
Operational Efficiency Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"It's obvious why I want it simpler because I want it simpler to operate, but why do I want increased capacity?"
"Delegate... to get your business to run without you."
"It is an absolute necessity to have some sort of inventory system like this."
"It is that good when things are running well."
"I gotta make sure everything's basically in range here."
"There's no need for secrecy. Everybody knows everything, and the secrecy is from your own people only."
"The Toyota Production System was paving the way for the company's success."
"The entire purpose of this Battalion tactical group is to be able to minimize the number of steps from the man firing the gun on the front line to HQ in Moscow."
"The safest way to do it is get in, do it, and get out as soon as possible."
"The benefits of the articulating and oscillating frame cannot be overstated - they're drastic."
"Being able to control the movements of the attachment with the same hand and lever that you're controlling the forward progress of the machine makes for efficient operation."
"I'm so excited because this is at a factory that's not even finished yet."
"Turns out, like you probably already guessed, the Austrian post figured out through real-world use that EVs have a lower total cost of ownership than gas vehicles."
"My main focus during service is making sure that the restaurant runs as a machine."
"We closed down the command post very rapidly."
"Essentially right is imagine you get all your assets together and you get the mechanics you know the mechanics working."
"So just being able to know the date and how many we send in at one time, is beneficial."
"We've achieved actual reduction in returns by 40% using this technology."
"Auditing your business on a regular basis is crucial. If you don't audit your business, what ends up happening is you're identifying new leaks being created in your ship."
"I think this thing is working absolutely perfect."
"Ah, the wonders of teamwork. You messed things up, I put the factory back in order."
"Avalara's software does help them increase operational efficiency."
"Lean Six Sigma increases revenue by enabling an organization to do more with less."
"Designated people to do jobs and also go out to trade or explore also meant that these things get done faster."
"It was a blast tonight, really a historic night in banana land."
"I feel like we're finally getting a hold of the stock here."
"We would appreciate shorter cycle times, we would appreciate more agile supply chains."
"Just do me a huge favor and audit every other hour."
"For the order fulfillment, mark order as processed and mark as shipped as well."
"When we move into our purpose, we're gonna operate in peace."
"Associates won't have to continually comb the store to replace products running low on the shelves."
"You're also going to get a green light here to indicate full pressure was reached on every cycle."
"Customers should expect that they'll be in the right gear at the right time."
"The advantageous element list on the pre-battle screen will now also display reverse elements to assist in building teams."
"Block 5 should be the final iteration of the Falcon 9, allowing for multiple reuses, and rapid turn around, hopefully even under 48 hours with no refurbishment."
"Flowchart analysis can help us understand where defects are produced and where there are delays."
"It's mind-blowing just how much of a well-running machine it is."
"We're not going to tolerate your hatred here."
"Google is a business where the total revenue is increasing and their operating income is also increasing with that total revenue."
"But the thing is is once it is deployed right once it actually is deployed then managing it is fine."
"Running at a good capacity ensured that guests spent the least amount of time in line and got on as many rides as possible."
"We are not doing any kind of trial and error."
"Our CEOs don't have to worry about any of this crap like running ads training sales people hiring."
"The turnaround time at SpaceX's busiest launch site in Florida has been reduced to less than 4 days between missions."
"Assigning these positions in advance will allow for less headaches and consistent handling of similar mechanics."
"Pulling this off in 50 hours it's mind-blowing."
"Streamlining the process made it exciting and doable."
"We had come to know mostly capable organization with a very good feel operationally for the real problems."
"The batteries will allow the cameras to operate for approximately 30 days."
"Both shuttles are now in action and being used."
"Spacex doesn't need to close down and evacuate every few days like we've seen more recently right now Spacex are completely dedicated to preparing for the first orbital flight with the full super heavy and starship stack."
"The Simplicity of working inside these machines."
