
Alien Abduction Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Is the military faking alien abductions just to run tests on us? This is mind-blowing!"
"Planet Earth has been under a detailed survey by several extraterrestrial civilizations."
"Most of the abductions are made by the so-called small big-headed great creatures or reticule Ian's or whatever are they are being called at this moment."
"Some people think NASA astronauts have been abducted by aliens."
"Are we alone in the universe? Hearing about alien abduction stories reaffirms my belief that we are definitely not alone."
"Linda's case of alien abduction is infamous, with a total of 23 witnesses substantiating her claims."
"The way to prove that Huawei is a good company is through delivering high quality services to our customers."
"Create human alien hybrids... More mental than physical... Let's grab his body, do something to it, and dump him back."
"Alien abductions follow a standard scenario... Physiological and psychological procedures... Sexual liaisons."
"It's ultimately easy to dismiss alien abduction stories as mere fantasies made up out of boredom for attention or to get oneself out of trouble."
"It kind of reminds me of things like time travel and alien abductions."
"The Travis Walton UFO incident remains one of the best known alien abduction stories."
"The Walton case received considerable mainstream publicity and remains one of the best known instances of alleged alien abduction."
"Barney and Betty Hill's testimony thus becomes the first of a alien abduction in human history but it will certainly not be the last."
"Many of the stories that involve being abducted by aliens usually miss one important element that can verify their credibility: a witness."
"Travis Walton is now a name that has become synonymous with the alien abduction phenomena."
"He said that on a September evening in 1997, he was abducted by aliens in yellow suits who pulled him up to their spaceship and gave him oxygen."
"He was abducted by aliens in yellow suits who pulled him up to their spaceship and gave him oxygen."
"Luckily, Travis Walton made it back to tell his story."
"Travis Walton's alien abduction is one of the best documented and well-known cases in history."
"Just the thought of alien abduction makes most of us turn away in confusion and disbelief. However, we must confront this issue as it is an integral part of the UFO mystery."
"The buff ledge alien abductions: Proof of an alien abduction."
"The abduction of Sergeant Moody: Recovering lost memories."
"Travis Walton's story... imagine being abducted by aliens in 1975."
"When it comes to the topic of aliens there is one thing that scares me maybe more than anything ever in the world or out of this world and that is alien abductions."
"I mean just think about how horrible it would be to actually be abducted by an alien to make matters worse you would come back with this traumatic story only to be faced with constant ridicule by the public if you were to tell anyone."
"Not merely that UFO and alien abduction phenomena is real but that it can happen to any one of us at any time."
"Reports of alien abductions... have been surprisingly well documented by various researchers."
"Full-blown abduction instead of experiencing something from a distance."
"The abductees genuinely believe they've had these experiences. Now, if they believe they've had these experiences, why? What's the stimulus? What's the root cause of such a strong belief?"
"Barney and Betty Hill were an American couple who claimed they were abducted by extraterrestrials... It was the first widely publicized report of an alien abduction in the United States."
"There's a long-standing idea that exists within the UFO community that aliens from another world will often abduct people and implant eggs inside them for the purpose of breeding some future alien hybrid race."
"And so with all the evidence against this theory it has led people to point to something more supernatural which brings us to theory to alien abduction."
"How many abductions take place? The most famous attempt to figure this out happened about 30 years ago with the Roper Poll, suggesting as many as two percent of the population could be alien abductees."
"For every Travis Walton, there are thousands more people who have had what seem to be similar experiences."
"I've basically had a very long-winded way of making this one point: a lot of the UFO behavior that we observe is related to the phenomenon of alien abduction."
"What are we dealing with? We have consistent stories among abductees."
"Travis Walton appeared as a guest. Hooked up to a polygraph on national television, he was asked by Michael Shermer, 'Do you have any evidence to support your claims of being abducted?' Travis answered 'yes.'"
"This case is considered to be the first recorded alien abduction story."
"Imagine being abducted by aliens and they gave you a Gucci belt."
"That is why alien abduction stories are so scary, at least to me."
"What kinds of experiences can lead people to suspect that they may have been the victims of alien abduction in the first place, and so set out to recover full memories of the experience?"
"If you're gonna get abducted by an alien, that's what you want. Well, I want to see this alien out. Oh, there it is. Okay, that's a good one."
"But more than 60 years later, we see that his narrative contains many of the same elements as the common 'alien abduction' experiences of the 80’s and the 90’s."
"Tales of alien abductions are rarely taken seriously, something you find in obscure magazines and websites, but every once in a while, there comes a story from someone that defies logic and makes us question whether we're the ones living the delusion."
"I think my wife was abducted by aliens on our honeymoon because since we've been married she just doesn't blink like she used to."