
Material Possessions Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I'm more concerned about what a man preaches than I am by what a man owns."
"If you have nothing, you can still be happy."
"It's nice to have nice things because for the most part, when you buy nice things, it's made well."
"Living with less things, I find that I like and enjoy the things I actually have 10 times more."
"You can't take it with you though, Anna. So you know, I mean we could all try but you can't."
"There's really no correlation between having stuff and learning things."
"It's just that was a thing why've you got terracotta or something you've made it in life."
"If someone can take it from you then you might as well not have it."
"Material things are cool, but they don't define happiness."
"There's a certain pride in owning something."
"That experience means more to me than any of these chains on right now."
"I'm rich and that ain't bad for a kid who couldn't hold a job. Budget brand rappers all that Gucci fake, I own a lot."
"A time where you can heal through your relationship not just with money but also with food and with material objects in general."
"It doesn't mean that you're not a good person if you don't have stuff."
"It is not these earthly things that make us wealthy, but they certainly make life more comfortable."
"Your life, your family life is more valuable; it will count because that material is still going to come and go."
"Focus on the values we live by and the Legacy We Leave Behind rather than the material possessions we accumulate."
"Don't define yourself by your house."
"For me, being able to drive this and being able to purchase that was a dream coming true."
"I didn't think about the material stuff that I had, but it was about the people who I care the most about."
"I'm stoked I got to drive both my cars."
"If y'all think about 8 months ago I was working at Walmart... now you're driving your own limited [__] for and not a 2012 like my Drag Truck it's a 2015 or 2016 so it's got like the big screen and everything it's freaking baller I love it."
"Materially, we are about equal, although we are ahead a pawn."
"...having less stuff leaves room for more experiences."
"I just realized that I wasn't happy like I had everything I could ever imagine and I'm like at the end of the day I'm not happy."
"One Milli for a pair of shoes, that's a hundred thousand dollars like crazier than that, right?"
"If you got your dream whip, pull it out."
"Durant boasts an impressive collection of luxury cars including a Jeep Wrangler, GMC Savannah, Lincoln Continental, Range Rover, and more."
"Live a life rich in experiences, not in material possessions."
"All jokes aside, I really have enjoyed my last few days of living with this X6 m60i."
"God said you asked for the state but you didn't ask for the estate."
"Somebody's about to move into a new apartment, somebody's about to get a house, somebody's about to get a car now with no money down, with no money at all."
"You may not be able to eat at the fanciest restaurant or drive the nicest car, but guess what? It does not matter."
"Don't let your salary, don't let your family, don't let what you drive trick you into believing it's not something special."
"I'm madly and passionately in love with this car."
"Just because you're 25 and she's 25 and she may have a little bit more money than you or she has a car and you don't have a car yet, that doesn't mean that she's more successful to you."
"You could have every material possession on planet earth, but if you're not healthy, it's going to be reflected in your mind, body, heart, and soul."
"There's no guarantee that I won't sell my records again. It could definitely happen. I go through and sell things all the time. I think it's important to not be so attached to them that you can't give them up."
"It ain't about what somebody got, it's just about dignity."
"If you preserve that memory in some other form, you won't need the thing itself."
"It's not about collecting anything, it's about collecting the stuff that brings you joy."
"It's a shame to have all this stuff and not have anyone to thank for it."
"You only live once, and you can't take it with you, which is, in my opinion, just as good a reason to go ahead and grab it while you can."
"Do not concern yourself about your possessions, do not concern yourself about the health of the body."
"Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a jet ski."
"One's life does not consist in the abundance of things that he possesses."
"These are not things that identify; I'm not identified with these things, these are just things that have come around me in this life."
"I'm trying my best to like get rid of things but I just get so attached to things."
"It's what you do that matters, it's not what you have."
"Jesus said a man's life does not consist in the abundance of things that he possesses."
"Students do not need to feel less than because they do not have stuff."
"If you have a yard of it and it just brings you joy to bring it out and look at it every so often, then pack away the guilt about it."