
Device Compatibility Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Simple with a mouse, keyboard, or a gamepad." - Sean
"There's an appeal of playing on any device that you like, like these things are true."
"Lollipop is here to stay, soon it will be on the shield tablet."
"Responsive design: making your website perfect for all devices."
"Luigi's Mansion 3DS does have one saving grace that makes any growing pains with the controls a non-issue: the Circle Pad Pro."
"Connect anything other than this charger, you'll get a little notification on the lock screen telling you to connect the original charger for a faster charge."
"Android P Beta: available on Google Pixel and seven more manufacturer flagship devices."
"ExpressVPN is available on all your devices."
"It saves to the cloud, so you can play on multiple devices."
"It's actually gonna also charge my Apple watch my airpods."
"It is liberating to say okay now something like streaming to any device streaming to an android phone right it makes complete sense because that's where the customers are."
"Liam works across all devices, including all Apple products, PCs, Android, Safari, and Chrome."
"Note-taking and iPads go together like copy and paste, like nitro and coffee, like frodo and sam, like smoke and fire, like zebras and stripes."
"Nowadays, 52 percent of web browsing is done on a mobile phone rather than just a desktop, but it's still almost even, so you want to make sure that your website looks great on mobile, tablet, and desktop."
"I'm impressed by the performance; this is definitely a device that I would consider GameCube and PS2 friendly."
"If I put a battery from Lewis's iPhone into my iPhone, my iPhone will lose a function."
"You can still perform them on your iPhone with three fingers just like you can on the iPad."
"Graphic independence in WPF means it uses device-independent pixels, ensuring consistent display across different resolutions."
"All of this works on all of your devices... Noor VPN has you covered."
"Even in 2020, we have new devices coming out that still have micro USB. Can we please leave Micro USB behind in the last decade?"
"Being able to seamlessly move things from one device to the other."
"Having an iMessage pop up on your Mac is great, or being able to take a call on your iPad or vice versa. All this stuff is nice to see, but you don't have to go all in."
"Automatic source switch works seamlessly between devices."
"The Honda, the Hyundai, and the Kia are the first three models in the segment to support apple carplay and android auto."
"Honestly, if you have a phone from like the last three or four years and you get the iOS 16 update, that's most of the new experience right there."
"Super fast chargers, wearables, and attachments make Samsung Dex a legitimate option."
"Imagine a world where you can migrate a running application between your devices."
"Seamlessly switch between devices, picking up exactly where you left off."
"If you care about things like true Max Safe connectivity with iOS integration, then the obvious choice for you is the Max Safe battery pack."
"Backwards compatibility isn't a big deal. You're just wrong, Josh, you're just... you're just wrong."
"The Samsung galaxy S 22 lamp has a really cool better share feature where you can actually wirelessly charge another device using your phone."
"Better ID support and FaceTime has handoff with other devices."
"There is not another set of devices from any manufacturer on the market today that works so well together."
"That one tip is this: the official Amazon Ethernet adapter for fire sticks."
"I really want a handbag that I can actually fit my iPad in."
"It looks like confirming it does not work on here so if you have an S Pen don't plan on using that here."
"It's easier than ever before to access your data wherever you are on any device of your choice."
"The new Aqara Hub M2 is a great way to do that; it's fast, it's easy to use, they've got loads of devices, and it works really well."
"It's very useful to see to check that everything is working fine for every device and every single possibility of usage of this device."
"Enter Atticus, a web-based writing app that you can use on any device as long as you have an internet connection."
"MagSafe is such a unique and useful design, so it's great to have a whole bunch of new devices that fully exploit it at reasonable prices."
"If you need something cross-platform and you want to be able to target lots of different devices, then make sure that a language that you choose is cross-platform."
"If you're looking for a way to transfer files between almost any device and almost any operating system and not require the internet at all, you should totally give LocalSend a chance."
"Having Adobe Creative Cloud allows us to easily edit on both of our devices."
"The watch works really well with almost any phone out there."
"HomeBridge really unlocks a whole array of extra devices that you can use with your Apple Home setup."
"The charging case can charge all of the devices, the receiver, and the two transmitters twice."
"With ExoPlayer, you can reach more than 99% of active devices."
"The multi-preview feature allows you to see how your UI built in Jetpack Compose will look across multiple different device sizes simultaneously."
"Make sure that everything is nice, clear, and readable for the end-user on all the different types of devices you're going to be using."
"VP9 is supported on over 2 billion devices, and so if you want to play high-quality video, VP9 is an excellent codec choice to look at."
"Responsive templates... will resize based on the device."
"We said we're going to show you how to reach all your users and all their devices."
"Your ecommerce website will be fully optimized for all devices."
"We want to provide everything from all GCM-enabled devices from day zero, which is from FroYo+."
"Gallium OS is built specifically with Chrome OS devices in mind."
"Make sure that you do some research on your Chromebook or your Chrome OS device."
"Being natural on each device, empowering you to create experiences that go from screens that you fit in your pocket to screens that are large and are mounted on walls."
"On those pages, we create artboards to contain the design that's going to fit on the screen of a device."
"It's like you have unit tests to test your code but the UI tests is to ensure that the things that you are telling your users are expect your users to do actually work on all of these crazy devices."