
Training Importance Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"I think Chad realizes how important it is that he keeps training his dog because he's got to think of his little girl first best of luck."
"When adversity strikes, for some reason, people think they rise to the occasion. You don't rise to the occasion, you revert back to your training."
"Training is what will get you ahead. Education is what will get you ahead."
"No matter how well you are trained with a gun, you never know what can feel wrong. So safety is very important."
"For maximum results and visual aesthetics, your training and your nutrition must be on point."
"Early on, you should always, always have rookies in here training."
"So hard work and training is second so second without a doubt is training so you have to be able to push yourself you have to be able to put in work and again consistency."
"If you are terribly untrained and prone to panic... arming yourself with a handgun is probably a bad idea."
"Environmental socialization is key to getting dogs comfortable with new experiences."
"Athletes should be prioritizing recovery in the same way that they prioritize training. It's that important."
"I think emotional regulation and the psychology of training is actually exponentially more important exponentially more important than the skill part of training."
"If you never do it or you don't do it regularly in training, it could be a smoking crater in your future."
"This optic is not going to make you a better shooter. Training is what's going to make you better."
"As cool as these guns are, if you don't train on it, if you don't actually use it, it's not going to matter."
"Prioritize training... make sure that these guys get the training and leadership from you."
"Perhaps the most important thing to consider when adopting new less lethal devices is the training on how to use it properly."
"Try and enjoy the game, it's super important for training."
"Emergency is not fun to go through, but proper training, you always take your training very seriously. And when you expect the unexpected, you'll be prepared and ready to deal with it."
"Strength endurance is probably more important than max strength when it comes to general performance in life and sports."
"Proper training is crucial to deal with unlikely situations."
"If you go through a training camp and you give it your all, you should be able to beat anybody in your weight class."
"I know recall off leash was a big thing, right? I'd love for her to have some freedom. She's a working dog, she needs to absolutely exercise, and that makes a huge difference in her behavior in general."
"A numerically inferior force with good weapons, training, and coordination can utterly destroy an enemy."
"Training is gonna be extremely important in this series going forwards."
"That's confidence. So much of comes from training. All your confidence comes from training."
"Take recovery just as serious as your actual training, if not more serious."
"Your results matter at your training group, your success matters not mine, not anybody else's, yours."
"I usually would probably save this for the end but I'm gonna say it first because I think it's the most important: get some training."
"High-tech weapons alone cannot win wars; rigorous and realistic training, effective organization, and skillful leadership are equally essential."
"If you're not going to perform, if you're not going to listen, if you're not going to train the right way then I'm going to start fresh with these young lads."
"Sparring is incredibly important for any aspiring fighter."
"Don't neuter your dog simply because your dog is doing something that you don't like and you think that's gonna be a cure-all. Train your dog."
"In moments of challenge, we don't rise to the occasion, we fall to the level of our training."
"Training is key: Importance of reps, proficiency on a handgun."
"Luke's endurance training with Yoda was perhaps the most invaluable."
"As quick as this gun is, as easy as it is to shoot, if you don't have training, none of it's going to matter."
"You don't get credibility with your way of playing, if you play well, the way you play, and what you do in the trainings, example knowledge, that's how you get credibility."
"Have a little faith in yourself and your training. You're a proud Earthling!" - Master Roshi
"There is no substitute for training in terms of what you can learn actually training. There's simply zero substitute for it."
"Sometimes you need a little bit more strength and conditioning, but don't skip the most important trainings."
"That just goes to show how important the long run is."
"These are things you should be fixing in camp, but it's carrying all year. So to me, people may overlook it, but those are the things that make you a champion."
"Ultimate responsibility for fire safety duties lies with the responsible person, but they can be passed on to competent persons that have received enough training."
"But what's really important is that you don't wait to start this training with your puppy."
"The warm up and the warm down are essential parts of any training session, so please make sure that if you want to spend more time on the bike, that's not a negative to really allow the body to calm down."
"Kata has a very important place in training if you use it effectively."
"Technical quality is important to training, we've got to be good at training."
"Training teaches the most is how to inspect the equipment on a daily basis before each use."
"Without training and without writing down what you're doing, you are never really gonna massively improve."
"This is a very important step in the training process."
"Nutrition without a doubt is more important than training."
"Proper form is essential to your success."
"Elevate training to the same level of importance as eating and sleeping and train in an integrated manner."
"Give the dog structure, training, have expectations, and boundaries for the dog because that's going to give the dog the best chance at adapting."
"Safety is paramount; if you're injured, you're not going to be able to train at all."
"The only thing that can make muscles grow is the training, not what you eat."
"It is extremely important that our training is realistic."