
Leopards Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"The versatility of leopards defines their distinction in the wild."
"That's just part of his body markings, like how leopards have spots."
"I got to tell you, spending two or three hours in the company of a pride of leopards like this is just magical."
"Leopards are probably the winners in hide-and-seek."
"Leopards are nocturnal Hunters so any attack that would be carried out would be in the darkness of night for you would never see it coming."
"Leopards are one of the most, if not the most, adaptable big cats on earth."
"Mother and daughter leopards are playing happily together."
"The maximum weight that a leopard can pull into a tree is supposed to be around about its own mass."
"We've been very lucky with leopards and lions."
"Young male leopards seem to capture the hearts of most people."
"Leopards for me are one of the most strikingly majestic animals that we see here."
"We have come across some incredible moments, mainly with the leopards."
"Hello everyone and welcome to the Sabi Sands in South Africa, as you can see we've got a tiny little leopard cub and its mother."
"We followed these leopards' footprints to where we found them in this area just a few moments ago."
"Leopards will tree kills obviously to prevent them being taken by hyenas."
"It's amazing the camouflage of these leopards and how they can blend in."
"Imagine if she had two cubs, sometimes leopards will even have three, imagine how much work she'd have then."
"Leopards are masters of disguise, we do know this."
"It's the way the cookie crumbles, and you've got to work for leopards sometimes; it makes you appreciate them that much more."
"It's really nice that we managed to get both leopards this morning."
"Most black panthers are leopards or jaguars with hypermelanism."
"Leopards are big cats known for their golden, spotted bodies and graceful, yet ferocious hunting techniques."
"Leopards live in more places than any other large cat."
"Leopards are ambush predators; they crouch low to sneak up on their prey and pounce before it has a chance to react."
"The name leopard comes from the Greek word 'leopardus', a combination of 'leon' (lion) and 'pardus' (panther)."
"We're fortunate to work in one of the best leopard areas in the entire planet and that we get to see them more regularly than most."
"Leopards are silent kind of masters of the bush."
"His name is Hosana, which means the little chief, and he is one of my favorite leopards."
"Leopards have spots to help with camouflage, so it helps them to sort of disappear and merge into the bush."
"Each individual leopard has its own unique set of spots just like we've got our own unique fingerprints."
"Leopards are incredibly adaptable."
"Leopards are one of my favorite cats, and I always really want to find them."
"How many leopards have we driven past or walked past in our lifetime?"
"I reckon I've driven past more leopards than I've seen."
"Leopards are solitary, but here on Juma we actually do witness a lot of leopard interactions."
"Leopards are normally quoted as nocturnal, but in fact, they're more likely to be described as crepuscular."
"We have found steaming fresh leopard tracks."
"These tracks are the best I've seen in over a week of looking for leopards on Juma."
"Clouded leopards were officially recorded as a species back in 1821, making them one of the most ancient cat species."
"It's amazing that the last dominant leopards in this area also used almost the exact same routes."
"Leopards... about as intelligent as dolphins."
"That's what makes leopards so incredible."
"Really interesting discussion there, really interesting too for us to be able to view these things and to spend time with these leopards for years and years."
"Leopards... were about as intelligent as dolphins."
"This shows you how incredible leopards' camouflage is."
"We obviously had the most amazing sighting in terms of our leopard family."
"Leopards are far more intelligent than we give them credit for."
"If a leopard doesn't want to be found, you won't find it."
"It's always great to see these leopards."
"Leopards bump into each other a lot more than we think and they interact a lot more than we realize."
"Watching leopards in this kind of situation is just crazy."
"This is ridiculous, we have three leopards literally staring at each other at the moment."
"Our leopards here within the Sabi Sands are some of the biggest leopards in the world."
"Leopards, they don't live in big families, leopards are solitary."
"Leopards look for something small, so that they can drag it up to a tree to avoid competition."
"It's marvelous to see so many of them together; now we know why we have such a healthy leopard population."
"Leopards have been known to lift carcasses equal to their own body weight up a tree."
"Leopards are solitary, they try to avoid fighting because they are unable to hunt for themselves if they get injured."
"Leopards don't generally go for longer than a couple of days without eating."
"The hardships of being a male leopard on a lazy Monday morning."
"Welcome to the Sabi Sand, the heart of the leopards."
"I suspect that a male leopard recognizes its cub from smell."
"It's always very special when leopards have cubs with them."
"Sometimes you've just got to stop and admire what a leopard looks like because there's just something about them that is spectacular."
"A leopard can survive a fall from the tree while eating their kill; they are very, very good at jumping."
"The agility and balance that these leopards have is just incredible."
"Leopards are amazing, they're one of my favorite creatures."
"I have indeed found your favorite predator, everyone. Tristan's favorite predator is a leopard."
"Leopards have spots... to help camouflage herself so that she can hide amongst thick bushes or even in tall grass."
"Every leopard's coat pattern is unique to the individual."
"She's precariously moving on her perch as leopards do, very deftly."
"It's my favorite favorite animals, I always get excited when I see leopard tracks."
"It's interesting, you know, generally with the leopards, you find that they move around a lot more than this."
"Leopards are amazing creatures, they are the most adaptable of the big cats."
"In the wild, male leopards normally live to about 12 or 13 years old."
"Leopards will definitely eat crocodiles."
"They've evolved to be solitary hunters."
"Leopards are incredibly adaptable in terms of their prey species."
"They can live in jungle, they can live in mountains, they can live in deserts, they can live in grasslands, they can live in savannas."
