
Medical Response Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Medical teams will enter the scene as soon as the suspect is no longer a threat."
"To fight the medical war, we've mobilized the unbeatable strength of American determination, ingenuity, and compassion."
"There's an improved response associated with the BCG vaccine in some countries."
"As soon as you deliver that shock, immediately go into another round of high quality CPR."
"Most people are going to respond to this and do just fine."
"Health authorities in Denmark, Norway, and Iceland suspended the use of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine shots on Thursday following reports of the formation of blood clots."
"The body's like oh no we've got to fix this so what happens is it starts to develop these little tiny blood vessels that will just like branch off and we'll go around that blockage over to the other side."
"Smart, remain calm, ensure your own safety, stop the bleeding quickly, assess."
"What wanes is the antibody response, which is the direct neutralizing effect on the virus."
"Some individuals just respond well to low doses and don't necessarily need more."
"Some people need way more [dose], some people don't respond well to this little of stuff."
"Our big war is not a financial war it's a medical war."
"I saw the blood and then I saw the doctors. I'm like, oh [expletive]."
"21 critical care patients have been evacuated, not a single patient died."
"RosC, return of spontaneous circulation after CPR."
"In septic shock, sometimes it’s not just the bacteria itself that causes the problem, it’s how the body responds."
"The virus, the vaccines, the victims, and the victory."
"You for the others, they've all returned to St. Mary's Hospital in Salt Lake City."
"I got the ambulance rolling, trying to get them to come out here as soon as possible."
"The real tragedy unfolded at the nearby Truman Medical Center."
"We need a plan, and we need it now." - the medic emphasized the urgency.
"You were directed to pull the ambulance up on the east side of the incident and pull our stretcher out."
"You can really extend the response to ketamine and the antidepressant effects as well as."
"She probably will have a great anamnestic response to any kind of hepatitis B exposure."
"There's nothing more beautiful than hearing a baby cry after performing a few rounds of infant CPR."
"If you respond to immunotherapy, the response lasts a long time."
"Patients who have a smoking history are more likely to respond to this type of therapy."
"I can have a neurologist or a neurology resident at the bedside of a patient presenting with an acute stroke within minutes."
"You see a wide complex tachycardia, you jump out of your seat, you go see the patient, and you do what emergency physicians do."
"Status asthmaticus is a severe attack of asthma that is not responsive to traditional therapies."
"Whenever there is a hemostatic challenge, be it trauma or surgery, there is a response that the body immediately initiates."
"It's not like every single time when this vital sign occurs we're going to act like this."
"If the patient's condition is unstable or if there's any possible life threat, let's address the life threat and then let's just get off scene and proceed with rapid transport."
"Epinephrine can have an effect within one minute, so it is the primary way to save the life of someone with a severe allergic reaction."
"If a child has a history of wheezing which is responsive to albuterol, this is probably asthma."
"The credit goes to the training staff who revived Demar Hamlin, who has made a full recovery from that tragic incident."
"Sepsis is a medical emergency and we need to respond as such."
"The higher the enzyme activity in a person, the better the response to minoxidil."
"You should begin high-flow oxygen as quickly as possible."
"We can characterize focal lesions, we can monitor disease progression, we can assess therapeutic response."
"Most oligodendrogliomas respond to chemotherapy, sometimes very dramatically and sometimes for very prolonged periods."
"If you've got one p 19 q deletion, you have an almost 100% likelihood of responding to chemotherapy."
"The best initial method to control external bleeding is direct pressure."
"The correct answer is to give insulin, glucose, calcium, and bicarb stat as ordered."
"The chain of survival includes recognition and activation of the emergency response system, immediate high-quality CPR, rapid defibrillation, basic and advanced emergency services, advanced life support, and post-arrest care."
"Regardless of the cause of shock, we're all going to respond the same as far as compensating for it because shock is an impaired perfusion or oxygenation to the tissues."
"You don't automatically assume if it's an allergic reaction type question, don't automatically go for epinephrine every single time."
"Uncontrolled bleeding is the most common cause of hypoperfusion following a traumatic injury."
"The quality of life can be good if you respond to PD-1 therapy."
"If you have a complete response, 97% of these responses were maintained."
"Your Adrenaline's flowing, and you just want to do your best because here is someone's child then they need you."
"What we call Alzheimer's disease is really a response to these various insults."