
Business Adaptation Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The process will change... by the size of the company."
"Every company, every bank, every insurer will have to adjust their business models."
"We're learning new lessons from this crisis and change."
"Questions about how companies that have done business in the globalized world are dealing with something that has not been seen in a long time, which is a major war in this way."
"The way it's done here, I get it, I get why they made the changes."
"Maybe you'll want to take your business in a new direction or maybe you'll want to start a completely different business."
"Either you go out of business or you have to evolve. We're doing nothing other than what the Victorian bakers did."
"Great entrepreneurs absorb information, stay flexible, that's called pivoting."
"It's just rolling with the punches and the evolution of the business side of it."
"If you want the company that you once fell in love with, now is the time."
"We will continue to listen, adapt, and change based on our customers' needs."
"We pivoted the entire company to nearby travel."
"Every single business Enterprise is either going to adapt to AI or they're going to die."
"Navigating the pandemic: Impact on HR processes and unexpected shifts."
"Nvidia touted its ability to monitor the cryptocurrency market and make rapid changes to its business as necessary."
"We decided to scale down due to this whole coronavirus thing."
"Companies have realized that most office work could be easily done remotely."
"Companies have learned to live and manage with employees at home."
"Lower demand is bad, it’s wreaking havoc on the industry, but it is a potentially surmountable problem."
"We're just not there anymore. Companies, corporations have literally changed their entire business model around this whole situation."
"We are businesses and most businesses evolve they follow the money if the money dries up in one it sector they evolve into a different sector."
"People still prefer shopping in physical stores but stores will need to evolve in order to survive."
"Shouldn't businesses adapt to meet the needs of their customers?"
"I think within a year plus you will see companies much much more comfortable i mean every day something new is coming out that's making crypto more accessible more favored by people and so forth"
"AMC rode the meme stock rally to revitalize its business."
"Telemedicine has helped maintain some business."
"Just in time is gone, it's now just in case."
"It's a complete robotic way and now what works posts covid in small businesses is that you will have to form very personal relationships with your clients."
"We're going to get left behind if we don't innovate."
"You're not an agency, you're an expert. You just chose to package your expertise in the form of laborious services and you have the option to package them in another way." - Alan Weiss
"You have two choices: evolve or die as a brand."
"Things are always changing so you want to make sure that you're keeping it updated."
"Step into the flow of a market instead of trying to change their patterns."
"This is what people believe so we have to cater to them."
"Change is the new normal, you know, that's something that I've had to learn in management - change is normal - we're always changing every business has to deal with it."
"Our organizations and the way they work would by definition need to evolve."
"The businesses that are going to do well are going to be the businesses that ideally are online."
"Think about what is not changing, and then pick it up from there."
"Restaurants, you can't have anybody in your restaurant these days, but you can have a bunch of takeout."
"Dollar Tree basically admitted that they can't keep things at a dollar anymore. Why do you think that's happening? Because everything is so damn expensive."
"Ad rates are going down, Facebook is feeling it right now but they are converting well they're getting back on track adjusting from the apple changes."
"Launching on different channels will help you determine whether you're even talking to the right users." - Test, adapt, grow.
"For some companies, this crisis has allowed them to reach new customers, devise new business models that have staying power."
"In this season, some have thrived. For example, if you have a business that makes hand sanitizers, this has been a good season for you. You're doing well right now."
"You don't book the same way in the 90s as you do now."
"You got to ize, pivot, and then optimize."
"We can offer design different strategies to encounter the COVID situation."
"The pandemic has prompted the business community to rethink their supply chains and the need to shift their practices so they can secure the supply of critical components."
"You can't sit in the comfort of the status quo in today's business climate."
"Keep in mind, this website does not have to be just about a burger website; you can convert it into any other high-end business."
"When business models have to change, established companies are at a gross disadvantage."
"It's been super fascinating to see how the brands are adapting and pivoting."
"One of the biggest challenges Facebook faces is to keep people and businesses happy with continuously driving change in its functionality."
"I think that if someone says resellers are doing this to my business or stores are doing this to my business, then maybe reselling is just becoming more aware that the competition can be good."
"It's a wonderful story about how to prepare yourself for what could be the unknown, how to pivot your business if you need to, and then how not to give up but rebuild in a smarter way."
"Technology is growing faster and faster, and this exponential growth is changing the way we operate in our businesses."
"A pandemic hits and guess what? School districts, businesses, they don't care what Zoom's P/E ratio is in March 2020. They need a tool that works."
"With SAP Business One, what we're doing is giving you the base preconfigured functionality and then giving you the flexibility to be able to use the software in a way that matches to that business process that you've defined."
"Every business must be aware of this: they have to adapt or die."
"We're always trying to keep up with technology because if you don't, you're going to fall behind and the business is not going to keep up with the times, they say."