
Economic Opinion Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Free market is great but sometimes it fails."
"In a healthy free market society, a company like Boeing probably deserves to collapse."
"Taxes are high, but the economy freaking booms."
"Maybe things improve certainly seems like the dollar is a bad investment in my opinion."
"The price is a little tgh, personally, I think this phone should have been 800 bucks, not 900 bucks."
"Inflation is good for you, it's bad for the one percent."
"I think crypto's a lot less risky than fiat at the moment."
"COVID didn't crush the economy. Government crushed the economy."
"I believe that allowing Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt was a tremendous mistake."
"No rich people get rich be good for the economy who cares great bizarre utterly bizarre."
"I think a lot of people saw how good the economy was in 2019 and they'll see Trump and they'll be like, 'I'm not going to tell my friends but you know I'm voting for Trump.'"
"To me we have the strongest economy perhaps I have ever seen."
"Here's a hot take: people having money to spend is actually a good thing."
"Okay, maybe I was wrong. I admit I was wrong. Grapes, I think grapes do pretty well price-wise."
"Janet Yellen on inflation: 'I think there's a small risk and I think it's manageable.'"
"Cash is trash and you need to find a place to put your money that isn't in cash."
"There's no question in my mind that we are in a highly inflationary era."
"Your fiat is going to zero. Even if there are volatile times in bitcoin like now, it doesn't matter."
"Dividend yield 2.2%, some people say yeah that's like nothing for a dividend stock."
"Things are getting pretty frothy in my opinion."
"All taxed private property like your homes, your houses, your cars, etc. is theft and a fraud."
"I don't believe in recessions. I just don't believe in them."
"Americans recognize inflation isn't transitory."
"Inflation does wonders for you part of that."
"Tariffs are not in fact the greatest." - Ben Shapiro
"Government, the Federal Reserve, and everybody else to intervene in markets that they should not be in, period, at all."
"Let all the big companies just go under. Yes, let them drop out. Who cares? Save Main Street, forget Wall Street."
"The bigger the government gets... the better cash sounds." - Crypto Face
"If somehow we have a Biden re-elected or a resumption of the democratic party, I would say that the dollar is dead."
"We don't advocate for socialism and we basically say no matter who you are you can be rich if you bust your ass."
"America's dollar is basically worth nothing, it's only your belief in it since we detached from the gold standard in 1971."
"Things were kind of better when Trump was in, fiscally."
"This president's administration is the best thing that ever happened to big oil."
"We shouldn't be telling people what the right price is."
"I don't want to get any hate but I'm starting to think a recession might be a vibe session."
"Nobody likes paying higher taxes. I don't care if you're a democrat or republican, I mean paying higher taxes it's like having to hit that thumbs up button below twice."
"Capitalism is the best. It's not the perfect way, but it's the best way to get people out of poverty."
"To me, never before, literally in the history of the world, has a stock market been more overvalued than today."
"Credit is king... And you know what? I would say this is actually a good thing."
"I would gladly pay 2 pound a liter for petrol if it meant that Richie sunac gave in."
"Inflation is over in the United States. It has been over for a while, and rates should have come down ages ago."
"Inflation is bad for everyone, and we have to see the job through."
"Elon again chimed in on this on Twitter, of course, earlier he had said that deflation looks like it could be something that could be a concern."
"America is never going to pay its debts, it doesn't have to, it can simply print the money."
"It's absurd, just capitalism, bro. It [__] everything up, man."
"By and large, economists got it right; we're better off in a deregulated world."