
Paul Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Paul sets up ripple effects of revolution throughout Western history."
"Paul, the Apostle, one of the key figures in the New Testament."
"Now God works unusual Miracles by the hands of Paul."
"And that's been Paul's greatest Hope from the very beginning... he just wanted to perfect people in the gospel."
"In his writings, the apostle Paul called Jesus the new Adam, because the Christ is seen as bringing new life to earth by his death and resurrection."
"Paul's point is that you don't have to be Jewish in order to be a Christian, so that works of the law then are not good moral works but Jewish specific boundary markers like circumcision and food laws and the Sabbath."
"The early Christian vision, Paul's vision, is of New Creation."
"Even in hard times, Paul was filled with joy."
"Paul's whole life is about Jesus."
"Who shall deliver me from this body of death? Some day Paul says at the end of Romans 7, 'The Lord Jesus Christ will, some day.'"
"Jesus is our high priest and our king. So Paul is showing that he was a type of Christ, who is without beginning or end."
"Paul gives us the secret to being victorious in the spiritual realm."
"Paul knew that because that was him before he met God on the Damascus Road."
"Paul's attempt to create a love ethos is one of the most moving and beautiful and poetic of his contributions to Christianity."
"As Paul put it here, all things are from God in the beginning. All things continue their existence now through the sustaining power of God."
"Our earliest author of the New Testament, the Apostle Paul, certainly believed in the Divinity of Jesus. He describes Christ's Incarnation, stating that Christ was in the form of God."
"Paul says that it edifies my spirit whenever I'm praying in tongues."
"Paul's story of his showdown with Peter in Antioch reeks of fabrication."
"Paul is referring to the Gentiles, he's talking about the Northern Kingdom of Israel."
"The Quran does not mention Paul by name, and Muslims will have some reasons for doubting that Paul was an original and faithful disciple of Jesus."
"Paul's entire life was a struggle to escape his Jihad and its deification. At least he's free of it. He chose this."
"Paul with that birdie putt and there is the rare out of bounds birdie that we talked about."
"He's saying brothers and sisters in Christ living in Colossae my name is Paul and I am an apostle of Christ Jesus."
"Paul wrote of something we can know. It isn't speculation or guesswork or emotions or feelings. It's something to know."
"During this period, Paul became captivated by the world of art."
"Lennon, Starr, and Harrison were tired of being in the shadow of Paul."
"This is Paul's last letter before he dies."
"So was Paul an apostle? Yes, he had to have been a witness of the baptism of John, the death burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ."
"Paul's urging to pursue the gifts is accompanied by clear instructions on how to practice them responsibly."
"Paul is so fascinating. He is such a key source for what we know about Christianity and a key source for theology."
"I think one key piece of information that I wish every single Christian on Earth was aware of was the realization that Paul's writings about Jesus were the actual first writings that we know of about Jesus."
"Paul is taken to the Jerusalem Council, who were the leaders, the Disciples of Jesus Christ."
"Some of Paul's writings are hard to understand."
"Paul said it was possibly the greatest thing he ever did."
"Even in Paul's letters, he cheekily tells his readers not to take any notice of letters fraudulently ascribed to him."
"...when the matters are not that carefully, it is clear that we're not charging either Luke or Paul with outright deception. We're saying that they have an agenda which we have to recognize."
"Paul's ideas are so strong that they even mutate past the synoptic gospels."
"The love that God has for me as a person, yeah, that's like Paul said at the end of his life."
"Dare to be a Paul, a man of total Consecration and commitment of himself to God."
"Saul, who later is Paul, his name was Saul."
"When Breath Becomes Heir by Paul."
"Paul's work has probed the world's mythologies and ancestral narratives for their insight on our origins as a species and our potential as human beings."
"Another illustration of this comes from Paul's letter to the Galatians."
"The oldest materials we have for Christianity are actually the letters of Paul."
"You know, Paul was interested, yes of course anybody gets in the business they want to make money, but he also wanted to get what he considered to be the speakers that anybody could own."
"Of all the apostles, and maybe of all the preachers ever, no one was more intent on guarding the gospel than Paul: guarding the accuracy of the gospel, guarding the clarity of the gospel, and guarding the priority of the gospel. It was always about the gospel."
"Paul, 25 years after being a Christian and a mighty apostle, considered himself the least of all the apostles."
"Paul defiantly cries out in the crowd."
"Paul stayed there for about a year and a half teaching them the word of God."
"Paul understood... the only way he could find acceptance with this infinitely holy god... is through the amazing, extraordinary, infinite pure, saving redeeming reconciling grace of god."
"This confrontational harsh language by Paul is hardly calculated to win the approval of men."
"Paul, the same guy but now a new identity."
"The Epistle of Paul to the Romans is Paul's magnum opus it is his major work of exposition of his gospel."
"Paul, who went from being a persecutor of the church, instantly flipped after having an experience that he believed was the risen Jesus."
"Paul was really an incredibly intuitive little dude and I mean he was like a little detective."
"Paul is the most influential, certainly not in his own time, but now the letters, they're 13 letters with his name."
"What we read in the gospels is heavily influenced by Paul."
"Paul is a far different trainer than Ash."
"The theology ends up being exactly the way Paul taught in the New Testament."
"Paul's profession as a tent maker facilitated his engagement with diverse communities."
"If you wanted to give yourself one possible label for this entire epistle, it could be called Paul's declaration of independence from the law of Moses."