
Cryptocurrency Optimism Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"Bitcoin is getting ready to rip...I think we're going to see that Bitcoin dominance tick back over 50 in the next month."
"I firmly believe that in the next bull run Cardano will make tons of crypto millionaires."
"There's a lot of stuff going on, very hard to be bearish on Solana."
"Bitcoin is getting ready to break out in a big way...up to 70, 80, 90,000."
"The fact that El Salvador is exploring that... really bullish."
"I've never been more bullish on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in my entire life."
"I have never been more bullish on Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency space in my entire life."
"Never bet against cryptocurrency, never bet against young people either. Final Stand, the true channel of the people."
"I think Dogecoin will hit a dollar. I think it will."
"No one is going to regret buying Bitcoin at that price..."
"Cryptocurrency as a potential savior from the technocracy."
"Crypto is going to be the future, I know that this is inevitable."
"Is there any hope left for Cardano? Yes, it's slow moving but people love Charles, that's not going to stop ever. So yes, there's hope for Cardano."
"If you thought March was gonna be bearish and not bullish, got another story to tell because it is going to be an absolutely massive month for Bitcoin."
"Just keep your investments rolling, even Cardano because I see it going to $350, $400."
"Y'all ain't going to be poor if you keep believing in where cryptocurrency is going."
"This is truly the beginning, not a bubble that's gonna pop."
"Bitcoin will come through... staying strong."
"I'm more bullish on XRP now than I literally have ever been."
"Bitcoin will have the wind at its sails again."
"Bitcoin is going to the moon, and we're not even a fourth of the way there yet."
"Bitcoin is doing perfectly fine. It is healthy and it is going to continue forward and break new highs for the rest of this year."
"This is going to be the best thing that ever happened to crypto."
"It's always a good day in crypto. We're going to talk about that and put that into perspective."
"Bitcoin itself is in a no-lose situation today."
"Very, very bullish on bitcoin, but at these prices, I'm not squandering the cheapness that we have."
"Bitcoin to me is definitely here to stay and I see a really good future for bitcoin."
"It's always the right time to buy. I think that this is the decade of bitcoin."
"Bitcoin will go on to another bull run and even a bigger bull run than it might have gone on before."
"The future is very bright for all of these crypto companies... tomorrow will be a new positive day."
"To conclude, Bitcoin is doing absolutely fantastic. Fantastic indeed. We're holding very strong. Tomorrow when I stream, we're going to be at 75,000, okay? The sky is the limit and we may actually double in 18 days. Think about that."
"Long term, I'll be surprised if anyone here doesn't think that bitcoin 2025 is significantly higher in its price to where it is today." - Raoul
"I'm actually excited for Bitcoin now at this point, and I think it's optimistic for Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin will find its footing, climb back up, and form a new high shortly. I have no doubt about it whatsoever."
"Ave's exceptional and I think it has a very good chance of mooning once again back into the thousands."
"If this does not make you extremely bullish on Bitcoin, I honestly have no idea what in the world possibly could."
"Things are starting to look pretty incredible for bitcoin."
"On-chain metrics in general look very bullish. And you know, again like I said, if we look at the long-term perspective of bitcoin's price, that looks bullish as well."
"I'm just waiting for any good news to see this coin go back to 20 cents that's kind of my goal."
"So, if we look at Cardano, it just broke all-time high. It's over, GGs, we're going to the moon."
"It makes me bullish for other use cases for crypto."
"The future is extremely bright for Bitcoin and Ethereum, and we are early in this market."
"Bitcoin is coming back up... Things are looking pretty darn good."
"Crypto gaming go against the trend which is absolutely bullish for the future."
"So I am pretty bullish on the crypto space in general."
"Crypto is still doing very well; there's so much optimism in this space right now."
"The news is as it has been for the last couple of weeks that the cryptocurrency Market looks ripping roaring and ready to go to move up a lot higher."
"Enormously positive for the entire crypto space and especially for Bitcoin."
"I wouldn't worry about that. Crypto will be fine."
"There's more bullish stuff going on within the ethereum style ecosystems than there is with BTC."
"Bitcoin going up 20x is not a difficult thing... it's just like we're predicting next year there's going to be a summer, right? It's inevitability, brother."
"I love Floki, and even though things are down like I said the whole crypto Market is down right now I absolutely am bullish on Floki."
"I'm still so bullish on the altcoin market now."
"Cryptocurrencies I think are gonna yield more than any other industry or wing of the financial worlds over the next decade plain and simple."
"XRP is being played down like an underdog but it's going to rise like the phoenix and as it is to save the day soon."
"There's so much data that shows you that Bitcoin is not done with this rally and it's only getting scarcer."
"The writing is on the wall, bitcoin has a very bright future."
"Congratulations to all those holders. XRP is pretty bullish. We've got a technical score of 88.3 and the price is sitting at a dollar 19."
"Ultimately Bitcoin will continue to thrive, continue to move forward."
"Crypto has an incredibly bright future, do you not think that even in the DeFi space?"
"I just think I see a lot of upside with Cardano right now and uh we'll see."
"Things are about to explode for V chain. Very excited for Bitcoin and shout out to Sunny over there."
"Hyperbitcoinization is just gonna happen so fast."
"I believe Matic has more to run. Layer twos will still be important, and roll-ups are the future."
"Ethereum is going to do damn well in this bull market."
