
Balanced Perspective Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"You have to tell the other side, absolutely the fullness, because you can't talk about one without talking about the other."
"I do see both sides here. I think there are points that are being made on both sides."
"The truth of the engagement will probably be somewhere in the middle."
"I appreciate you making that video, I appreciate you not throwing the animals completely under the bus with that video."
"It's a balanced take. You can have bad experiences and want the system to be changed. You can want things to change for your children especially if you grew up in a certain area but you can still say like they are important."
"I wouldn't forgive myself if I just came out and said there's only one side and then something happened."
"Even if these seasteads are very hard to build, it was obvious that, if we could redesign our society, if we could somehow start over, we would do it so differently."
"Well, it's, I always think, you know, extreme optimism, extreme pessimism are both equally wrong. 'Cause they're both excuses for laziness, for not doing anything. So I think the answer is always in between."
"It's perfectly possible to be critical of something yet love it at the same time."
"Our book argues for balancing tradition and progress, challenging both conservative and progressive viewpoints."
"I can give him credit for things that he does well but also if he does something that I don't agree with I will say that too."
"I do love my country. When it's said, 'I support patriotism,' the love of country. Not blind patriotism, not nationalism. But I think, yeah, I can love being from the United States."
"The truth is somewhere in the middle. Nobody is right about everything ever."
"Even if we like something, it's okay to still be aware and acknowledge the faults that it might have."
"You can be critical about things and still support them in the endeavor to improve."
"Nobody's perfect, he's not perfect but he's not, you know, a demon either."
"In life, sometimes things aren't good... you need to have a balanced and healthy view analyzing all of these different subjects."
"It is not without flaws, some of those flaws are kind of more egregious than others but it is not without virtues."
"What I like about Tony Hughes is he gives you the good and the bad, and he doesn't sugarcoat."
"Bad take is bad; anything can be harmful in excess. Video games have made many people successful."
"It's kind of important to listen to both sides of the coin so you can actually understand the whole picture rather than just listening to a narrow one-sided point of view or opinion which doesn't always equate to fact."
"This video is not another like 'let's jump on AMD and say they're a terrible company.'"
"Study this out in detail from several different sides before you come down hard on a side."
"I said no because I love Trump, I think he's great, but also it has to be able to really honestly critique Donald Trump when he does great things or when he does bad things."
"It's good to be aware, not to go down the rabbit hole with it, but it's good to be aware."
"I really enjoyed that you guys recognize that I'm just being like as genuine as I can. I'm not fanboying or anything. There are things I liked and there are things I didn't like."
"It definitely has its downside but it also has its positive sides."
"I read books written by people on both sides of the argument..."
"Remember, it's important to try and see the issue from all sides to have a more complete understanding of it."
"Being able to see both sides of any debate is the only real way to get the full picture."
"You're a fan when you acknowledge the great things about it and the bad things about it and are a fan anyway."
"One thing I will say just to give it balance is Kante does clearly have Paul. He's a [ __ ] top class manager who doesn't mess around."
"He gave such a balanced view, even if he didn't agree, he would show another angle."
"Thank you so much for being with us, bringing us some history, bringing us a good balanced approach."
"Even if you dislike a person, you always have to weigh that against their positive attributes."
"You have to look for the truth somewhere in between, just like when you watch CNN and Fox News."
"There are always pros and cons to everything."
"Recognizing that there are good parts of America is not mutually exclusive to criticizing the bad parts."
"The mesmerizing mess of Pokemon Unite is that there's nothing wrong with it."
"You should know both sides of it... because I think that the experience will round out the prescriptions that you give."
"Intelligence is when you listen to both sides and then you can make a decision for yourself."
"I'm gonna talk about the good things as well as the bad things."
"Treat success with the same skepticism as failure."
"We also have to keep a balanced view and realize not to fall into this alarmism and fear-mongering."
"Everything has pros and cons, weaknesses and strengths."
"You must use channeling as part of a balanced diet guides are wonderful and they give us a higher perspective but we're also on the ground going through it every day."
"I always give you two sides of the same story, so you can make the best decision for yourself."
"As long as there's actual balance, it makes sense to let it all out there, just whatever it is, let people try and make sense of it."
"The truth is somewhere in between but you have to rationally look at everything."
"Always remember, in every aspect, there is something good and something potentially negative."
"Context here matters. If we don’t look at both sides of this argument, and lay out the facts -- oftentimes, that allows stories to take on a life of their own."
"When you're smart you see both sides of the equation."
"Being neutral in my approach is essential. If you want to solve any issue, you can never be one-sided."
"They can see both sides and tend to be very, very balanced. They have a perspective which is unusual."
"I don't want it to just be 'ah they're the greatest thing ever they're so epic they're perfect I love them to death' that's it their songwriting is perfection all the time it's I don't want to do it in a gushing type of way."
"There's good and bad to be found in all of them and you'd be a fool to accept any single theologian wholeheartedly."
"We want to believe victims, we do, but we need to hold up to some level of evidence on one side and get both sides of the story."
"We need to make sure that we highlight the things that are going right and continue to pay attention to the things that are going wrong."
"Every coin has two sides and it is indispensable to study both sides for comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the subject."
"I try to take a middle ground approach and be pretty fact-based, information-based, and not get too opinionated about it."
"If you want real expectations, the truth, not overly pessimistic, not overly optimistic, but just the reality, this is the video for you."
"I'm trying to see every single side of a situation and have a more nuanced take."
"We always want to show you the positive, the negative, but we always try to keep it in a balanced light."