
Cinderella Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The Disney remake of Cinderella is the best example I have ever seen of doing love at first sight perfectly."
"Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time is actually really good, with emotion, suspense, and phenomenal animation."
"The entire main deck is themed after Cinderella."
"If Cinderella's shoe fit perfectly, why did it fall off?"
"Her story is also probably as close as real life could get to a real life Cinderella story."
"It wasn't like a Love Story, it was Cinderella."
"Cinderella is a likable protagonist, and one you want to see win in the end."
"Cinderella had to be a smash hit, and thankfully, it was just that."
"Cinderella: Glad it's over, but I can smile about it now."
"Cinderella's story has a lot more depth and a lot more nuance than people are willing to give it credit for."
"Cinderella is the perfect embodiment of a character not being seen as strong because they don't physically fight for what they want."
"We love Cinderella we love Cinderella you have a name for it yeah and you get capitalize the f as well the Cinderella fallacy is that"
"Cinderella maybe needed a shoe to change her life, I say underwear."
"Cinderella, scrub the terrace sweep the halls of the stairs clean the chimneys and of course there's the mending and the sewing and the laundry."
"You become your own Cinderella where you're down there scrubbing the floors, taking care of everybody else, serving everybody else but not allowing it for yourself and that has got to come to an end."
"Cinderella remains to be the only Disney Live Action remake that has worked and has continued to work to this day."
"Cinderella marries into the royal family, making her a princess by matrimony."
"...in conclusion, cinderella is a badass and a great role model because of her kindness, strength, and the capacity for forgiveness..."
"True love does exist, but Cinderella ain't real."
"Virtuous Cinderella not only forgives them but also lets them live in the castle with her."
"Cinderella just stumbled upon an opportunity and she took it."
"Putting on this hat felt like what I can only imagine Cinderella felt slipping on that glass slipper."
"Everybody loves the Cinderella story."
"But it's not beyond my power. You shall go to the ball, Cinderella."
"I feel like Cinderella arriving at the ball."
"It's a bit of a Cinderella story but with a dark Academia twist."
"These literally give me princess Vibes I genuinely feel like Cinderella right now."
"Roger and Hammerstein's Cinderella, just has a special place in my heart."
"Not one but two Cinderella stories."
"The absolute Cinderella Cinderella dress."
"A Cinderella mocktail that will be talked about for centuries to come."
"When she wanted to go out to the ball... she just wanted to go to the ball to have a nice night and to let her hair down."
"28 minutes of screen time Cinderella has"
"Are you kidding me? Cinderella has entered the room."
"Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time feels like fan fiction...and I mean this in the best way possible."
"...Cinderella 3 takes the qualities that the protagonist has been praised for and puts them to good use, as well as creating a narrative where the girl has a chance to be active without it feeling forced."
"...Cinderella 3 stands as a fantastic example of this, while also being a really fun movie that sets itself apart from the rest in terms of quality and dedication to its premise."
"Wow, there's Cinderella's glass slipper, look at that!"
"It's like a Cinderella story, you can't make it up."
"Cinderella's stepsisters and stepmother were just hysterical, especially if you had some single guy that would walk up."
"I want a nighttime Cinderella, since you know, party's over at midnight and all."
"The right pair of shoes can change your life, just ask Cinderella."
"It's like this Cinderella's glass slipper of skincare."
"Cinderella is the proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life."
"I don't want to be like Cinderella, sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar, waiting for somebody to come and set me free."
"Sapphire is my birthstone, and it also gave me Cinderella Vibes, I actually really liked it."
"Cinderella is absolutely a vibe for real."
"You heard Cinderella music, you heard 'So This Is Love'."
"Holding court nearby is a golden statue of Cinderella, and the first of many treasures just waiting to be discovered."
"I would like to wear a beautiful dress and go to the ball," replied Cinderella.
"Enjoy yourself at the ball, my dear," said her godmother, "but there is one thing you must remember: you must be home before the clock strikes midnight."
"This is my partner," said the prince.
"Cinderella was so happy that she forgot all about the time."
"Cinderella is the embodiment of perfection in a Disney movie."
"The character of Cinderella... we see her suffering so much for so long that when she finally does get that breakthrough, we as the audience feel even more happy for her."
"I'm your Fairy Godmother, Cinderella, and you will go to the prince's party."
"Cinderella got an invitation too, not from the princess but from her fairy godfather, Edward, which is just as good."
"Cinderella's miracle. Is it just a fairy tale?"
"Cinderella gets the prince to marry her at the end, but she went through so much to get there, and she won because she was kind and because she had good qualities that made her a better person."
"I really like this one because it has Cinderella on it, and I love Cinderella."
"The Cinderella one has got a ton of versatility to it."
"These big beautiful pumpkins are Cinderella pumpkins, I haven't tried one of these yet, but I've heard really good things about them."
"It's Fleur Delacour but it's also obviously Cinderella."
"These are gorgeous Cinderella shoes that I am very happy with."