"Isn't that beautiful? Here we have a very postcard picturesque leopard pose for you."
"Melanistic leopards are leopards that have an over pigmentation."
"Look at the size of this animal for a leopard that's only two years and 10 months old, he is huge."
"Leopards are very frequently around the camp here."
"There's nothing better than sitting with a leopard."
"Leopards are meticulous groomers; they can't afford to have anything on their skin that would give away their presence."
"You will never find a leopard eating a delicious piece of fruit because they don't need to; they synthesize it on their own."
"How big can a leopard get? Well, females and males are completely different."
"Leopards have rosettes, Jaguars also have rosettes but they have spots inside of those rosettes."
"Isn't this just the most insane thing? The drama with our leopard world at the moment is just out of control."
"Wow, dynamics of our leopards in the last year and a half has just been insane."
"We've had some beautiful leopard sightings."
"It's been an insane morning where we've had three leopards together."
"That curiosity that these young leopards have will eventually dissipate as they become adults."
"Leopards are very, very adaptable. I can't express this enough."
"Leopards are solitary. They're always on their own unless it's a mother with cubs or a mating pair."
"He's a lovely, lovely leopard to be around."
"It's great to know that these leopards are still thriving around here."
"She is given birth to the new generation of royal Tuma leopards, which is very exciting."
"Leopards are ambush predators which means they have to get very close before they can jump on and catch something."
"We're very fortunate to be able to spend time with these leopards the way that we do."
"A black panther is just a leopard that is what we call melanistic."
"I've always wanted to see a leopard on that mound, yet to see one on it, but I've always wanted to."
"We are so, so lucky to be able to experience leopard likeness."
"Leopards are mostly nocturnal... they're actually what is called crepuscular."
"Leopards, when they are stalking, they crouch, they flatten their ears."
"The Sabi Sands is world-renowned for game viewing and for leopards."
"Leopards are actually one of the more successful predators compared to most."
"It's a good time for leopards to find a sunny spot."
"New blood in the gene pool is only going to help solidify the future for the leopards here of the Sabi Sands."
"Leopards are crepuscular animals, which means they move around at dawn and dusk."
"Leopards have a very big spread of items that they like to eat."
"Leopards don't really like to swim."
"Isn't an extraordinary sound, the sound effects of mating leopards?"
"Isn't this amazing, you can see how patient cats are... sometimes leopards will stalk an animal for two, three hours."
"Leopards generally are quite shy creatures."
"They prefer to be kind of hidden in the shadows where they can execute an incredible amount of camouflage."
"Leopards love trees so much; it's a way of keeping their food safe and secure."
"Leopards can climb trees very well; they are known for climbing trees."
"The amazing thing which leopards do is if they do manage to hunt something, they will actually carry it up into the tree."
"It's so special when you get to meet a new leopard."
"Believe it or not, leopards are totally unreliant, they get all their moisture requirements from their meals and the blood in their kills."
"Leopards are complete opportunists."
"Leopards are almost always on the move."
"Masters of camouflage, leopards that is, not Egyptian geese."
"Leopards will sleep whenever they want to."
"Leopards are such sneaky kitties."
"That is as spectacular as good as it ever gets when it comes to a leopard view."
"It's hard to think that she was a tiny cub two years ago, and it's now growing into this beautiful little leopard."
"It's always nice to spend as much time as you can with leopards."
"It's amazing that we're sitting with not one but two leopards on a kill."
"There's always an element of danger when you're close to a leopard."
"It's a good retirement home for old leopards; there's a constant supply of decent food."
"Leopards are just magnificent and so beautiful that they have this tendency to capture your heart."
"Leopards are shorter and stockier and are built for power, whereas cheetahs are built for speed."
"It's a dark, dark night, and that means the perfect conditions for a leopard to hunt."
"You can almost guarantee seeing leopards in the Sabi Sands, that is one of the real special things about this area."
"She's incredibly intelligent and very successful as a leopard female."
"Leopards are probably the most resilient of all the predators."
"I think 16 percent, only 16 percent of leopard hunts in the Kruger are successful."
"Most of our leopards show versatility and skill throughout their lives."
"Leopards are so widespread all over the world because they adapt very well to the surroundings."
"The best way to identify individual leopards is the spot pattern above the last line of whiskers."
"This is probably the best area in the world to watch leopards."
"Seeing all of these leopards together, that was always really something."
"We are celebrating World Leopard Day today."
"A leopard fully graduates to an adult when it's capable of pulling down a male Impala."
"Like this leopard, have a relaxing day."
"Leopards are my top one, they're just stunning animals."
"We've got three leopards around us, this is just absolutely incredible."
"Leopards are very good at playing this game, particularly when they don't want to be seen."
"Leopards have a very strong jaw, a very strong neck, and front quarters."
"Sabi Sands has the highest density of leopards within a particular area."
"Leopards are prone to dreaming; they do have quite a high functioning brain."
"Let's go back around to the Sabi Sand, the land of leopards."
"Leopards are such a survivable animal."
"Female leopards will mate sometimes up to five different males before they have cubs to try and ensure that all the males within the area that they operate think that the cubs are theirs."
"Indeed, they are very regal creatures."
"I never used to love leopards when I first came here... but now, it's just spending time with them, learning about them, watching them, and observing their behavior."
"It's fascinating insights into leopard behavior which we don't always get in a lot of places."
"Every leopard is unique, and their spots are unique."
"Leopards are such amazing animals and so powerful for their size."
"That's where the leopards have been hanging out."
"It's just amazing actually to see very, very cool to see."