"We really have a major initiative at Tesla to get the average time from a car exiting the factory to receiving the check from the customer... to be as short as possible." - Elon
"It's just iterative design... you fail, you learn, and then you just sort of take all those learnings and put them into operations."
"A dedicated briefing area adjacent to but not inside the talk would be very helpful for getting salute reports or debriefing team members."
"Somebody has got to focus on the boring stuff that makes it happen."
"I believe every year you have to fire 1% of your customers."
"We want more than 45 degrees, that's something we're going to need to address."
"Increased vertical integration drives higher gross margins."
"In order to make that happen, you gotta have Machinery that you can count on."
"So we'd like to speed that up a bit so that the user experience is much better—so that's in the housecleaning department."
"Things now run a hundred times more smoothly by all accounts."
"The whole course is about how you build systems and processes and tools and templates to operationalize and scale a YouTube channel."
"It vastly increases productivity, enables loosely coupled teams and systems, and restores separation of concerns."
"Activity ratios... provide insights into how well a company utilizes its resources and operations."
"Operations have been pretty solid throughout the day as well."
"Lean into what works, kill what doesn't ruthlessly."
"Introducing NetSuite by Oracle, the business management software that handles every aspect of your business in an easy-to-use cloud platform, giving you the visibility and control you need to grow."
"I don't want to babysit my business. I want to automate stuff as much as possible."
"The whole thing is a bunch of gears and they're all just perfectly interlocked."
"This project would normally take 18 months to complete, but in a truly unimaginable feat it will be operational in eight weeks."
"It comes down to having a tried-and-true process."
"All I can tell you is the small business today is -- we're way ahead of schedule."
"Operating expense growth lower than revenue growth for seven or eight quarters in a row."
"We will deliver capability better, sooner, faster."
"We've been able to dramatically improve our lead time."
"There's a surprising amount of skill and strategy needed in order to maximize profits and efficiency."
"Paul's spot is impeccable, it's worked so far."
"He prides himself on the efficiency of the operation, he used to joke that he was the Federal Express of the drug business."
"We kind of have a good rhythm with it we got a kind of a new system going live playbooks are going to be a huge thing this year"
"The perfect number employees is your favorite employee: zero."
"There's a god out there that loves them, his name's Jesus."
"They reduced SG&A. What company sells more vehicles yet reduces its cost for SG&A? This is so good, this is such a phenomenal report."
"For the first time our farms are actually fully operational."
"Project management is not only about managing the project but also improving processes."
"Operation Suite ingests this data and generates insights using dashboards, charts, and alerts."
"It takes a really special kind of person to look at everything that's going on and say, 'Wow, this is actually working really well and all I need to do here is keep the machine oiled so that it keeps doing what it's doing.'"
"Governance is everything in the cloud because we are completely changing the operational model."
"Operations have to be tight and you gotta be people-centric."
"Having some consistency around how things are named is really going to operationally make your life a lot easier."
"Now we are becoming operationally excellent."
"Lean is not about a bunch of tools. Tools do not make us lean. I've never seen an organization fail because they didn't have the right continuous improvement tool."
"Recent trends in organizations include downsizing, delayering, outsourcing, offshoring, and shared services to streamline operations."
"A tactical consideration is an evidence-based concept for the fire service to consider implementing into department operations to enhance efficiency effectiveness and increased knowledge to accomplish their mission to protect life environment and property."
"It's our goal to make your advancement to the seat of the fire safer and easier."
"The menu is simpler, a lot easier. We can do volume now. Now, we've got a chance to put the [__] thing right."
"We still use the T20 tractor because it does a lot of jobs that the heavy one wouldn't do so well."
"So you have certainly the high level executive dashboard tools but also operational tools that allows you to manage it on a day to day basis."
"I'm very impressed with the operational tempo, status, capabilities, and accomplishments these diesel boats did."
"The modern use of the resources you have could dramatically cut your operational costs."
"Cash flow from operations versus capex, that's what we're trying to buy."
"Operational efficiency and safety across an incredibly broad set of spaces has never been more important, more valuable than it is now."
