
Items Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Heartseeker has been one of the like go-to items for allah be more aggressive junglers it slots in really nicely it's a lot of extra damage reducing it to 75% it's still going to be a very strong item."
"Literally just keep spamming till the game gives you free items, it's that big brain."
"Legendary powers to appear on multiple item slots now if you're searching for legendary power like martial arts which enhances the barbarian's kick ability you may find it on rings chest plates or helmets."
"Zelda loves to weigh the items, however, seem to get some pretty rad upgrades."
"Curse on hit rings can drop for example despair on hit rings without being influenced."
"One of the most overpowered items in the game and that's not even a joke."
"The Siege of the Atlas expansion contains a whole roster of new unique items."
"The exorcism Bell goes there, right? So then I don't have one for there's four more items."
"Halberd: found extremely early on in the game."
"The items in this game are actually pretty balanced, in my opinion."
"Almost every item has a purpose and will be used."
"Legion loot that I'm most excited for, however, is the new game-changing jewels."
"Items are tied to certain former cultures in your world... tied to certain former cultures."
"The fake item box... might just be a very fun item."
"It's a fan favorite and for very good reason."
"Honestly, it was kind of surprising just how many unique items there were in the series that they could add."
"The most powerful item in this year is... the Lucky Shade."
"Potion seller, you sold me three super potions, it's really coming in handy right now."
"I genuinely wonder how many people that say that sacred items aren't worth it would consider all of the items that I picked up that were sacred items upgrades to their gear."
"Some of them are pretty cool there's there they're also um there are more cursed items so copies the only cursed item in the game right now."
"The soda is literally the most powerful item in the game."
"The Prime mod that you should absolutely keep your eyes peeled for is called Prime Continuity."
"...name the top five things every woman has in her purse: lipstick, mirror, makeup, comb, cell phone."
"This is officially everything that we got."
"Every item has its own story for you so you have to decide when that story is going to be over."
"Kelvin reveals that the pendants he gave the heroes are stat boosters."
"We sold the bed, we sold the butler's table, we sold the lamps."
"Gong yua asked him why he was still there and he mentioned his intention to pick up the items that he won at auction."
"What is something you can buy that costs a dollar or less? Candy."
"Quality is there on the items, they've been having lately on their website."
"So while we're up here we can go ahead and grab these profile covers and there's two of them and they go right here."
"How many items like what what are the items that we're going to put on you that you're gonna be okay with us putting on you a hat a shirt and you never know this was designed Levitt our show on ESPN radio live in a racist country."
"It's essentially like 12 bingo items."
"Some type of wall decor, another phone case, clothes, a notebook, a bunch of hangers."
"Take heart, you can sell everything, even furnace filters."
"Alright guys, so everyday carry, this is what I carry just about every single day."
"There are so many variables that go into the value of an item: things like supply, demand, condition, and you learn how to account for these variables only by doing."
"Sheer Force Life Orb. Now that's the good stuff."
"And these are items that I'm pretty sure you can purchase at just about any grocery store."
"Let's get this and this and this."
"It's got little stands, little plant stands inside."
"An item that increases the Pokémon's level by one, what is a rare candy?"
"...we're actually using all of them."
"Your goal is to obtain the following items: Jack Santa hat, a photo of your mother, a vial of tears, a Dakota ring, a Christmas ornament, a key to the front door."
"The best people to market their items are the people originally selling it."
"I need to get that so yeah hopefully I'm able to retrieve my items."
"I've been super pleased with the items I found so far."
"These items are very high quality and I'm honestly amazed."
"The quality of the special edition books in the corresponding items is just fantastic."
"Owlcrate is probably the most balanced pick. The special edition books are nice and the items are very usable."
"Filter takes an iterable and returns a filter object, which is another iterable but without some of the original items."
"I have five gold coins, some keys, and one El Toro Loco golden mini."
"Reality is, we can put some of these items back in people's hands and bring joy to their lives again."
"Hope you guys enjoyed those items."
"I had so much fun sharing all of these items with you."
"The marketplace is something I haven't talked about yet. It's another do that building that allows you to purchase items."
"I went ahead and brought this out since a couple of my things didn't come in this order."
"We went to a plant auction a couple of years ago. Quite well, we bought some job lots of certain items."
"These Wings well they're really rare."
"I have a...guys, it's this Emerald."
"Just know that there were lots of clothing, lots of towels, lots of garbage bags, lots of heating pads."
"There's a hairdryer, a couple of glasses."
"Unusual places usually bring unusual items or at least different pieces."
"So there's your first two limited editions for the collection."
"What can you get with your holiday money here? CDs, CD holders, posters, pound puppies."
"Through all of our NPCs who are the ones carrying around the items to be pickpocketed or whatever, I love Mother Lynn."
"These are items that maybe this is the backbone of the brand historically."
"do you know what's great when you've got a little percy pig pouch you've got a pair of paper"
"And we get back a 200 response and we can see our items."
"The pictures of these items make everything look so bright and merry."
"I absolutely love their items so this is really exciting."
"The uses for these things are limitless."
"Repeating groups are just a great way to display a list of items that you have stored within your database."
"It's amazing the things people lose: umbrellas, handbags, pirate treasure."
"This is probably one of the coolest items."
"It's just one of those good little items to have around Christmastime especially."
"I think it's very interesting to see what people carry around."
"Who doesn't want stuff with their name on it?"
"I love stuff like this, oh my God."
"Items provide the ability to better structure the data we scrape."
"I'm in love, these two things are awesome."
"Socks, bobby pins, hair ties, these are items in the world that just disappear."
"I really hope you enjoyed getting to see these items too."
"These are some really good value items; they'll be great for us to donate."
"But a lot of the time they can just be gimmicky items, so today, you and me are gonna put these to the test!"
"I actually really like stuff like this."
"These were my favorite items out of the box."
"Those little items don't underestimate them because they really do tell a story."
"I'm so excited about every single one of these items."
"Every piece or every single item has a history, and every product is useful."
"We definitely have one-of-a-kind unique items here."
"Most of items are original items in really nice and great conditions."
"I just love the quality of these items."
"It's definitely one of my favorite items."
"I thought I would sit down and give you the dish on the items that I absolutely love and use and adore."
"I'm really excited to share with you guys the items I got."