
Strength Development Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Starting powerlifting? Check out 'The Unity' program."
"By the time it's over I guarantee we are stronger, way stronger in a long way."
"He'll get the throne soon enough, but he'll need to get much stronger."
"Comfort is not the way to get stronger often you need discomfort, but this is the only way. This is unfortunately still a net positive."
"SKT has rebounded and gone from strength to strength."
"They feel like you nurtured them into their strength."
"Teach kids to be fighters, teach kids to grow up, teach kids to be stronger."
"We just learned to get strong. We learned to find more joy."
"It's down to a person's very nature how strong you can get in jjk, your own personality can put a cap on you."
"He knew that only by growing stronger could he forever protect his loved ones."
"What actually builds and measures your strength is your ability to do what you have to do regardless of how you feel."
"You don't get strong while working out, you get strong once you put the weights down."
"We live in a time right now that many of us we are avoiding pain and discomfort at all costs yet the other side of your pain and discomfort is you getting stronger if you want your capacity to grow you have to challenge it."
"One of the weakest becoming one of the strongest once more."
"A lot of the training that focuses on strength without adding size is often overlooked in modern training programs."
"Your strength is the thing that makes you the most uncomfortable."
"Adversity make the strong stronger the weak weaker."
"He could hurt Kaido using his hardened Gear Third, whereas he previously could not even while using Gear Fourth."
"Fusions are gonna get stronger and stronger."
"Strength does not happen overnight, it happens over time, day in and day out."
"Strength is learning how to connect with the feminine aspects and the masculine aspects, the divine level of those aspects."
"You're going to really look back with pride that you pass a lot of tests in 2022 and you are stronger for it."
"The key thing is to make sure you are progressively overloading your training."
"I will return, brother, and when I do, I will be stronger than ever before."
"You take a weakness, turn it into a strength."
"Showing up even when you're afraid is how strength is fortified."
"I think that how I worked out when I was 18 all about power all about strength getting stronger faster more athletic hugely hugely benefited me."
"In order to bring out the full strength of their Pokémon, trainers must be knowledgeable."
"They're only going from strength to strength."
"Your soul starts off weak but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV."
"How can you get stronger unless you've really, really looked into it?"
"Adversity is a key to major success. Push through, and let it make you stronger."
"Every single day that passes... you do become stronger."
"Gohan always had the potential to be the strongest."
"Holy crap, look at how much stronger we got!"
"No one is born strong in life; we only learn to develop strength as we grow."
"You've strengthened yourself, you have perhaps with everything that's happened, you've found a way to become stronger."
"They are facing and defeating their greatest fears, growing stronger."
"They're gaining strength about their gaining of empowerment about their gaining of clarity."
"Her power is unbeatable but it wasn't always."
"You're making progress. You're going from strength to strength."
"Strength never comes easy, there's no magical way to suddenly get stronger, it takes hard work."
"Sometimes the weak can become stronger."
"Things have gone from strength to strength."
"Nothing else even comes close to the effectiveness of barbell squats, presses, deadlifts, and the Olympic lifts for the development of strength, power, and muscular size."
"It's just more time on the mat is gonna give you more strength in those specific positions."
"Mastering these, as well as utilizing all the previous levels, will develop your strength and prepare you to start level 10."
"Go way lighter, play with the new range of motion, develop strength in that range of motion."
"The intention of it was to teach correct form, proper form, as well as to develop the strength and the durability of your hands, your wrists, and your forearms."
"My goal is to come out stronger and a healthier version of myself so I can continue to lead this team to the championship we are all working towards."