of what, 18 months? Four shots to protect against this virus, and he still got it."
"Just because people are supposed to do something, doesn't mean that's what they're doing."
"Vani: hyped antagonist, disappointing execution."
"Aren't you gonna say the thing? What, no 'Avengers, assemble'? Yeah, we don't really say that. So where did people get the idea of you saying it?"
"I'm really intrigued. It doesn't look and feel the way I expected."
"It's like when you wait for something for so long, and then it comes and it's trash."
"The abject failure of this game really falls into place when you stop for a second and think about what Forces actually is."
"It's pretty simple actually, a lot simpler than I thought it would be."
"This video was so much worse than I expected. I was expecting a slur every night on them, but instead of just doing that, you just straight up decided to lie on video."
"No matter how bad you think these look, they always look amazing once they're cooked so try to relax."
"Suit shopping... thinking that this was going to just polish us when it what it actually did was just make us can't polish a turd."
"Unfortunately, Skatebird is actually a lot worse than I had assumed."
"This does not taste like a s'more. Disappointingly so."
"The way they play with expectations versus realities is really well done."
"What we think happened is a lot worse than what actually happened."
"It's never the quality you think you're going to get. I bought an outfit on Amazon one time I was so excited about it. I was like, I'm going to look like Mariah Carey. I put it on I always look like I look like Drew Carey."
"You gotta keep trying and keep pushing. Maybe the thing that you're working for doesn't end up being what you thought it was, but gaining that knowledge is even more impactful."
"It's tough because the normal people that we love meeting aren't the people that show up."
"The screenshots for this one did not do it justice."
"You guys are that person that feels like you would expect the best."
"Nothing like the Denny's back home... It's like a whole new restaurant."
"Because fantasies rarely play out as you or I might expect, but they always play out exactly as they should."
"Jeffy asked to go to Disney World but Mario takes him to some fun city instead."
"There wasn't anything around the bend on my phone."
"It doesn't make them as happy as they thought it would."
"I stand by that, but here's my thing with breakfast foods. When I go out for breakfast, it always sounds like a great idea."
"It's not as clean as the video. I feel like the video they like kind of staged it. I guess I can sand it but oh, it came off. I didn't think that was going to be as easy as it is."
"It never goes as how you expect. It looks so easy on YouTube, but when it comes to doing it in real life... Oh my God."
"What a fail, yes, now old people on trampolines, come on, do a backflip, do a backflip."
"A movie about alien snow sharks sounds like it would be pretty wild, and it's just not, like at all."
"The freedom wasn't what I thought it would be."
"It's a lot different what it looks on YouTube. It's good. I bet you can breathe easier already."
"I thought this was going to be actually a really fun kayak an ergonomic kayak to use to go out and Hunt some fish."
"the difference between what the whopper promises in the ad and what the whopper gives you in reality kind of like your first year in marriage"
"Walnut Grove was not the idyllic place that they had left."
"By setting the RRP for this locomotive at 139 pounds 95 Bachmann suggests that this is a quality modern and detailed locomotive but getting it out of the box I found that quite bafflingly the opposite was true."
"...there something that goes to show there that like the the thing you hype yourself up about the most the thing that you're so invested in before you even begin is not equate to it being the most influential or the most exciting or the most memorable experience you had..."
"Just looking at a product on a computer screen on the internet and assuming that it's all going to be perfect is a big mistake."
"It was honestly a hundred times worse than I expected. I thought it was gonna be like, I told you guys, like not really too much pain, you know, the epidural takes it away, blah blah, but no guys."
"Honestly, I'm actually liking this a lot more in person than what I saw in the promo photos."
"No project is as easy as people on the internet would like you to believe."
"This is real life, not a movie. Some handsome prince isn't gonna show up out of nowhere and kiss you at the end of the story. In real life, you always get stuck with the frog."
"They say the honeymoon is supposed to be one of the best times of a person's life."
"Believe me, I would have loved for this to be the reality, but sadly that stereotype is far from the truth."
"It probably looked really fun and pretty from the videos and it was beautiful but it was kind of a disaster."
"The texture is much different than I was anticipating, but I do actually like this shade."
"The song in the teaser does feature some scenes from the actual music video, but the track is very different than the song we actually got in the end."
"I think that this is the first time this has ever happened to where the finished meal looked better than the picture on the box."
"Most people bought windows with the assumption that if I buy these new double-pane windows... I will never have to touch my windows again. I'm going to live here happily ever after and there will be nothing to do. Well, that is not true."
"Some things look different than I imagined, but they look incredible. Not everything's gonna look like it did in my inner eye, you know."
"I felt like when he fought Jake, Gib just went against everything his trainers had taught him."
"So at the beginning of this video, we told you that we would let you know if we found the island to be overpriced or paradise."
"There is a difference between expectation and reality, but there's also a difference between discovering something and creating something."
"Wow wow wow, that actually looks better in person."
"The pictures did not do justice to the size of this place."
"The difference between what the brain expected and what happens in real life is how the brain learns."
"The pain turns out to be much less bad than you thought."
"It's no way near as heavy as it looks."
"What color do you think black currant juice is? Purple, purple, purple. Why don't we squash one and let's have a look at what color the juice is. Squish... It's red, red. It's red, isn't it?"
"It's supposed to be a hot tub, and it doesn't even look anything like it."