
Gameplay Tactics Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Attack speed: what we need to stay ahead of the game."
"Clefable has one weakness may as well turn it into an immunity."
"Completing this fight gives you the Bubble Bowl ability, which is required for a lot of tricks throughout the rest of the speedrun."
"Desertion... it's very hard to hold open... in general, I just find that there's other things I'd rather be doing than hoping someone casts an artifact or creature."
"My best option might just be to use my commander as much as possible."
"Every time he said 'min raise' so far he's had the best hand."
"Empowered spell lets you reroll damage dice for extra damage points."
"When you raise from later positions and get three bets you should actually continue with a wider range of hands overall."
"We're going to be spamming the Snake Eyes as much as possible and try to get as many devil deals as possible."
"The Philly special has been added, keeping the defense guessing."
"That's survival horror speedrunning in a nutshell. Cut them corners, find those frames, skip those fade-ins."
"I personally just love Ephemerate. It's one of those cards that I love to play in the deck."
"I hope this video showcases... that I'm trying to get back to that mindset."
"That was toxic, I know we didn't kill him with that but that was toxic."
"A lot of people don't know how to do it, the most comp guards abuse the hesi cancel."
"Kindred: Still very solid, just don't play too heavy for Marks."
"Cell, his neutral is great, his mix-ups are maybe not like that excellent. People are getting really good at blocking cell, but he's just a generally really great character."
"Knowing you don't have Twin is very assuring to me in a lot of ways."
"My general philosophy with roguelikes is do more damage and get hit less."
"So I think this is legitimately a potential sideboard card for even like white weenie or perhaps control. What control wouldn't be able to close out the game quick enough to benefit from the life buffle this gives you."
"The on hit build is really good with lethal tempo always has been."
"Comfort to get back to the little thing can be really powerful later on."
"No such thing as an unbeatable base. Every single base has a weakness."
"Your actions should not entirely reflect the probability of outcomes."
"Maximize your burst as this is by far the most important ability."
"We gotta make it to the river, and that means that we won the game!"
"One storage versus eighteen hog riders, a baby dragon, an archer queen, and some wizard firepower. No, I think it's gonna go down."
"Destroying a boss with their weakness was more of a bonus than an absolute necessity."
"In understanding when to play Thoughtseize, it's also important to consider the format that you're playing it in."
"There's an iron man looking boss like really early on in the game and if you just like land behind him and start slashing him in the back he gets so pissed off at you."
"We need damage desperately. We need a brimstone or a mom's knife."
"For the love of god just remember don't jump."
"When you don't see a forced win look for ways to win material attack pawns attack pieces you don't always have to play only for checkmate."
"These optional objectives... set you up a lot more quickly."
"I'll go here, Knight before, to go off to C2 Pawn. Maybe."
"Everyone, for this next round get crazy armor and crazy swords."
"Sometimes the best way to protect your allies is by killing the thing that's trying to kill them."
"Calculated over extensions, that's kind of how you have to play a Winston."
"This is by far the biggest skip in the game."
"Fire became a recipe for success whenever you use it."
"The stock watch is a fantastic weapon that is an often underlooked part of spy's kit."
"Playing smart is better than playing aggressive sometimes."
"So what do you do with a Mega? The whole point of Mega tanks are you put them in the most dangerous situations possible and leave them there."
"A god run, objectively, puts you at an advantage."
"I think what I did well was I pressured with Guy."
"Just play safe till six; his little one-sided invincibility shield won't help him."
"Generally, we don't want to play monarch at long range since we're gonna suffer against the truly quote-unquote long range Titans."
"He's so much better at disruption than people think."
"The simplest way to describe his rotation is support abilities first then elemental skill once or twice before activating the burst."
"Sometimes getting hit is the best thing you can do in this game, and I refuse to elaborate."
"Cooldown reduction is really important... life on kill... armor and health... the symbiotic aspect... is really important for this build."
"I would lie basically, try and get them to turn on each other."
"Always push but not necessarily to do anything with it."
"That's what I did when I was on top side as well. I took their Gromp, I took their wolves."
"It's okay to let the darkness go a little bit then peak your moment."
"My name is Braxophone and this is the ultimate Sucrose play guide."
"There's counter play involved there right you're taking your opponent's stuff their game plan into account and you're changing your game plan as a result."
"Create a funnel that forces players through a certain location. Be ready for an escape route."
"Every position has a critical approach."
"It's all about understanding the best times to roam."
"Having that option in your team is just so so strong."
"It's a white card, big surprises. It's so efficient and it is just so good at doing what it does."
"It's easier to anticipate things. That's tough. That's tough."
"If running Loba, stack more heals and grenades as you can easily get ammo from her black market."
"You do zero DPS when you're dead – survivability is important."
"If you have a few of these in your fleet, you’ll be in good stead."
"This imp floor now, rage is not going to be quite enough to get us the kill."
"Removing recoil on guns and using them in this way is one of my favorite ways to play a ranged build in Phantom Liberty."
"He who hesitates usually goes broke. Gotta play bold, aggressive. You slow down for one second, strange things happen to you."
"Let's just hide by this red thing and just run around it. Look how big I'm getting so quickly."
"Let's give an extra 25 health which we desperately need."
"Let's annoy people like you've never seen before and assert dominance."
"A pawn that sits on a hole, that's probably a target."
"He's great in chase, great in long hallways, able to shred through pallets."
"You always want to be in front of him, walk into him, and that's it, you'll win the ball."
"I've always said this about the elephant units."
"Seems like a solid option for clearing screens."
"It's more about holding on to cards and thinking about how you use them instead of being able to fly through your deck."
"Fishy boy is a very strong card in my opinion, has so much utility can be used as a mini tank can be used to counter things that princes are bandits."
"The healing is a core mechanic now, it's more tactical choice in the decision-making."
"Expansion is a great starter; new colonies start with one additional pop."
"Your barrels are always gonna arrange pretty much every ability in the game except for maybe like a Nautilus hook, Blitz hook, and that's about it."
"Easiest way I find in my experience to take less damage is to not get hit as much."
"Scapular, take some more deal with the angel items out of the pool."
"The key with playing dive tanks: it's not about fighting too much, it's about extending your life and harassing the win condition."
"Save those golden raspberries for legendary raid bosses."
"The nimbus rod and the destroyer together, you just get an absolute killer combination."
"You should be the first one to most plays before anyone else."
"Getting greedy is the cardinal sin of any of these games."
"It's not just wacky events that happen to him but instead using every available mechanic at our disposal to form a plan and execute it. It's awesome."
"This is one of the better uncommons in white I think in the entire set."
"We're locking everything we're gonna pop up we're gonna go on the vents we're gonna lock electrical we're gonna go top calf perfect perfect."
"There's very little counter play to having zero cards in your hand."
"Stop trying to serve an ace; just get the ball over the net and into the court."