
Emerging Markets Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Buying emerging markets and going to the beach is as good a strategy as you need for asset allocation anywhere." - Rau Pao
"That emergence, it's happening. It's in emerging markets."
"South Africa: the gateway to emerging markets in Africa."
"Most Cardano dex tokens haven't even come out yet, meaning you can still tag along for the ride."
"I think the next move, the big move, is to enter emerging markets."
"Emerging markets will be the bigger beneficiaries of a weaker dollar... resulting in greater increases in living standards."
"Welcome to Mogadishu, the city of rising opportunities."
"Strong dollar is bad for emerging markets because it sucks global liquidity out."
"It's an early asset class. It's like the internet of 1995."
"Emerging markets are undervalued, they're a very compelling bet."
"ESG in EM is hugely valuable, especially the G part. It will add returns to your portfolio."
"Crypto adoption can truly make a difference in emerging markets experiencing currency crises."
"There is a market for NFTs, and that market doesn't even know about NFTs yet."
"I think the emerging economies are going to end up in a much better shape."
"As long as you are in an emerging economy... then it means that we have inconsistencies and we have cycles of five years."
"Despite challenges, opportunities abound in Nigeria."
"As much as we see in other emerging markets, e-commerce has been the biggest in Pakistan."
"The devaluation run in Emerging Markets is just getting started."
"We could invest heavily in emerging industries, you know we could actually get on the ground floor on some things that other countries have been bit slower."
"Identifying value stocks in emerging markets will be a portfolio game changer."
"You detach on obviously the brics development."
"Emerging Markets will outperform, in which case you'll have a bit of FOMO."
"The rise of the BRICS, the rise of other alternative institutions, these are all the building blocks of a new form of international economic governance."
"They're expensive to invest in, which makes sense, their financial markets tend to be less developed."
"But the other big one from emerging markets is costs."
"With the rise of China's economy, with the rise of India's economy again, something few people anticipated that it could happen so quickly."
"It was a reminder to the investors about the risks of investing in Emerging Markets."
"Russia was hit worse than I think any other emerging economy."
"The majority of trade, the majority of investment, the majority of manufacturing, and the majority of production is now in the emerging part of the world."
"If you look at Africa, Asia, and Latin America, those are portions of our business that grow very fast."
"All the growth in the world's trade is now happening Emerging Market to emerging market."
"Look for things that are kind of emerging markets, not something that is dying."
"The automotive industry's economic center of gravity will continue to shift as sales volumes and market share keep moving toward emerging markets."
"Emerging markets... have one key advantage which is that if they are willing to invest in technology, they can really surge ahead through this process of leapfrogging."
"The rise of empowered women is one of the biggest Mega Trends we're seeing, particularly in Emerging Markets."
"Emerging markets such as China and India offer lots more opportunity for some businesses."
"We're in a place right now within the ag-based carbon markets, it's still very new."
"Trust me, it's coming. The nature of emerging markets is not a question of whether; there's always a crisis."
"You're going to see how Corporate Finance principles work for an Emerging Market commodity company."
"Out of all the people in this world that have disabilities, 80% of them live in the global South, in emerging markets."
"Mobiles are often the first and only device through which many people come online in emerging markets."
"Designing for accessibility is a relevant topic for us, especially for those living in emerging markets."
"Budget airlines have allowed people in emerging countries to travel more, increasing globalization."
"When you go to emerging markets, don't buy cheap equities; buy cheap currencies."
"Innovation in emerging markets like India has surprised me."