
Political Trends Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"I can say right now that we're seeing a Resurgence of fascism all across the West."
"Demographics is destiny, particularly when it comes to religion and politics."
"Far right is moving into Europe's mainstream."
"Le Pen is surging, she has taken the lead officially now."
"Presidents have used executive orders more frequently in recent years."
"Nationalism, populism, and traditionalism are rising."
"Gen Z despises capitalism, loves abortion, and are very energized to vote. This will continue to have a big impact."
"When you see this trend keep going the way it is, it's only going to lead to more troubles politically, socially, violence, and uh, yeah exactly right now."
"The big lesson of this election: 2016 was not a fluke. It was a signal."
"Pennsylvania voter registration Trends are suggesting a massive shift over to the Republicans."
"Our Republican base is becoming more populist. The trickle-down policies of the past aren't in style with the base now."
"I think AOC is dropping out of this fight and with that we might see the end of this far left push into the Democratic Party."
"Politics is downstream from culture, and what becomes unacceptable in culture becomes unacceptable in politics."
"Among those of gen z who are more progressive, they tend to be increasingly authoritarian."
"The emergence of gendered politics... where men and women are seen as two separate and opposed voting blocs."
"Texas has been turning into a lean left facility now because let's hope I still think it's an uphill battle but I think it is moving in that direction."
"Republicans are losing support among female voters." - Ana Kasparian
"If you take all the Republican-held districts and average them, they're down to a one-point lead against the Democrats. That's not a wave, that's a tsunami."
"Minorities and women are leading the red wave."
"The rehabilitation of fascism is well underway... who's based and who isn't based."
"BJP is resurging in Southern India which never used to be their forte."
"The evidence is mounting that with just under three months left until the midterms, the political environment is shifting in favor of the Democrats."
"Every other state practically voted more rightward than they did in 2012, but Arizona and Georgia shifted to the left."
"The number of democracies in the world has begun to drop dramatically."
"Basically half of Republicans said they were more likely to support candidates who support abortion rights."
"The blue wave is now running into a riptide of uncertainty."
"It's much more likely that the party is going to go in the national conservative direction."
"There is a silent majority that is growing in this country unlike anything they've ever seen."
"It is not necessarily fascism that's on the rise, but some kind of totalitarianism."
"Populism as a political force isn't going to go anywhere where it ends up is the open question over the next decade."
"You gotta continue to feed your audience. They come to you because they want to be fed."
"As governments continue to head towards the direction of one centralized worldwide government, we're going to continue seeing Tremors in the financial system."
"Approval ratings for President Biden and other Democrats are already plummeting."
"Republicans are gaining with voters particularly women in the final weeks of the midterm elections."
"Maybe all of this stuff is going to lead to a massive surge of nationalist populism and it could go in a dark direction."
"The Democrats' embrace of BLM has changed the trend."
"A record 60% of Americans say they would be fine voting for an atheist."
"The Democratic Party will be dominating in future elections if current political party policies stand."
"A candidate squarely of the Christian right has won Iowa since 2000."
"The trend is our friend and the global Red Wave is just getting started."
"We're seeing Trump's influence in the Republican Party begin to wane ever so slightly."
"Even if Trump loses, Trumpism doesn't have to."
"Socialism is on the rise and I think perspective is a part of it."
"As goes one nation, the tendency is the others go in the same direction."
"We are absolutely seeing conservative takeovers all across all 50 states."
"Sanders isn't the first candidate in recent years to show that it is possible."
"The pendulum is swinging towards Trump Republican."
"I think it's gonna be interesting... to see how more and more radical candidates seem to be winning."
"Midterms usually favor the out of power party."
"Socialism is returning. It's returning big and it's returning fast."
"The number of democracies has increased steadily and now largely outnumbers the number of autocracies."
"Democracy is precarious and human rights are precarious, but in general, the trends still seem to be pointing towards a positive move towards democracy."
"Populism will increase a lot, but not just on the right; it's also on the left."
"The global surge of populism and nationalism."
"A real decline in party membership... suggests that there's less confidence in the political system as a whole."