
Weapon Mechanics Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"It's a void 390 RPM pulse rifle. It's void. So before I begin let's all get on board and agree that void 3.0 is nuts in PvE."
"Head recoil when shooting is annoying... we'll think about it."
"Fallout 3 didn't have iron sights for some reason, it just zoomed in a bit, but guess what New Vegas has iron sights now."
"Different weapons have different synergies with class abilities which just introduces that extra level of depth."
"Malfeasance: increased explosion damage by fifty percent."
"The battle rifle was a three-round burst weapon giving it a level of precision and range."
"Traveler's Chosen replace full auto trigger system in the Catalyst with Surplus—oh my God, that's so good!"
"The charge blade is a fantastic weapon, seamlessly going from one mode to the next whilst dishing out incredible damage."
"There's certainly room to fiddle with them a bit more though... we're talking about less RNG in spread patterns."
"We think you should do a game where you wield a bazooka which is attached to an assault rifle and misfires often."
"Increased rate of fire and recoil while you're holding down the trigger."
"Every character can use a specific command to pull out their weapon, granting them more range to their attacks."
"Mowing down hordes of deadites with this baby feels just right."
"Disposable missile launcher will fire a swarm of 12 missiles that deal 12 times 300 damage on a 45-second cooldown."
"Fortnite introduced a new weapon into the fray called the Infinity Blade... but it was deemed too powerful."
"Weapon tuning preview. I'm gonna gloss over this is more PVP like a lot of a lot of jargon in here with weapon damage fall off Precision modifier cone angle scalar type talk."
"The speed of reloading is very important and this could be a make or break."
"Some of the best feelings in destiny are those moments when you uncover a sweet weapon with the perfect perk combination."
"And just overall, I think New Vegas and Fallout 3 compared to Fallout 4, revolvers feel so nice."
"Each shot fires six arrows... it will do an extra 50% bonus damage and fire additional projectiles."
"Those arrows actually do not fire very far, they drop quickly so it's like an area effect weapon and it's pretty unique."
"They also balance the Nightbird mounted minigun spread buildup and convergence."
"A single hit or wound B roll pattern does wonders on powerful guns like that."
"But this is the only one where every time you pick up a gun it's immediately probably not the only one but one of the few ones where you are perpetually of weapons that are not reloading."
"Cloud strike: players within the radius will still take damage." - Balancing an effective weapon while reducing collateral damage.
"There's a lot of them but first of all Bungie talks about the actual spread differences within the shotgun subfamily."
"Revoker was the most annoying to play against for me since it just rewarded missing and led to snipers being a menace in the crucible."
"Fallout 4 introduced a unique weapon that used a reworked mechanic that finally made radiation weaponry viable."
"The Messenger... it comes with a perk known as Desperado. Reloading after a precision final blow increases your rate of fire."
"An automatic shotgun, nothing bad has ever come out of letting you fire a shotgun faster in a video game."
"It actually takes place to chambering extracting and all that type of fun stuff takes place rearward of the trigger pretty cool pros and cons to that entire system."
"The gun Lance is designed to be like an iron wolf: you get off of the monsters face, deal damage, guard incoming attacks, and hop around to reposition or dodge where necessary."
"Bad Juju fix an issue that was causing the weapon to recall like an auto rifle."
"It powers up his awesome gun arm chrono cannon... it's a CC ultimate."
"You can now pick up a jackal Shield like a riot shield and dual wield it with a single-handed weapon."
"Hallelujah! Proper gunplay with aim down iron sights."
"The weapons are all fun to use and have a good feeling of weight behind them."
"Tommy's matchbook overheats the longer you hold down the trigger this damages you in the process but it also deals some bonus damage."
"Outbreak Perfected: nanite swarms help in damaging other Guardians nearby."
"The gunplay feels pretty solid so far, like it feels hefty, it feels chunky."
"I love that the gunplay of Ratchet and Clank is fantastic."
"Blizzard have gone absolutely crazy and they've decided to turn Cassidy's magnetic grenade into an absolute weapon."
"I think having them in it as their current form was kind of working for that because right now the chug cannon is just absolutely broken."
"General weapon handling and gunplay feels quite good."
"We want weapons to feel diverse even if they share the same damage type."
"Taking the principles of gameplay behind the evolving armor set... applying it to weapons."
"I just feel like this three-round burst is just absolutely awesome."
"It's so damn satisfying to fill out these weapon trees."
"Tone is one of the best loadouts in the game. Every time you shoot an enemy, you'll get a partial missile lock."
"Thank you, all of the weapons in the game, are so much more fun to use in VR."
"The insect glaive remains one of the coolest and freest feeling weapons in Monster Hunter, with the ability to fly and fight target any body part."
"Merciless is really fun when it's firing super fast."
"The guns just feel so much better, I'm really satisfied with the gunplay."
"With this new system I created, the damage of a gun is now dictated by the cartridge it fires. Groundbreaking stuff I know."
"It's not very popular due to its relatively high skill gap... but it's just one of the most unfeeling guns in the game."
"Projectile weapons add a level of realism and challenge."
"Picking up these weapons is kind of like putting on a pair of comfy jeans."
"The gunplay is nice too; this is made by Respawn after all."
"Masterworks weapons are arguably the most important change coming soon to Destiny 2."
"The backbone of Halo's weapon sandbox is the dynamic between bullets, plasma, and headshots."
"Because of dfa's weaknesses on that initial shot, opening shot mitigates that issue and does so substantially as well as the ginormous range bumps there."
"If you're gonna call your game gunfire Reborn the guns have to feel quite good and sure do feel quite good."