
Financial Patience Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Sometimes you have to wait on money because it's passing through karmically."
"I'm not selling any of my Ethereum until we at least double the previous all-time high."
"The slow and steady way to invest seems to work the best."
"Just do nothing. Invest consistently and hold long term."
"You have to hold because time is your friend."
"It's often not the people who are buying and selling stocks on a consistent and frequent basis. It's the people who buy stocks and then simply hold on to them and allow them to trend upward."
"Do what Bouquet is doing: buy dips, dollar cost average, be patient."
"The biggest lessons in investing: Invest in protocols that will change the world and then sit back and give them enough time to do their thing."
"You don't make money when you buy and you don't make money when you sell. You make money by waiting."
"People see this game in terms of the returns that they're making today and overnight, but that's not how we should be looking at this game."
"Investing in crypto's a long game, you have to have patience."
"He who wishes to become rich must have money and must have patience."
"In the end, by being consistent, time is on your side."
"Financial advice except for Warren Buffett. So, yeah, that is financial... My favorite Warren Buffett quote is, 'The stock market is the transfer of wealth from the impatient to the patient.' Be the patient."
"The truest way to make money in bitcoin and crypto is simply by dollar cost averaging and buying the dip and holding. That's it."
"Markets are a vehicle by which the impatient give their money to the patient."
"Things grow over time, things grow over time. If you would have got in at one thousand, you would have still been up by a lot."
"The best thing you can do is buy, hold, and wait."
"You have to have curiosity about businesses and finances, and patience."
"This is the beauty of playing the stock market, folks. You gotta be patient, you gotta trade what you have right now, but you gotta invest based on what you see in the future."
"People who hold their investments don't sell and keep buying in end up making the most money long term."
"It's not about how it looks this month or this quarter. I have down quarters."
"Successful investors are in it for the long run."
"When it comes to precious metals, you gotta play the long game."
"How do you know when to exit, right? We've been talking about patience."
"You generally don't want to trade too much, you just want to hold it there for long term."
"The longer you hold any investment, it's gonna pay off."
"Charlie Munger believed in thinking long-term and holding investments for extended periods to benefit from the compounding effect, emphasizing simplicity and patience in investing."
"Finding a bottom is actually quite a long process."
"Let the gains come to you. Don't chase the gains."
"I'm still gonna wait for this retracement. If it does not come, I am NOT going to lose a minute of sleep over it."
"Remember, markets are mechanisms to move money from the impatient to the patient."
"Know your worth, know the market, and make offers that make sense. Patience pays off!"
"You're having a loss of patience when it comes to money."
"Just put money in and forget about it for 10 years."
"Patience is hard and the more zeros after the dollar sign the harder it's going to be."
"Everyone has a long-term perspective until they have short-term losses."
"What pays off is to have patience, stay calm, dollar-cost average, buy low when you can, and hold them."
"The reason most people don't make money is because they can't wait."
"The world is full of foolish gamblers and they will not do as well as the patient investor."
"Just waiting that time to not have an impulse buy and having a clear mind and really reassessing what you want to spend your money on is very, very important."
"Whatever you put in don't expect to take out anytime soon this is like a five or ten year investment horizon so you buy it slowly and you leave it"
"You gotta wait until they kind of form that base before getting in."
"Thank goodness for what you do. I'm most grateful."
"If you keep holding and the value of the stock goes back up, you didn't lose any money."
"Great investing is a marathon, not a sprint."
"Long-term investment comes into the place where you just invest into the company you believe in and forget about it."
"Buy really great things at really reasonable prices and hold them for a really, really long time."
"Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas."
"Align yourself with the trend and say, 'Hey, I'm going to wait in this uptrend until the market comes down to my level, and I'm gonna buy it.'"
"Time in the market is much more important than timing the market."