
Fear Factor Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Honestly, that little bit might just be my favorite part in this movie because it honestly is fucking scary."
"Fear is the greatest motivator of human beings. Without fear, we simply won't take an action."
"While that didn't happen the movie 2012 certainly did its damnedest to frighten the bejesus out of us."
"Pennywise refuses to eat people unless they're good and properly terrified."
"Hiding from enemies in VR is just as scary as hiding from scary bad guys in VR."
"This level scared me, dude. I'm not gonna lie."
"Chocolate-chip melt-in-your-mouth delicious gooeyness, yum yum yum yum, best cookies in the world."
"The huntress mainly gets her fear factor from her tool and imposing stature."
"Ebola's a scary business. Way more scary than the Corona."
"Nature is, you know, awesome, and that some of the awesomeness comes from its potential to be terrifying."
"Consistently the best money-making method for the magic skill."
"Whatever you believe, the exorcism of Anna has managed to become one of the most terrifying alleged exorcisms of history."
"Godzilla takes the edge for being less likely to be fearful."
"I think what we saw in the finals first broken blade is like terrifying."
"Angron will be a seriously spooky model for enemy armies to fight against."
"This power alone would make Koby one of the most feared fighters in the entire world."
"The imposing facade of Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia may once have struck fear into the hearts of some America's most violent and dangerous criminals."
"Manchester City are a big, big, big fear factor when it comes to this Premier League title."
"He has to be the scariest guy in the planet."
"I seriously cannot remember the last game that genuinely frightened me like Resident Evil 2."
"Ghosts wouldn't dare disturb a witcher, others will stay away out of fear."
"He was as feared as any basketball player who ever laced them up."
"Michael is definitely the scariest he's been in a long time."
"Black Mage is one of the scariest things in the game."
"What do you think of these terrifying things being discovered in Antarctica? Which one scared you the most? Be sure to tell us all about it in the comments down below."
"Fear Street Part Two: 1978 is definitely the scariest of the three."
"You definitely have to hit these with the light. They're afraid of the light."
"The freakiest dude I think I've ever seen, his speed just scared the hell out of people."
"Perhaps none was more feared by the Allies than the dreaded 88."
"Perma dead, oh my god that's what that's what makes this game terrifying."
"Predator rooms challenge players to instill fear and outsmart enemies."
"An experience that is genuinely and persistently frightening."
"If that isn't a testament to the game's Fear Factor, I don't know what is."
"Isn't that scary? He just smashes you with his chin."
"They are equal parts magnificent and frightening."
"Your dreams should scare you, they should be big to the point they scare the hell out of you."
"I mean, infect's pretty scary, that's the problem."
"Wow, that's half in real life. He's super scary. I was excited to see that one, bro."
"I personally think it's freaking cool whether or not it scares the crap out of me or my friends."
"Oh, this will be so scary, imagine this just shows up outside your house bro."
"1998 Oblivion opened here at Alton Towers and it still absolutely terrifies riders."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex, the scariest dinosaur of all."
"It's exciting, exhilarating, and at the same time, it can be a little bit scary."
"The idea of an alien life form wanting to deposit an embryo down your throat is pretty terrifying."
"The only way that the Glazers are out of this football club is if they're not making enough money."
"A revolution is not won by the humans, it's won by the feared."
"When Premier League defenders went to sleep at night, they had nightmares where all they saw were those long sleeves and gloves."
"Lady Tremaine is the perfect example of an early Disney villain who is terrifying despite her small screen-time."
"Tom Brady is the most feared player in the National Football League."
"Alien puts that fear in you which I love in my monster movies."
"The ovios were probably I think the most effectively frightening creature that was created for the show."
"I used to host Fear Factor and now doctors fear me."
"The film's not, the film's gonna be scary for defenders."
"the team that can do this the fastest will walk away with the title of Fear Factor siblings champion and $50,000"
"There's always something; fear sells."
"Grievous had every advantage: fear, surprise, intimidation, and superior stamina."
"These pieces of War gear truly make a vindicare assassin one of the most feared operatives in the galaxy."
"That tiger stopped us that night, and the North Vietnamese soldiers were more afraid of the tiger than they were us."
"I feel like a totally different person now; I'm back in the scene, and people are sort of scared of playing me."
"Man, not gonna lie, that's actually kinda brilliant. Smart zombies definitely way scarier than typical brainless ones."
"I just see Fear Factor as the ultimate challenge."
"The sight of the blood-red Sharingan is quick to fill the hearts of even the most hardened shinobi with an utter sense of dread."
"Number three is the most frightening hole in Championship golf."
"The quiet is actually the scariest thing in scary movies."
"I think that LeBron right now is as feared as much as he is as he ever has been in his career."
"We are winning Fear Factor; nothing's gonna stop us."
"You're all here to confront your fears and compete for your chance at making it through to the Fear Factor grand final."
"Horror movies, especially even as a kid, never scared me; it was never like this traumatic experience."
"You need a little bit of fear, you need a little bit of that adrenaline flowing in your blood."
"He is one of the most feared arm wrestlers in the WAL, a nightmare to deal with at the table, combining skill, strategy, and tenacity."
"If a horror game like Amnesia can not have any trial and error and still manage to be scary, perhaps even more scary, I'm not seeing why this shouldn't be possible for other games as well."
"Winning Fear Factor is just another goal I'd like to achieve."
"JD Martinez at the plate is still a guy that I fear, one of the best bats in the league for sure."
"Your meal will consist of a three-course meal: some silkworm cereal, followed up with balut eggs, and we'll wash it all down with liquefied pig liver."
"The thought of Bigfoot is scary, but Dogman is just terrifying."