"Substratum is currently on the rise, potentially the savior to cryptocurrency."
"I've got no issues going long on a breakout because I do think that ethereum has the ability to run to 2736."
"So many people are very bullish on ethereum and where it's going."
"I think Bitcoin will start to be seen as a safe haven asset... there's a lot of factors working against Bitcoin but also a lot of factors working for Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is going to be driven up to the moon."
"Crypto markets are back in bull market and it's a great time to be alive."
"If Ethereum 2.0 takes off and all the dApps and everything continues forward on Ethereum and NFT marketplace evolves, DeFi evolves and it keeps going big..."
"By the time this is all over, there's going to be a positive thing for crypto."
"Shout out to everyone who's been part of that community and has continued to be optimistic in Dogecoin."
"He thinks that cryptocurrencies will dominate in 2022 and will outperform more traditional investments."
"Bitcoin will come through and all these fantastic projects that may be down right now, they will recover."
"Hopefully we get a lot more legs to this bull run and we make new bitcoin all-time highs by the end of the year."
"I truly believe XRP is going to get positive regulatory clarity."
"We have every reason to have long term bullishness on bitcoin."
"We're so early to crypto that these gains we are making right now are nothing compared to the gains we will all make in the future."
"I don't think anyone's going to look around right now and say that a 62 thousand dollar bitcoin is bearish."
"We will see something of a bullish MACD cross at least before the day's over. That would be a very healthy sign for Bitcoin rallying from here."
"Inhabitants of developing countries that suffer pain from things like inflation are very optimistic about bitcoin's future."
"For all intents and purposes, I think this is gonna be a very good year for crypto."
"If this market continues on and cryptocurrencies really carry us all into long-term prosperity, you know, you can't just let people sit back and tell you you just got lucky."
"The fact that miners are not selling right now is actually a massive bullish metric for bitcoin."
"The future of cryptocurrencies is extremely blindingly bright."
"Bitcoin is hope. Those millennials buying bitcoin are buying hope."
"The cryptocurrency market is looking very very bullish."
"Crypto is in one of the most bullish and opportunistic cycles it's been in probably in its history."
"Cardano, I feel, is probably going to become the biggest cryptocurrency in the world." - Charles Hoskinson
"Anytime anybody talking about bitcoin or cryptocurrency it's ultimately going to be a net positive."
"Bitcoin will prevail, crypto will prevail. This is not the end."
"Are we seeing what looks like a potential real sustainable bull rally that's looking to take us back to that nearly $14,000 region and potentially beyond?"
"Bitcoin is not going to go away and it's only gonna go up from here."
"Ethereum looking very bullish, it's on once it breaks out."
"Bitcoin is going to live and it's going to rally."
"Yeah, that's right. I still believe there's multiple orders of magnitude of upside potential to bitcoin so are you late uh no if you don't have a position you better get off zero."
"2022 is the year where Cardano is really going to shine."
"XRP holders are about to become filthy rich."
"Definitely a good time to be in crypto, definitely be a good time to stay positive."
"Crypto is the future it really is it's not gonna I really don't feel like that is going to change."
"Anybody that pays attention to crypto at all knows bitcoin is going to make it."
"Bitcoin super cycle... who knows where it goes."
"Cardano could go down to a penny and I would still believe in it because of the technology."
"I believe Chainlink will get to 100 plus, maybe 200 at the peak of this bull market. I think it's going to be one of the winners that come out of the speculation bubble."
"Kathy Woods has declared that the Bitcoin bear market is nearly over."
"This is not the top, this is not the end for bitcoin or crypto."
"Maybe just maybe that weaponized case turns out to be a slingshot for XRP clarity to lead this space."
"Bitcoin seems to be telling a story that we're going to be okay."
"But bitcoin seems to be telling a story that we're going to be okay."
"Stable coin regulation is going to boost the entirety of the cryptocurrency market."
"Despite the gloomy mood, Bitcoin's still on course to hit 100k."
"Bitcoin is love, bitcoin is hope, bitcoin is relentless optimism, and bitcoin is good vibrations." - Max
"Bitcoin is going up and it's going in the right direction."
"I'm really not that bothered when it comes to the day-to-day workings of Bitcoin. Ultimately, I believe Bitcoin's going to go up, it's going to go up dramatically, it's a very good investment."
"We're on our way to Bitcoin 100K plus and many of the alt coins in your portfolio... are about to 100x if not thousand X."
"The fundamentals of Bitcoin just keep getting better."
"Welcome back to Cryptos R Us! I think today is going to be a glorious day. The markets will rally because inflation is coming down."
"XRP is going to be a number one digital asset in the long run."
"I'm very bullish on Bitcoin. I'm not too bullish on anything else."
"I believe the future is incredibly bright for the cryptocurrency space."
"Cryptocurrency could have its day here because I don't think cryptocurrency is going anywhere."
"I think it's going to be a good first half of the year for cryptocurrency especially Bitcoin."
"We're massively bullish on bitcoin. We own a ton of bitcoins and it maybe could go to a million, that is 100x from here."
"Don't give up on bitcoin especially now we are definitely going to see greater days in the future."
"XRP as predicted by the 1988 Economist magazine will rise to save the day instant bailouts and liquidity to reboot the system."
"Long term people are very bullish on bitcoin."
"If this all plays out perfectly, I think we're going to have an incredibly strong bounce on altcoins."
"Bitcoin always goes higher, it just does."