
Business Deals Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"If you have a situation, it's like, 'Yo, make this shoe design and then give it to me and I'll give you back two million dollars on Tuesday.' Right? Boom."
"He said he did the deal with Dave and Dave's like okay what do you want to get paid?"
"The IBM deal was called the greatest deal in history."
"The deal is still on until we walk away and look elsewhere."
"They broker the deals before the heavy hitters get there."
"Signing a deal with Sony was, that was the ultimate, that was the ideal for an independent developer."
"This club is actually... I still believe that the Glazers are going to sell this club."
"There is no shortage of ways to start making deals. Do the paperwork."
"I've turned down multi-million dollar deals... I want to enjoy the experience... remember what got me there."
"You're going to see in my opinion a lot of home builders making massive massive deals next year."
"We just want the deal to feel fair and to feel reasonable."
"Never take a standard deal, there's always a better one."
"Definitely a solid offer with this energy, so yes."
"Regulators in the UK and EU are also scrutinizing the deal closely."
"You don't really find great deals, you make great deals."
"I can make a deal with you, you, you, and make a percentage of something."
"Most of the time when there's deals and opportunities, there's usually a reason why you're getting a deal or an opportunity."
"This deal is not worth your time, okay? And it may seem easy like, 'Oh, I'll just have it in the background.' For someone like me, I sit in front of a door most of the time."
"In this video you'll learn precisely how they did it. Here are 15 deals that made billionaires."
"Do not pull out of this deal... finish the job."
"It just doesn't get any bigger than this, not only in terms of a deal but really in terms of what it represents."
"Lawyers became integral; you couldn't get a deal without someone diving into the boilerplate."
"I mean, they probably had to pay him much money to put this out at all you know and then he signed all those endorsement deals after his name showed up in here."
"A single deal can be worth a lot of money if you position yourself correctly."
"Timing is everything and the timing is perfect for this deal."
"World governments creating sub-optimal circumstances for deals."
"I think things are trending very positively towards the deal getting done."
"I put all this effort into this brand deal for $3000, for me, $3000 might as well have been $30k."
"But the future of both movies was thrown into chaos when Sony struck a deal with Marvel Studios in 2015."
"Hey, at the end of my Spotify deal, I was left saying what numbers get you a deal."
"Literally in about 10 emails, I made a deal on my first million-dollar car."
"One of the ways I got the deal was I actually started talking to them yesterday... threw out a low ball, they took it, we met up, now we have it."
"Let's talk about the biggest deal in gaming - Microsoft working to acquire Activision Blizzard for like 70 billion dollars."
"Most of these deals are lost over face, they're not even lost over money."
"Not every brand deal that comes along is going to work out."
"Birdman may expect to be put on his name still has killer deals for you artists out there that are still trying to get into the rap game." - Commentator
"Trust but verify. Adopt a cautious mindset when approached for introduction or a connection to a deal."
"Wow, what a way to start the week! Tesla gets an order for 100,000 cars from Hertz, huge move and super smart."
"I think this is a deal that multiple people are trying to work into happening."
"85% of my deals are actually deals that when they message us they say hey we'd love to do this list together."
"Both people got to feel like they getting screwed in order for it to be a good deal."
"The more I think about it, I really do believe the best offer we got was this one."
"If they help us, that's just helping us get a couple million dollars and [__], we'll take like a label deal, but not a label there, but they don't have to come like 30 million."
"They need to be asking you what it's going to take to make this [deal] happen."
"All that's left is to sign the paper."
"If you want to make a deal bad enough, do a bad deal."
"You signing one [expletive] to sign to another [expletive] then sign the three [expletive]."
"Disney is threatened by Pixar and computer animation technology and so they have to do a deal with Pixar."
"We track every deal that we look at, we offer on, wherever it dies in the process."
"...initially I think we all thought man ESPN overpaid for this because the numbers were lower the deal couldn't have worked out better for UFC and ESPN."
"Jay-Z's net worth jumped by 40 following his LVMH and Square Inc. deals."
"Absolutely it was all virtual. That's how we actually started, we started our first few deals virtual. We did it out in Texas and then we were basically looking throughout the United States."
"I wanted to shine the lights and the spotlight on this thing so you can kind of see those back and forth, how deals are being made, how business is being handled."
"We're only doing really good deals; we're not doing okay deals."
"The first deal is always the hardest."
"It's very rare, you know, that you have a deal of this magnitude where at the end of it, everybody's happy."
"The deal isn't real until you see the money, right?"
"That's the importance of having relationships; you'll be able to find deals that you otherwise wouldn't have been able to find."
"We have to focus on the positive thing that's happening right here, and this is a really, really good deal."
"...that deal isn't enough for them to lose their integrity."
"How much money do you think you need to have to be able to happily turn down a 50 million dollar Facebook deal?"