
Secession Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Let's stop pretending that secession is even a thing that could possibly happen. It won't, it just won't."
"This could lead to part of the newly formed country succeeding and joining Canada as a new territory."
"The Civil War was little more or less than 11 states violently seceding from the union after the 1816 election."
"If the Free State Project works... it's only a matter of time until you actually have a vote that passes and you have a state saying we hereby secede."
"The only way these inequalities can be righted is if the north secedes and becomes its own country."
"The greater Idaho movement, nearly 20 counties in Oregon that want to secede from Portland."
"California would make a big dent if it left on its own."
"Secession prohibited: this state shall ever remain a member of the American Union, the people thereof are a part of the American Nation."
"If South India wants to secede from the Indian State and create an independent republic of South India, what are your thoughts on this? Well, he's entitled to his opinion. I think we should crush it."
"Secession is an approach you take when you have irreconcilable differences."
"The Confederate flag is not an American flag. This was a separate country that broke up. It was not the United States."
"Secession is the more effective way to proceed forward."
"You want to make secession as frictionless as possible."
"As Lincoln's presidential victory unfolded South Carolina was the first state to try and split from the increasingly not so United States"
"I think it would be actually a good thing for the American voters if Texas became a country."
"There would be no need for secession, national divorce, and especially no need for violence. It's an informal line in the sand, federalism is the key."
"I think Texas should secede from the Union. If they do, I'm moving to Texas."
"Like Texas, the most active secession movements come sometimes from places that were once independent, however briefly."
"The question of whether or not secession was constitutional was decided on the battlefield. It wasn't decided in the Constitution."
"If California started talking about secession, Oregon and Washington almost certainly would say, 'Yeah, we're with you too.'"
"Lee considered himself a Virginian before anything else and his family and friends were Virginians who were preparing to secede from the union."
"The key concept is self-determination and the right to secession."
"What we've seen is huge problems in Scotland threatening to destroy a union of several hundred years, the election of Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland, and determination to pursue Irish unification and an exit from the UK altogether."
"Lincoln wins, yes, and when he wins all of a sudden seven southern states decide to secede before he's even sworn in."
"Slavery was at the root of the decision of the first seven southern states to secede."
"Virginia voted to secede from the union only 5 out of the 31 state delegates from the northwestern counties voted in favor of secession."
"The most important immediate result of the firing on Fort Sumter, of course, was the secession of the Upper South."
"South Carolina is basically going to secede, I believe, without even putting it up to election in December of 1860. And these other southern states see that and they say, well before following them we should have let the people have a say in this."
"The secession of States gives both America's legitimacy."
"Is this the final act of the most successful secessionist movement in India?"
"Secession is not an act of rebellion but a proclamation of autonomy."
"We are so incredibly proud to propose the motion: This house supports a people's Democratic right to secede."
"Norway seceded from Sweden in 1905, Montenegro seceded from Serbia in 2006, East Timor seceded from Indonesia in 2002; these are all examples of successful secessions in the past."
"If this base were to secede from the United States, it would be the third largest nuclear power in the world."
"The war was caused by secession; secession was caused because of slavery."
"Lincoln's election was the precipitating factor for secession and the Civil War."
"A new artistic movement is born all over Europe; it is a secession from the present."
"Interest in secession, in the possibility that the union doesn't work anymore, is kind of the only thing we actually do have in common."
"Because they were secessionists. They didn't even love your country. They wanted to leave your country."
"The secession of the Southern states and the formation of the Confederate States of America in February, 1861, directed most attention to the East."
"...the south breaking off from the north and making themselves the Confederate States of America."
"I saw in states' rights the only availing check upon the absolutism of the sovereign will, and secession filled me with hope, not as a destruction but as a redemption of democracy."
"South Carolina was the first state to secede from the union and began the Civil War."
"Which state was the first to secede from the union before the start of the Civil War? South Carolina."
"The South seceded over slavery; let's not kid ourselves about anything else."
"The Union was declared to be perpetual and the right of a state to secede settled by the judgment of battle."
"The Chapel of the central Cemetery, which bears the name of a former mayor, Dr. Carl Luger, is one of the most important works of the Austrian secession."