
Long-distance Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"They want to bridge the gap between you two, love you across long distances."
"A husband in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean will be able to converse with his wife sitting in her bedroom in Chicago."
"This connection has definitely been divinely guided. You're amazing. Every show and movie reminds me of us. I hate being so, so far away."
"There could be a lot of success involving long distances."
"My training club is alone at the distance to the moon."
"When a girl really likes a guy, she'll make an incredible amount of effort, even go to the other side of the world for him."
"Long distance is hard, but he's amazing. Totally worth it."
"More than 4,000 miles away from home, these items had all begun their bizarre and unplanned journey."
"Am I the [ __ ] for gatekeeping TSA pre-check? I didn't say it, you did."
"Don't cheat. I got cheated on in a long-distance relationship and found out."
"My man lives in New York, but he'll be coming back and forth. Okay, so how does that work? How has that been working out?"
"I won't be gone forever, okay? I'll still visit you at home, and we'll chat online. We'll make it work."
"If you feel like dating long distance cannot work for you, then maybe it's time to move on."
"I've done it twice and they both led to very strong relationships."
"It's a brilliant, brilliant car to do miles in."
"Even though we are apart, I'm slowly falling in love with you."
"The distance may be crazy, but I'm ready for anything with you."
"I think right now, I don't really [consider myself a stepmom] because it's really hard when I'm in a long-distance relationship."
"It's one thing to start off long distance, to come together, versus be together for years and then separate."
"Every time I wake up, and it's like, 'Holy cow, we were four months long distance, and now you're right in front of me.'"
"Long distance can be beautiful. It has its benefits. It can teach you certain things in a relationship, but it's really freaking hard."
"My dream came true, it finally is coming to an end after a year of long distance."
"I was like, could this be my person? Like we were long-distance and we really just kind of very much like The Bachelor would meet in San Francisco."
"I broke up with a guy... and then I received this message from Dubai."
"This new love could have Leo, Aries, Cancer, Taurus, and Capricorn energy, and it might involve a long-distance connection."
"The bike is really comfortable for long-distance riding."
"If you don't trust them, don't do it. Don't do long distance with someone you don't trust. Guys, make sure that you're going to do long distance with someone you can trust."
"It's definitely... I mean there's a lot of hard stuff, like I miss you when you're on the road. But there's also a lot of like really special stuff that you don't have from a normal relationship."
"I want something that's practical, I want something that I can drive long distances because we do that often in the Overland world."
"I feel like there's a stigma with long distance being impossible but I feel like you and me have developed something that's on another level, yeah, so I'm willing to go for it."
"...I honestly think I could put about 1,500 miles on one in a day and be totally okay."
"So, all in all guys, superb long distance, very, very long-legged touring machine."
"Long distance relationships especially as they start off can be a blessing, a real positive for those reasons that like it forces you to slow things down."
"Building on friendship is crucial in a long-distance relationship."
"Don't be afraid of long distance relationship, you might just end up surprising both of you."
"We're doing long distance. But I guess we'll see how it goes."
"A bike you can absolutely ride all day between the wind protection, the floorboards, the seat, and the riding position."
"This is the ultimate long-distance hooligan."
"It's definitely a shoe that you can run long in but it definitely is a shoe that can handle some more uptempo running."
"You get a sense of accomplishment as well, you never ever get from a short ride. Like 'I rode the length of a country'... that stays with you."
"Anyway, long rides are boring. Well, maybe not entirely boring, but compared to short rides, they lack long-term memory. Long rides are memorable."
"It took us 14 days and we covered 2905 miles."
"...they're a good powerful grunty machine. Good on fuel, they will haul long distances, they lap it up."
"We're taking it the 767 mi from San Jose to Portland Oregon, a trip that will take 19 hours."
"We did a very, very good job of FaceTiming even though she was in Rome."
"The coolest thing about this car is that the owner drove it home nearly a thousand miles without a hitch."
"It's so nice to finally see my sister again after months and months and months of being away."
"Expectations should be discussed in terms of frequency of commitment ahead of time to make a long-distance relationship that much easier and simpler."
"He envisioned a new system of messaging that would allow soldiers to stay in touch over long distances."
"We're trying to make longer days here, 35-40 Mi, pretty slow in the whole scheme of things, but we got to keep moving."
"Touring bikes are designed to be your best companion on long journeys, providing stability, comfort, and options that can rival some cars."
"Happy belated birthday, sending you love from Dallas."
"It's really hard to feel over someone when literally the only reason that you weren't with them is because you had to buy a plane ticket to see them."
"I really like you too, but hello, I live in Houston and you live in LA."
"Long distance relationships can be healthy and worth it."
