
Cultural Continuity Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Long live the king and I think this segment's going to go on."
"Black history isn't just history. It's happening now and now and now. It's almost like it just keeps happening."
"The legacy of the Bronze Age civilizations echoes in the practices and traditions of the ancient Greeks."
"The story of Greek religion is one of continuity in evolution, reflecting the dynamic nature of human culture."
"Your destiny is to become elderly, so if you set up your society so that the elderly, the traditions aren't valued, then you're going to eventually end up in a situation where you're the tradition that's not valued."
"The iPhone 10 though is the best iPhone ever made."
"Despite all of this, people are still watching feature-length movies and movie theaters just like our great-grandparents were doing a hundred years ago."
"Kingship still survives today in rural areas of Zimbabwe, a direct continuation of the medieval cities that once ruled this land."
"It’s astounding that even with dynasties’-worth of growth and change and turmoil, the core of that culture held steady."
"Fans of the elder scrolls series are also hungry for the answer and some are even wishing to see the return of the dwemer feature in the elder scrolls vi."
"Humans have been making art from natural resources since the beginning of recorded history. From the ancient Egyptians to modern-day sculptors..."
"It's a language, it's a lingo, and it don't switch everywhere you stop."
"PA presented himself as a legitimate pharaoh who was continuing the traditions of the previous Egyptian rulers."
"It shows how the Qing dynasty can be traced all the way to the present."
"The world has been kind of without Korra I feel like all this time."
"The oldest runic symbols... come from the exact same place as of the first runic alphabet and writing system. Obviously."
"People have been owning dogs generation after generation in every single land and in every single region as far as we know."
"Morrowind retained the great house structure but was unified under the tribunal Temple, only the ashlanders rejected this new religion and chose to continue worshiping the good Daedra."
"We haven't seen a spirit like this in a long time."
"Winged eyeliner's been on point since the Ancient Egyptians!"
"A conservative doesn't believe that the people who have gone before them were lesser, but our culture now seems to think that those who went before us have nothing to teach us."
"My journey has taken me from tantalizing signs of life to intimate signs of ways of life so familiar that they can't fail to bring our ancestors alive in our minds."
"The next time you find yourself wondering how did we lose track of those people where did they go remind yourself, they didn't go anywhere we're still here."
"A people with continuity can never be colonized or enslaved."
"Floating in an endless void was better than allowing that ageless horror to consume me."
"The populous of the Byzantine Empire considered themselves to be Romans."
"Black history doesn't start with slavery, black history was interrupted by slavery."
"Latin wouldn't have survived so long if it hadn't been for the community."
"These things die out as generations kind of pass on and they need the young people to keep it going, that's who's gonna carry it on."
"The past is not gone. The past is very much alive."
"But, like with so many controversial popular vampires of recent years we have the teenagers of the 80's to thank for carrying their love for Lost Boys with them as they grew up."
"The evidence thus proves that ancient Egypt was simply an extension and the epitome of the preexisting Nubian or Black African culture."
"Can Europe be the same with different people in it?"
"These are foods that... every single generation before us was preparing."
"The continuity is true, like Indians sometimes like to say 'oh we have continuity' but I'm like yeah but it's like a little different."
"This tradition of making statues or 'colossi' in Greek wasn't just limited to ancient Greece, it continued into Roman times."
"but regardless I'm glad these ideas do still exist in some manner and they still contribute to the overall continuity of the Buffy furs"
"The sanctity, the importance of the site continues but in a very different reinvented form."
"Canoes have never disappeared from this island, neither in presence nor in spirit."
"The stone statues of Easter Island hadn't been built by some vanished ancient culture but by the people who lived there already."
"We are the only people who live in the same land, with the same name, speak the same language, and have the same faith as we had 3,000 years ago."
"Neo-Confucianism was one of the central threads of intellectual and cultural continuity between the Song, Yuan, and Ming periods."
"Athens did not decline at all from 5th century Athens in terms of culture."
"The Neo-Hittite states demonstrated cultural continuity by the use of the Luwian hieroglyphs for inscriptions and incorporating artistic styles reminiscent of their Hittite predecessors."
"Many of these hymns are still in use today."
"Australians today... are still affected by that same early experience; they're still part of the same culture."
"I really want them to have this language; I want it to go on and on."
"Grandmothers are the best holders of the continuity of the cultural diversity."