
Game Uniqueness Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"One of the things that makes the game special is that..."
"Dark Souls has unique elements of level design that really set it apart from other games."
"Idiosyncrasies like this are what make Firewatch feel special to me."
"It's rare that you can say that of any game... it's just such a remarkable creation."
"I'm going with Psychonauts 2, it's different, it's art."
"There's no other game that allows you to harvest organs from prisoners and also create tea."
"Saranaya Wild Hearts is an incredible game... unique, fun, great, something I will remember."
"What makes undertale so special is its ability to seamlessly interweave these two narratives"
"Mario Kart Double Dash is the most unique Mario Kart."
"That's kind of what separates GTA from other games."
"Blasphemous is one of the most unique and enjoyable games I've ever played."
"Pokemon Colosseum is probably one of the most unique official Pokemon games out there."
"Outriders will struggle to be remembered due to how similar it was to everything else at the time."
"Honestly outside of that what is very unique about Dark Souls... the only unique thing about the game is that it's so fucking difficult."
"Command & Conquer may have not achieved the same multiplayer greatness that other RTS games did, but it was different enough to sustain itself."
"Monster Lair is certainly unique in terms of both gameplay and presentation, and most importantly it’s fun."
"Sam and Max hit the road is a weird-ass game in the best way possible."
"This is just the tip of the iceberg for Tomodachi life, it is a crazy crazy game."
"Kenshi is more than likely the most truthful sandbox in the history of games."
"The turn-based battles in Persona 5 are unlike anything else."
"It's weird, it's unique, and even by today's standards, it's unlike a lot of other titles out there."
"The satire and meme culture or what separates Hell divers 2 more than any other game I've played."
"The Last of Us Part Two is unlike anything we've seen in video games before." - Greg
"These games are incredibly unique. It's not just a first-person, post-apocalyptic survival shooter."
"Jedi fall in order isn't special because it's just Dark Souls with a lightsaber, it's special because it opens up the fundamental principles to a wider audience."
"Age of Calamity isn't just a Breath of the Wild-skinned Warriors title..."
"The high pay and therefore nothing y'all. Kingdom Hearts is an incredibly unique series in gaming."
"Despite its weirdness, you will get some good fun out of this game."
"There are a lot of very unique elements in this game."
"It's definitely one of the most unique games ever made... juggling the narrative with the gameplay."
"The ultimate uniqueness of Auto chess in the auto battler genre comes from games never playing the same way due to a combination of RNG, variety in the draft, and strategy."
"Van Helsing absolutely creative unique absolutely like it's so different from every other blog in the game it has to be in this list."
"There were a lot of indie games that were very underrated, but that might be because they were very different than what you see typically."
"Battle Chef Brigade is a standout in the cooking game genre."
"We're not the perfect game for everybody, we're gonna prove Manchester United why that."
"Welcome to Lesara Summit Kingdom, a unique little city builder based on the side of a mountain."
"Valorant manages to stand out from the pack with its unique hero shooter mechanics layered onto tactical gameplay."
"What is it about this game that makes it so special?"
"These games were unique and beloved for a reason."
"Celts: Unique for being the only civilization having just two Imperial age blacksmith upgrades."
"Cyberpunk is easily in a league of its own in terms of presentation, tone, atmosphere, music representation, voice acting, and hell, the dub and the sub are both good."
"Parasite Eve is its own thing, a mix of survival horror and RPG, capturing NYC while telling the stories of real characters during an extraordinary crisis. A classic that stands up with FF7 and Chrono Trigger."
"Final Fantasy 11 was unlike any MMORPG that had ever been created before."
"It's one of the most unique and wonderful games I've played."
"This game is so weird most of the time, hey, that's why we love it so much."
"Nioh never falls into any one camp too completely."
"It's so calculated and fast paced, it's probably the most unique esport you could watch."
"What a fantastically unique specimen this game is."
"Silent Hill itself was a very unique project."
"Such a cool unique idea for really a horror game of any kind."
"There's just nothing out there that managed to pull it all off the way that 'Undertale' does."
"How cool is this this is awesome this is what makes this game really stand out."
"Kingdom Hearts will never happen again, it's a unique blend of aesthetic elements and quality systems."
"In case you haven't figured this out already Dwarf Fortress is an amazing game and not only that it's unique there's nothing quite like it."
"Death Stranding could certainly be argued as a fairly unique game in the library."
"The Last of Us was different because it was very survival based."
"It's a very unique type of game; we both did a video on it, so check it out."