"If the relationship is worth fighting for, long distance is one million percent worth it."
"We're super passionate about long distance dating because look where we are now."
"Before you know it, we're hitting on each other over Tumblr again, sending cutesy couples photos whenever we missed each other."
"You can feel and like smell how easy it would be to go fast for long distances in this car, of course, that's what a car like this should do."
"Good morning everyone, have you always wanted to drive a really long distance very comfortably?"
"The North Country National Scenic Trail... continues roughly 4,600 miles through seven states before terminating in North Dakota."
"My significant other and I always plan a whole day's worth of things, even when we're long distance."
"It is a car that's designed to go fast for long distances and keep its occupants comfortable."
"This is a great setup here, as you have plenty of time when you are making those longer trips."
"The Touareg is a really nice long distance tourer."
"Radio is an excellent opportunity for me to keep in touch with my wife."
"This long-distance connection has a certain charm."
"His pace was blinding, his instincts in the box were getting better all the time, and he could strike from distance to boot."
"Fully decked out for long range touring, three to six months trips this thing has done."
"When I say big trip, it's going to be about 7,000 kilometers over the course of about 14 days."
"I'm going to be testing this over a variety of things; I think this is going to be a great long-run shoe."
"Super large and comfortable, I had no problems driving this thing for hours and hours."
"It's with an adjustable mount... that is the secret to how you shoot long distance."
"It's just a side effect of being away from each other so long."
"For crunching out big miles on tour, ah, this is bliss."
"I've come a very long way to visit."
"Reach out and touch someone far away, give them a call."
"We make beautiful arrangements that you can send to your mom because you can't see her."
"The Scalpel will fit two water bottles inside the mainframe which is good news for long distance cross-country riders and marathon races."
"Drones can fly longer distances when they use fuel cell as power."
"So this is excellent for long-distance travel."
"Ever hear a smile? Phone someone you love. Long distance is the next best thing to being there."
"Remember how sharing things with your brother could bring you closer together? It still can. Long distance is the next best thing to being there."
"We are about to talk about long distance relationships and tips and all sorts of stuff like that."
"Happy survivors of a long-distance relationship that lasted almost three years and spanned across 3,500 miles and a five-hour time difference."
"He discovered he had walked over 181 miles from where he had gotten lost."
"Despite the distance and busy academic schedules, their love remained strong, and they frequently traveled long hours to see each other."
"They wanted to continue their relationship, so they decided to sort of do this long-distance thing."
"Long-distance relationships are really difficult... there needs to be a continual basis of connection where you're planning on actually meeting up in real life."
"I'm a big fan of this armrest; I could definitely see myself doing a long road trip from where I am in Virginia down to Miami, Florida, which would be about a 13-hour trip, no problem."
"The quantum Hall fluid's long-distance physics is actually described by a quantum field theory."
"I feel like having an end date when you know you're gonna be back together is the best part of a long distance relationship."
"I actually feel like long distance was so fundamental and necessary for me as an individual to work on being independent."
"Sometimes when you're in a long-distance relationship, it becomes hard. There's a lot of uncertainty, like where is this going, but you still got that like, 'I want to be with you.'"
"Good friends are for keeps, so keep in touch; long distance is the next best thing to being there."
"Long distance is actually really fun. Like, I think you have fun and your relationship will grow stronger and like all these things."
"Missing the missus has been away for a week and a half now, the miracles of technology, you know, FaceTime keeps us connected."
"I could definitely see taking this thing on long trips."
"It's probably the most accurate rifle you're gonna find at range."
"I love that long-distance relationships do work if you make them work."
"If you see it wide open red blanketing, it's a good indication you may be able to try it and make a long-distance contact on two meters."
"It's been an awesome cruiser, really just eats up the miles on the highway."
"Can't you just both be strong and try to love each other long distance?"
"Especially with long distance, you need someone who's on the same page."
"Our love was always there despite the distance."
"The cable is able to measure strain and temperature every meter over a distance that can be 20 or 30 km."
"We were in a long-distance relationship for a long time, years and years and years, but it's not something I regret."
"Selena showed some of the most accurate projectiles ever seen from the most challenging distances."
"If you plan to join friends on long rides, have a long commute, or want to go on day-long adventures exploring new cities or going deep into the woods doing trail riding, well then I'm going to say the XR is probably the route for you to go with."
"For long distances, it's been a clear situation where HVDC is dominant."
"When you're in a long-distance relationship, all you really have is communication."
"The big secret is that I have a girlfriend that has been living in Colorado, and we have been in a long-distance relationship for nearly six months now."
"Venus in Aquarius thrives in a long-distance relationship because you got your distance, you got your space."
"I can walk miles in these, they're so comfortable."