
Operators Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The 'in' operator in Python is used to check if a string contains a specific character or sequence of characters."
"The double equals and triple equals, that's the real difference here."
"Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %, **, //."
"The logical and operator will return true if both conditions are true."
"This allows us to do a check in line and assign a value as well so that's the null coalescing assignment operator."
"Those are operators, so I hope that makes sense and I hope that was a fun lecture."
"Instead of trying to write your own operators always try to see if you can use one of those that are already there."
"...enable these operators so we can go ahead and take the out off right there basically what we want to do is root operator one two and three into filter one..."
"These are the three primitive linear differential operators: grad, div, and curl."
"The curl of a vector field is a function that will have an i, a j, and a k component."
"I'm interested in generalization like everyone else. There's ways to generalize. There's difficult to find generalization errors and I want to resort to operators to make a big jump."
"Not only that, the learned operator that is very general. For example, you learn implicitly this operator now."
"So, take each one of these, interchange rows and columns, and complex conjugate, and that's the Hermitian conjugate operator."
"If ui are the eigenstates of an operator a, then they are also the eigenstates of any function of that operator."
"The commutator of a with the nth power of b is equal to n times the commutator of a with b times b to the power of n minus 1."
"The commutator of x with a function of p is equal to i h bar times the derivative of the function of p."
"The commutator of p with a function of x is equal to minus i h bar times the derivative of the function of x."
"Using overloaded operators, we're using an expression to log rather than a statement."
"It's the linear operator that takes in a vector and gives you a scalar."
"We want to define this operator as the function from the function space A to the function space U."
"If two operators commute, this right-hand side is 0 and it just says that the uncertainty could be made perhaps equal to 0."
"Alignment is about making sure that AI systems act in accordance with the intentions of their operators."
"Use the triple equal and bang double equal operator which do exact equality of both value and type."
"It is critically important that operators keep their minds on the job and stay focused on their duties."
"Python operators are used to perform operations on variables and values."
"The expectation value... in terms of some sort of quantum mechanical system we're dealing with an operator."
"For bosons, there's a clear mathematical distinction between creation operators and annihilation operators."
"Creation and annihilation operators are collectively called ladder operators."
"We eventually approximate the time evolution by the sum of these operators."
"Operators are the mathematical objects that allow us to represent physical observables in quantum mechanics."
"Creation and annihilation operators are central in second quantization."
"The colon operator produces a row vector of evenly spaced numbers."
"You can understand operators as special types of functions that are used to perform certain calculations on arguments or operands."
"This or operator says please check if this is true or this here is true, whichever of these results is true, then I'm going to be a true expression."
"The biggest priority have arithmetic operators, after that come these relational operators, and then the smallest priority have these logical operators."
"With just a couple of point operators now, you can create some really cool effects."
"These A's and A daggers are really important in being able to calculate what this wave function does as far as what we can observe."
"We want name to be, so-called, a generic operator."
"An operator is the mathematical object that allows us to describe physical properties in quantum mechanics."
"For each momentum, there are creation and annihilation operators."
"This section will cover the operators most commonly used to interact with programs."
"The curl of the curl of a vector is equal to the gradient of the divergence of that vector minus the Laplacian of that vector."
"Feeling the power of the creation annihilation operators enables you to do anything with harmonic oscillators really fast."
"Ladder and number operators are both extremely useful when working with the quantum harmonic oscillator."
"The spread operator says take the values in the array and spread them out to be individual elements."
"Operators are just functions you can create them liberally to solve your problems to make your code more readable."
"Lisp uses what's called prefix notation, which means that the operator is written to the left of the operands."
"Onyx defines a common set of operators, the building blocks of machine learning and deep learning models, in a common file format."
"We can construct truth tables to test out the possible truth values of compound statements by way of the truth definitions for each of the operators."
"Density matrices and density operators... often are used in one and the same way for both the cases."