
Business Process Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Improving it then comes the exports, but you know this whole process maybe 15 minutes to watch."
"But we in the process of getting trademarked."
"I'm definitely keen to show more of the brand and the process behind everything."
"Understanding how to convert someone from a lead into a customer is one of the most difficult things if you don't understand the process."
"So, we just been we're just waiting, uh, for, for the license procure dealer license."
"Amazon FBA is not hard. It's a step-by-step process."
"Because this is a retail store, the primary business process is sales. We could have a sales table that includes information such as quantity ordered, total base amount, total tax amount, total discounts, and total net amount."
"The scenario depicted is about the travel expense report management process, which is common among many organizations globally."
"Let's begin by describing the current state process scenario."
"The employee will print a copy of the form and the receipts; furthermore, they will attach all the documents that were copied and file them in their personal cabinet as backup in case they get lost during the process."
"Let's see how we can take the idea and concept we have about a business process in our organization and translate it into a visual workflow easy to understand for all stakeholders."
"Creating a purchase order from an estimate helps streamline the purchasing process once a customer approves the estimate."
"To be quite honest, if the FMEA, the process FMEA, is used correctly at the beginning of the cycle, Six Sigma would never exist. Six Sigma is not needed if an FMEA is done correctly."
"The business process is a natural organizer of everything else."
"With IBP, you're expanding the cycle from demand to inventory to managing your supply."
"This shows how dynamic IBP is, happening automatically."
"Related records is a sub-tab typically against transactions which will show any other related records associated with this transaction."
"The lead record ultimately becomes a prospect record which then becomes a customer record."
"We're now going to take a few moments to look at some of the processes, one of which is the late customer process."
"Once you have your quote signed and returned, you can either then click on sales order, cash sale, or invoice and process it to become a transaction."
"Order to cash process starts with first entering a sales order."
"Supply chain management offers a great overview on the whole business process."
"Every company that has some level of complexity in the operation can definitely benefit from implementing a business process that connects demand, supply, and the business."
"What's most important is you find that first product you learn how the entire process works."
"What if you could build an app simply by describing in your own words what the business process problem or opportunity is that you're looking to address?"
"So now we're really gonna show you some of the power of the BPMN symbols and specifically those symbols in execution."
"This process is sick; it's on steroids; it's ridiculous."
"Business process modeling is one of the graphical representations of either a company's business processes or workflows."
"Blueprints are basically a structured way to move a CRM record through a process."
"The people run the processes, the process runs the business, and the business becomes massively profitable and an industry dominating brand."
"The input is a customer order; the output is a delivered part."
"How do things actually flow or get dictated in business process based on what the models dictate?"
"Architecture is processes, structure is system is getting a lead, managing a lead, nurturing a lead, converting a lead."
"Marketing can add so much value to the entire process."
"This complete cycle starting from requirement till invoice received is nothing but procure to pay cycle or P2P cycle."
"Once your payment or estimate is accepted by your customer, you're able to convert these estimates over onto invoices and sales orders."
"Data modeling is a set of techniques and models that are used to define and analyze data requirements to ensure the data managed by information systems supports the business processes."
"We're going to understand the process of how we can automate this contract management part."
"By the end of this video, we will learn how to create a component with various status indicators to show the business process flow in a dynamic manner."
"This shipping point is determined automatically and this is must if you want to carry on the further transaction like creating an outbound delivery."
"Deliver the right access to the right user at the right time for the right business reasons."
"Now what happens when an admin accepts a quotation request? Our mail should be sent to the client asking them to create a fresh quotation."
"The order to cash cycle is a fundamental process in sales and distribution."
"With the use of products, all you have to do is to select which product you want to include in the opportunity."
"SAP Fiori makes the normal business processes and provides the end user a very simple, cohesive, and responsive application."
"If you think about how much time you have spent printing out invoices and putting them in the mail... this can make it instantaneous."
"Business model is your capability to generate revenue; how your idea will be put into a process and how it is capable of generating revenue."
"Leads are typically the first place a person enters your system."
"It's an enhancement of SAP business workflow to achieve a flexible configuration process for approval workflow."