"Wellington Airport officially unveiled a brand new fully operational battle station—I mean terminal."
"It allows mission control operators to get complete situational awareness about what's going on during the mission."
"We are now removing what's called undifferentiated lifting which is everybody has to do the same thing but it's not really bringing any value to their end product."
"Our business model isn't contingent upon the next well hitting or missing; our business model is contingent upon buying something right, operating it better, and controlling margin, which are all very controllable things."
"It's a whole set of activities that go on inside a factory that actually coordinate the people, the equipment, and the materials to get jobs done."
"The Royal Air Force dramatically extended maintenance cycles, some procedures went away, while bombers flew 60 percent more."
"Prevention includes lubrication, installation, storage procedures, filtration, alignment, balancing, operating practices, and fixed time maintenance."
"A rotary screw likes to be run hard; that's the best part about a rotary screw."
"Consider what type of content should be added to the site, especially the dashboard, and the goal is not only to have this site serve as an operational hub but also as a tool that yourself, your staff depends on."
"Use the increased efficiency in the OPEX to reinvest in marketing."
"When you reach that perfect point where you are the exact amount of capacity to make the long run demand, you're gonna have the highest level of profitability."
"This will actually lead you to increase your business continuity and also to reduce your operations cost."
"Supply chain analytics aims to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness by enabling data-driven decisions at strategic, operational, and tactical levels."
"We really try to focus on process automation, workflow, data visibility for a much better experience."
"Extracting meaningful insights from these cameras can help bring operational efficiency and safety."
"It's best if a company's free cash flow is growing because its sales are growing and it is becoming more efficient."
"Create systems around the sales process if you're ever going to get out of daily operations."
"One of the biggest reasons... you don't want to weigh performance on your operational database."
"Operational efficiency with reuse or with the ability to do reuse config when you want to go from one device to five devices or ten devices."
"Operational... starts to actually attempt to show initial causes for what's actually underlying and driving the strategic big numbers that are being shown."
"Efficiency enhancement opportunities which the management team can take advantage of."
"Our Dallas data center got all of our VMs powered up and running as expected."
"Minimize the number of modes of operation; minimize the number of branches of code that can be executed."
"What benefits would result from it which ultimately will contribute to reducing operating costs?"
"We've got to contain our costs like any other business, we've got to continually look at the way that we run our business."
"Effective operation management has resulted in productivity increases that support Taco Bell's low-cost strategy."
"Cluster health status changed from yellow to green."
"Protecting ferociously fifty percent or so of time to step back and think about how to automate away toil."
"Delivering software quickly, reliably, and safely is at the heart of a technology transformation and organizational performance."
"Monitoring everything you can, making sure you pass that information on to give the person that's operating the most information they can."
"All aspects of the business now operate on Monday with 100% transparency across the company."
"We do that to increase the operating efficiency of the plant."
"We're looking at the daily generation for instance, or the operating efficiency, those are calculations that are done in the PI system."
"Docker allows us to solve that problem by allowing developers to think operationally and those that operate software to think in terms of software development."
"The balance sheets have never been better, operationally they're probably at places they've never seen before in terms of productivity."
"Going serverless and offloading responsibility of utilization management and server configuration can have a major difference to how you build on and operate."
"Discouraging your system from jerking the controls around often makes many systems behave better."
"We are ruthlessly committed to building wildly profitable businesses with systemized operational machines of production."
"We have customers that have done this and substantially have saved man-hours and operational costs by automating with Rubrik."
"Serverless is about speeding up your deployment by removing the management overhead."
"The German Army is superb tactically and operational."
"Increase your operational efficiency as well as your customers' experience by acting on reporting data and trends."
"The business should actively look to save energy. This may be via more efficient machines or policies to switch off power when not in full use."
"One pass reduces complexity and the potential for issues in the data management operation."
"We want to help out developers build these devices to collect information from your operations but also build control your operations much more easily and much faster."