
Franchise Potential Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Seeing everyone react to Dune is just so satisfying because it feels like the start of a new awesome franchise grounded in something like this."
"I'm very excited to see what they do with Star Wars going forwards now that they can do all this stuff with the deep fake."
"It's too big of a franchise, you know what I mean, like why would you not?"
"I think FNAF would have been better suited as a series than a film because of the mass amount of lore that it has."
"There's room here for a very versatile series to again make sense of itself without reaching for a reboot button."
"It's rough around the edges but it's a great first attempt at a new franchise."
"We want Mass Effect to be the next Game of Thrones, but you know, with a better ending."
"This is a franchise that I swear is going to completely take over the world if it hasn't already."
"I think Disney would be a fool to not go the Old Republic."
"I think there's a lot of potential with Silent Hill as an IP."
"The classic series really built the foundation of what could have been one of the most successful animated franchises of all time."
"Diablo was considered by far the most promising franchise."
"Why wasn't there a My Little Pony browser MMO? That would have been huge."
"I would almost wager that if Fantastic Beasts does not do well, that would increase the chances of proper Harry Potter sequels coming."
"A single-player RPG story-driven Dragon Ball game can work, but they need to get a little more creative, original story or Super next would be great."
"This is what Jurassic World Evolution should have been. This is what we all want to see."
"Pretty much anything is on the table when it comes to Xbox revisiting old franchises."
"It's clear with this kind of style and succinct storytelling DC suddenly has a lot of fuel to run with for any future franchises they may be planning on producing."
"Margot Robbie isn't just beautiful, she is a top-shelf actress."
"Out of Aliens, Predator, and Terminator, which franchise has the potential to return to form? Terminator."
"All we can hope for is that the film does okay so that we can get the Justice League films and we can get that solo Batman film."
"Lawrence Kasdan: Lando Calrissian isn't finished."
"The series future has never looked brighter."
"I hope that it stays. I hope that there's an American poutine chain that emerges."
"I think the Terminator franchise can be saved... It needs James Cameron or a complete reimagining."
"A Star Wars Battlefront 3 could very well end up being the game to cap off an incredible era for an incredible game franchise."
"Warner Brothers is sitting on a gold mine with their rights to the Harry Potter Universe."
"We live in glorious times, my friend, because if these things work out to be as good as they could be, then it's a magnificent month for us Star Wars fans."
"Nearly $775 million in box office receipts later, Guardians of the Galaxy could be the start of an Avengers-style franchise for the studio."
"The Dragon Ball series has so much content, a game like Xenoverse 3 could explore the multiverse of Dragon Ball."
"If this game came out as the very first installment of the Kirby franchise, Kirby would be a much bigger icon than he already is today."
"But wherever it comes from, I highly recommend drinking your water. You don't want kidney stones."
"I don't know if this is a billion dollar franchise that's been born but it's really really impressive."
"If this is Lord of the Rings meets Star Wars, we could have one of the biggest franchises on our hands."
"The future is bright for Luigi's Mansion now."
"I'm very excited about this, I think Suicide Squad is in a really good place right now."
"Obsidian has said they would be more than willing to work on a Fallout IP again."
"If they can do that with fable then they can get a bunch of new people in."
"Warhammer has the potential to become the next big thing, the franchise that could become the next Game of Thrones or MCU."
"It takes what was such a Bare Bones yet mysterious game and story and turns it into a world that is deserving of multiple games and developers working on it to create something that could surpass even the likes of Fallout."
"If Universal could find a way to bring back Back to the Future, I think that would be a billion dollar picture."
"The story of Pacific Rim is the story of a franchise with massive potential."
"She is an actor and a character who could lead this franchise."
"Bob Shea saw the overwhelming audience reaction and thought this film had major franchise potential."
"Man, oh my God, if this movie came out today, I think it would have been a franchise."
"Jurassic Park 3 could have revitalized the franchise in 2001 if Universal Pictures had the foresight to actually believe in their property."
"Why can't this get a spinoff universe? Why can't this have other stories and other characters that can lead to other movies?"
"Expanding that idea into four super-powered princesses would certainly open up the series into a potential full-fledged franchise."
"This is how franchises are born, by making a compelling movie that people want to see again or more of."