
Enthusiastic Review Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"This thing is amazing, bro. I mean, it glides, it flies, it does everything."
"Liberty 3 Pro, these things are absolute bangers."
"So many amazing things, good, good, good gaming year for sure."
"This foundation is insane it has completely like blurred my pores it's almost like there's a filter on my skin."
"I love it. The single-player is just balls to the walls great."
"YuYu Hakusho is objectively fucking fantastic."
"This is a hard hard smash I loved this book."
"I just think it's so cool, I really love it."
"So many bops, so many, whoa, Gravity Bounce, that one was really good."
"Infinite Frontier is amazing. It's absolutely great."
"The combat system in Genshin is honestly insane." - Praise for Genshin's combat system
"Wow, have you listened? It sounds incredible! 10 out of 10 game."
"An absolute goddamn masterpiece and just enjoyable as hell."
"This gun is a straight-up ten. Or eleven, honestly, maybe it could go to eleven."
"Fantastic Mr. Fox...it's one of the best movies of all time I'm glad it's slowly getting the recognition it deserves and I love it and it's perfect and it's awesome and yes."
"The music... every track in this game bangs."
"I'm obsessed 10 out of 10 in fact I'm gonna give this like an 11 out of 10."
"Guys, the movie was so [ __ ] good! 10/10, 100,000. Y'all have to go see it honestly."
"If someone rates it 9, it's 11 out of 10 next."
"These are probably one of the coolest things I have ever bought."
"HTC hit this one out of the park... everything about this phone is incredible."
"This scorching hot banger, fresh out of the oven, dropped actually over a year ago at this point, and I gotta say, boys, it's aged like a beautiful fine wine."
"Honestly I'd say 9 is probably my top 5 maps of all time. 10 out of 10 solid map would play again. I absolutely Gruman again, it's the flow."
"That was probably one of the greatest scenes I have ever seen in a freaking movie, man."
"This is the best map they've done by far. This is the best map they've done. Wow!"
"That [song] goes hard dude, I mean this [stuff] slaps."
"This song goes so [__] hard, it's not even funny!"
"Guardians of the Galaxy is great. I cannot freaking recommend it enough."
"That is an absolute beast. I wasn't expecting it to be this capable off-road."
"These American trucks were seriously bloody good. Big thumbs up from me."
"The reviews were great, the sales were 'ballistic' as Philip put it!"
"Obsessed with this book, incredible conclusion, chef's kiss 10 out of 10 please read this series."
"That was pretty cool, guys. That is rise of the duelist. Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this premiere opening because it is freaking awesome! What a set, truly amazing!"
"If 11 out of 10 was possible, that would be it. This is the best card I've ever seen."
"This gun, I believe, is just plain awesome and right now, as of the recording date of this video, this is my number one pick is the scar."
"Easily one of the best black ops 4 maps and one of the best zombies maps ever in my opinion definitely a top 10."
"We're literally looking at a masterpiece guys, I can't describe this anymore."
"How can I not recommend a film with this much madness in it?"
"If I love an affordable product and I think it's bomb, I'm gonna sit here and talk about it all day every day."
"This show is such a goddamn adventure, dude."
"The store is incredible and they have a lot of fire here."
"Home Alone: S tier movie, I like it a lot, it's very good."
"I think the story is fantastic... man I'm Juiced up about this one."
"Love it dude, awesome choice with the wheels and such, carbon spoiler, oh my god the plate, I'm blind, he even has the plate, there you go, janko played it all, looks great dude, love it, very creative!"
"This is my favorite thing, this might be my favorite. I love having the Batmobiles, I feel like I did it because I got those Batmobiles over the years, but this, this is funky, this is fantastic."
"Oscar Isaac has signed up to play Solid Snake... I love this casting." - Robert Meyer Burnett
"I felt like I snorted a giant jolt of pure uncut Star Wars... it was like if 'The Mandalorian' was a big mountain of Tony Montana Scarface cocaine." - Robert Meyer Burnett
"Honey Bunches of Oats, more like Honey Bunches of oh my god, it's an S tier cereal."
"Apple Jacks, it's da winamon, up there at the S tier, baby."
"This is the best stick Foundation of all time it is so so good you guys."
"Mario Kart DS is fantastic and it's leaps and bounds better than any previous Mario Kart game so far."
"You can't tell me this isn't the coolest vehicle that they've added in this game like it's a freaking rollback. I like it. I like it a lot."
"Here he is in his robot mode, and again, he looks gorgeous. Just gorgeous. I love the way this thing looks. This thing is just, ah, looks so good."
"That's probably the best vehicle, I'm gonna be honest."
"I went to the the premiere thing there this last week and I wanted to just give a little preview for Star Trek fans of the original series I am fuckin tastic."
"110 percent recommend y'all. I give this like 10 out of 5 stars."
"I'm gonna give these a 10 out of 10. I'm gonna get 100."
"This manga bangs hard, harder than those boys in the last manga, man. It slaps."
"I came to the right place to live for 24 hours, look at that beautiful, gooey, messy, beautiful, oh my goodness."
"It's just really amazing stuff like look at the quality of that it looks so okay we stand."
"It's one of those games that's just super duper incredibly good."
"It's nutty how good a lot of these units are."
"Remember when Guba looked like this? Venti shot, oh we're off to a [__] strong start."
"This could very well be the best show of the year."
"I would rate this 10 out of 10; we absolutely loved it."
"I think it's awesome, sleeping, time to kill, shape I'm in, all the glory."
"This piece of hardware is actually really freaking amazing."